Does Hillary still have a chance?

Does Hillary still have a chance?

she never did

Do not disbelieve.

Moloch will deliver Hillary to the people of America and eventually the rest of Earth, her fall softened by His Golden Wings.

A chance to win by a landslide? Less likely, but it'll still be a handsome victory

Don't kid yourselves, Hillary is still the favorite.

But Don has a fighting chance

>Moloch will deliver

Moloch never delivers, you deliver to Moloch

Moloch delivering back is not something Moloch does

basically they fucked up with Moloch and it order to get the power of Moloch back they have to do some crazy shit like release a video of skinning a human alive or something else horrible and violent, it would help if the video included some Moloch imagery

MOLOCH rewards unending pain and sacrifice with powers that make KEK pale in comparison.

The religion of Moloch is in essence the cringing submission of your enemies as slaves, who dare not, even in their heart, allow the thought that his master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshipped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.

S H A D I L A Y!!!

Yes, divert your energy, let MOLOCH drink deeply of the meme magick you are offering him. He consumes all.

trump never had a chance

oh shit

She can be President of her cellblock. She'll be in charge of all the Top Ramen, chocolate bars and shanks.

>Voted most unfavorable candidate in the entire run

Nope, Donald has to get every state that hasn't been clinched by Hillary, who only a few electoral votes shy of taking it
His chances are slim to none

If you have to say this I think you answered your own question

I hope so. I used to be a trump supporter but we really cant let him get his hands on the nuclear codes


>Polls that are over sampling democrats even have Trump ahead of her.
Her real support is closer to 20% not 45%
Trump will very handedly win the popular vote.
He very well might get jewed out of the electoral college though.


Nice trips-take this

This naive attitude can cost Trump the election
You burgers never learned anything from bremain side. Shameful.

Trampists are delusional, of course she'll win.


this is just kek testing us, do not worry

praise the might kek