Is Debian the most redpilled Linux distribution?

Is Debian the most redpilled Linux distribution?
>discussions are regarded as "uncultured" by Fedora fags

I am seriously about to get a Linnux distribution though.

Other urls found in this thread:

gentoo is probably redpilled

the open source community consists of mostly lefty cucks

This is very true

I'm trying to make a bootable USB using unetbootin. I installed it on my Mac and want to install debian on my fossil Dell. I've made one on Windows and had no problem. I'm not all that tech savvy but I'll figure it out.


Isnt the Mint dev an anti Semite?

oh god that is horrible

debain was taken over by SJW pesudo-developers

>Patty Langasek
one of them is literally megan from family guy






Custer's Revenge eh?

absolutely obscene!

oh wow, it is halloween after all

debian just suck

its also a base for ubuntu (a nigger word btw)

its probably Red Flag linux (a chinese distro)

ma nigga

>Custer's Revenge (also known as Westward Ho and The White Man Came)

and this is why it is good

fuck your hitler, ahmed

Didn't the founder go crazy and die recently?

His bitch Deb is part of the name. Not a bad distro.

That timeline of incidents is golden
>creates zipper data structure
>makes a joke about opening his zipper
>borderline feminist shouts at him and runs away pouting
>obligatory apoligies
>15 years later say it is one of the best days of the conference ever

>centralized package management

You need to rise that shit up son

the anti-harrasment team even went after science-nigger, where is the intersectionalism in that?

>unironically using Linux for anything but work

Just kys

>he uses botnet10
nix is good, debian is just ass

what do you use tsungere?

i'm jelly

Why do all the marxist hipsters have macbooks?


All Linux distro are made by black hats @ NSA.
Good luck Linux tards.

my institutions paid for mine desu
I screenshotted this

its useful, it has good usability actually, and normies belive its a 'pussi magnet'

redpill me on systemd
why does g hate it so much


Linux Mint is the real red pill.

Also try Tails for your Tor needs.

Ive always preferred red hat distros like fedora

very political thread.
However when it comes to linux distributions, we use redhat & centos because why not, and the only thing that's super annyoing is that you have to type "cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" every time you wanna fuck with the NIC settings. annoying as fuck. Seriously I have a macro for that. Oh yes and yum sucks balls.
Other discussions about what distribution might be more "hipster" than any other is... lame nerd talk.

I like Mint, use it on my desktop. Very easy entry point. Only downside is you need to install every new version.

Laptop has Arch. Takes more setting up but you get rolling updates.


distro change time, going arch then. Guess we're gonna get a bunch of dem this code be laysis cause I don't understand lambda expression tiers shit....

RIP debian, Murdoch


companies that does this, just deserve a boycott. I in the long run now, you can no longer trust them

>linux bread
>no slackware in sight
fuckin newfags

Debian is okay though you can run it on Android & Miracast 2 TV.

i have no fucking words for that debian page, wtf are these retards supposed to do?

Interfere in the mailing lists?
the code comments?
the todos?

this commie shit to prevent people actually doing some work... leeches

shoot me.
>No wonder Ian gassed him self

All linux distros and ever the kernel itself have been tainted by SJWs and trannies.

Your only safe option now is to use TempleOS.

Ian prolly shot him self cuz he fucking wrote nigger on twitter drunk.......

Prolly due too these annoying cunts.. fuck me, it's arch time. Setting up a new firewall here right nw actually, I think it's debian rauss and arch herein!

always fucking need to download and compile tools and shit anyways due to slow rolls

policits in your OS, it starts like this
and ends up in keyboard loggers and network sniffers for detecting bad words, fart detectors on your mic etc.


>On privilege and what we can do about it
>Standing out in the crowd
>Men who explain things
>The Male Programmer Privilege Checklist
Why do women ruin everything?

you let them in and everything is destroyed.
Give one an inch of authority or to many, well then your company is dead within months

Experienced it, sick. Fucking canadians.....

>companies that does this, just deserve a boycott
Mozilla does this, and their browser is the only one that is even remotely acceptable in its functionality. We'll just have to accept that this SJWness or whatever you wanna call it is going to perpetually fuck us in the ass until everything falls apart.

Bah them too then byebye mozilla/icefox

You got Opera though, I try use it, but I'm not sure about the safety compared to what it was. They are not using their own rendering software anymore, I do not remember the details.

But FUCK YES this is starting to become really annoying. I wouldn't exactly take a job in Silicon Valley these days... here too, you can end up in all feminized places where you don't get to do your work in peace, always some fucking useless drama that belongs on a fucking soap opera not a work place.... AND THEY NEVER WORK

Opera uses webkit, which is garbage.

One single small development team has the keys to the entire Linux ecosystem. Goes against the unix philosophy of doing one thing well. Developer works for redhat, government involvement. Tool for nsa to compromise linux. Pic related

> you can end up in all feminized places where you don't get to do your work in peace, always some fucking useless drama that belongs on a fucking soap opera not a work place.... AND THEY NEVER WORK

damn, just like here
also they get like 80-100-150% of your pay

He looks finnish

I post again. Nobody here has tried Slackware?

No, the Temple OS is.




webkit it was the whole shit about it
Kek wave your tits and ass and demand a raise at least 6 times a year lol. Not doing anything, but got to nag a bout that raise.

my 5c says he's a swede.
finished nonetheless :v)

ubuntu ftw

>I am seriously about to get a Linnux distribution though.
Ubuntu with Gnome. Ubuntu is Debian testing with more driver support and it installs much faster. Never had a problem with Ubuntu, but I have had one while installing debian, needing drivers, trying to change to testing, install takes way fucking longer for no reason.

Is gnome any good yet? I never really liked gnome3 so I made the switch to cinnamon then.

The main figures are alt-left, real liberals, not 'liberals' who want to suppress free speech. FSF got flack for firing a tranny a few months back. Tried to bitch about it on a blog and the mailing list but got shut down by Stallman.

Personally I like it more than cinnamon. If you have a good computer to run it on try it. I always tried it on shitty computers and hated it. I have had some bugs with it and fullscreen gaming in the past, but I just dual boot Windows now, not worth the hassle of trying to clusterfuck the drivers together for Linux gaming.

I really like the overview thing where you can see all the windows at once, it's like alt tabbing but better. It takes more resources but it's pretty sexy.

Yea I hate how you need to make your system multiarch to run steam but I never had too many issues with it.

I have a Windows 10 partition but I think I booted into it maybe 4 times in the past year



>I have a Windows 10 partition but I think I booted into it maybe 4 times in the past year
Yeah I don't game that much anyway, but it's good to have if you want to play something with friends or just by yourself. You can usually make it work on Linux but it's just a pain in the ass.

And yeah the multiarch thing is annoying, I've just spent so many hours installing different drivers, OSS/proprietary ones, my packages getting fucked up from it, my resolution/graphics/WM getting fucked up, deleting files googling, not having the right versions of stuff and it happens every fucking time without fail that I want to game on any linux machine.

Why are there cucks left in Russia? I though Putin sent you all to the gulags.

microsoft and apple are so much better.




the cancer is setting in. How can you get any work done with busy-bodies who will scrutinise your every interaction, every contribution to see if it meets THEIR standards of social acceptability. Even if no one is offended, no one complained, you can be effectively put on trial because you said the meany words.

I point to shit like this when people go on about 'women in tech'. Women in STEM subjects are fine, they have been fine, and will always be. The 'women in tech' meme is a disguise for no-skill, no-talent human wastes of space to get a job in something they are supremely unqualified for. SJWs who have nothing to contribute other than their world view obviously think there is a barrier to STEM jobs, because they lack the skills to acquire those roles. Instead they make up roles for themselves while having the most tenuous of links to technology ( I love my iphone and completed lesson one at code academy. I am a total geek XD )