Explain this logic to me:

Explain this logic to me:
Huma will be arrested for storing 650,000 emails with classified info on her laptop.

Hillary hands over 650,000 emails to random lawyers who destroy 33,000 of them.
How was it legal for Hillary to be giving by her own admission classified material to random strangers?

Too big to fail for Hillary.

she didn't know the C stood for classified

Do you guys not know that she gave ALL of her emails to a few random people? Those are the ones who destroyed the 33,000 emails. They were lawyers but still she just gave them national secrets.

*sigh* another dead person out my window.

The logic is that Hillary won't get away with it, except if the Democrats control the DoJ. Then they'll setup it under the carpet and blame Trump somehow

>The logic is that Hillary won't get away with it
But she did get away with it? She even told them that she did that in front of congress. She often talks about how she turned over all her emails to her lawyers.

Oh here ya go guys, have some classified information related to national security.... just leave it lying around your office, great thx bai.

Sacrificial lamb

Apparently the lawyers used magical analysis software to decide which ones were about yoga and weddings without even looking at the subject line.

aiding and Abedin

I dont get it.... how are generals and sailors arrested for taking pics with some classified thing in the background. But here is Hillary giving all our national secrets to random lawyers?

Not the republicans or the democrats called her out on it. The whole thing smells fishy to me. Who are these lawyers who were given all these national secrets? Why arent they in jail for seeing it all?

Far as I know its illegal as CNN said to even look at most of them but here are these lawyers and who knows how many interns and juniors at the firm going through it all.

Republicans most certainly did call her out on it.

no they did not call her out on handing over national secrets to random people... I seem to notice she wasnt arrested on the spot.

If snowden or any other person did that they would be dead literally... Just walking around handing out national secrets, how is the press not all over this?

Honestly most politicians probably do this stuff, just like I'm sure most business men dodge taxes.

Difference is she got caught, it is illegal and for the sake of preserving at least the appearance of a lawful country she should be locked up.

You're right, I was surprised Comey never got questioned on this

It was a bunch of lawyers, do you not think they found the perfect set up of loopholes to make it just out of the reach of prosecution?

I dunno but it all seems odd to me, these werent lawyers from say the Pentagon, or government lawyers. These were just random lawyers she gave our national secrets too and not one person on TV or in all those hearings ever called her out for it.

well you see mr. spock hillary's willing to use her blackmail files to save herself but not huma

So many questions.

She is insane.

im not getting into all that conspiracy ish... what she did giving national secrets to random people is public record and well documented.

Oh god sauce me this article. Please let it be reputable and true.

Thats some fuhrerbunker tier shit.

Shouldnt we be tweeting Trump and his campaign staff what everyone else missed but everyone knows?

That Hillary gave classified information with our national secrets as she testified to a bunch of random lawyers. If people realize this she will be locked up overnight.

There are people who sincerely believe HRC is just a sweet old lady fighting a battle for women's rights