What's wrong with this guy? Why does he have to criticize climate change...

What's wrong with this guy? Why does he have to criticize climate change? I do support him otherwise but to criticize climate change you have to be corrupt, or retarded.
>i-it's ch-chinese conspiracy
then why is China investing so much in green energy sources instead of coal ones?

It's because they are already experiencing it.

Other urls found in this thread:


The coal and other shit we burn will go into our seas and acidify it thus coral reefs will disappear entirely pulling ocean life hundreds of millions of years of evolution backwards.

The thing I don't get about climate change, is that it's not inconceivable that humans could be affecting our environment. But mostly it's how we've already proven that cows increase CO2 levels more than cars or anything else, and absolutely NO ONE is talking about reducing our beef supply.

It's either not really that big of an issue, or people seriously are choosing beef over being able to live on earth.


Few years ago it was global warming and cows release ch4 which increases greenhouse effect 4 times more than co2

Because the billions that the US and EU nations that signed up to this get funneled directly to Chinese firms via green subsidies - nearly the entireity of African climate mitigation money goes back to China.

Also China is not suffering warming - it is suffering a AIR POLLUTION and WATER SHORTAGE issue, due to local policy choices, utterly removed from the global weather system.

China would benefit from a hotter earth because there is greater precipitation.

Yeah that's true but rebublicans are retarded for denying climate change completely. Ofc pumping billions of tons of CO2 etc are effecting something. It's a physical fact. And yes, climate changes naturally but not as nearly as fast as now.

I don't give a fuck what chinks think.

Fuck China. Fuck global warming. Call it what you started out calling it you dishonest sacks of shit.

vegans are fuckiing faggots like you

> choosing beef


>as china dumps smoke into the air at a thickness you can't see through

I can almost hear the Jews burning alive now that their lies are coming undone.

Oh I'm not reducing muh beef intake son, I was just making a point.



Even if global warming is natural, it might not be optimal for human civilization. Thus we terraform Earth to prevent it. This would create so many jobs, I'm surprised Republicans don't shill it.

Fuck China is anyone actually pretending like the Chinese would ever do anything to curtail their fossil fuel use?

Oh God a forest fire in California!

We're all going to die! Climate change!!!!Ahhhhhhhh!!!!

>I do support him otherwise but to criticize climate change you have to be corrupt,

Climate change is only pushed by corrupt cocksuckers looking to funnel government funds to their pals.

China needs less precipitation you dolt what you think it is a giant desert it already has flooding problems from the Yangtze and Yellow rivers

It's almost like Trump was right all along and China was using climate change to damage the economies of foreign nations and drive more manufacturing jobs to China itself.

Meanwhile some illegal spic starts the forest fire with a cig but or driving a car on the rim because spics do what spics do.
>gotta blame the bible and christians senpai

Problem with carbon tax and assorted controls is China doesn't have to pay them. Awful Shady all these countries telling their companies that they can go produce shit in China for cheap and export it back

>I do support him otherwise

Why? Are you the CEO of a large oil company?

>muh bible

God, this is fucking hilarious
This is the Chinese's cry for help "Pls don't ruin our businesses"

God, that global warming crap is a huge scam
The Chinese really are the biggest Jews sometimes
They get billions of free money from the West and it magically disappears

He's not a republican. He only runs as one and those who completely deny human contribution to global warming are just idiots. Every party has them. Climate change isn't the most burning problem human kind has at the moment despite it being the one that can ultimately wipe out the whole species. I'm not saying we shouldn't pay very serious attention to it, but the effects caused by humans aren't as grave and imminent as the vast public has been told in the past 10 years.

>Yeah that's true but rebublicans are retarded for denying climate change completely.
I would argue that it's equally retarded for the Democrats just accept it blatantly without proof beyond "Scientific Consensus". A consensus that was manufactured from tainted data and misrepresentation.

I will always side with cautious skepticism when the methodology of any given study isn't repeatable.

China knows they will break the rules anyways. This is literally the only reason they're saying this.

China breaks the rules anyways. This is literally the only reason they're saying this.

China does not play by the rules. Literally the only reason they are saying this.

Doesn't matter what happens - we will have to fix it. The idea that we can exist on Mars or other inhabitable planet/moon while all of this "free" land on Earth that is simply too inconvenient to adapt to is just retarded.

People tend to not vote for initiatives that radically change their lifestyle if the current problem is hard to notice. You don't have people voting for things that help their descendants down the line. People will only act when the crisis cannot be ignored.

Because its wasteful spending just to pander to environmentalists.

How come all climate change deniers are American?

We have done more damage to the Earth's balance in the last 100 years than ALL THE YEARS BEFORE THAT PUT TOGETHER.

>China criticizes anyone in climate change.

>but the effects caused by humans aren't as grave and imminent

eh but that is ultimately the problem with that since in general most people only care about the immediate things they can see and fathom. And since climate change happens slowly it is just something will keep be put on the back burner every time since one cant really see its changes and affects first hand.

So it will just be problem that can and probably will eventually snowball into something so great since only the here, now and what one can see matters to most.

How come all finns are autistic?

Because its in our genes, your turn

This, many climate models predict that China will have more arable land. They got a """climate deal""" with no enforcement mechanic. They don't want to renegotiate with the EU cucks.


When will your country fucking die

You've got that backwards.

Climate change is a cult.

Ice caps were ALWAYS going to melt.

Because theres fluoride in our water making us retarded

Because China doesn't follow it and we do hence we are suckers while their products get made cheapest ours do not. China's fucking fault. Period. Fuck them.

God I fucking hate how dumb you cunts are


although they're adding more ice these days anyways

Hopefully after we take the rest of the world with us

Because (((CLIMATE CHANGE))) is a byword for MORE GOV interference, pork-barrels — they don't give a FUCK about pacts, they give a fuck about tying a laundry list of racketeering to the "name" of climate change.


We need each bill to be torn apart like a finnish girls ass by ten black dudes in a jew porn

> whatever


Fucking Finland,

Why do I have to red pill you on some of the most elementary of topics?

Start here:

>Climate Hustle Trailer

I didn't know Greece could afford the internet lol

> we are reason

why the fuck are you euro cucks so emotionally invested in muh climate change meme? it's inconsequential, there's nothing we can do about it and China is only going to cheat on anything they sign onto so they get a competitive advantage

I'm on the border with Albania stealing their wifi

Do not drink water.

jesus fucking christ. You do realise that 70% of the country is in permenant drought conditions because industry and agriculture have drained the water table dry.


>but not nearly as fast as now

and nestle

in fact, with nestle it was almost a militant operation to attack US water tables..

not believing in climate change is one of the few things which guarantees a person to be a retard

there is overwhelming evidence for it

> Stealing from Albania
Mia sou kai mia mou, right Kosta?

first of all, cows produce methane not co2
also, cowgate is debunked

Fucking LEAF


Focus on the ice's age (the white stuff) as that's the thick ice.


The whole point is that we're far, far ahead of others in this area, thus deregulating SOME will reduce the stranglehold that we have on our businesses GREATLY


you fucking faggot

> believing

fucking faggot





you don't even deserve vowels you fggt

>what is leverage?
>you retard ctr nerd virgin

whoa there souvlaki, you just told him didn't you

OMG you're both fucking colonies, at least he's a fucking maple colony, you're a fucking penal colony.

Airs and fucking graces much?


Carbon Taxation is a scam perpetrated on the general public by the wealthy.

A man who owns six mansions and a yacht and a private jet wants to implement a 'carbon trading' system in which you are forced to pay taxes on your electricity and gasoline and he somehow gets 'credits' to escape those taxes.

It's the new religion. A way for the wealthy and powerful to extract a tithe from you.

More CO2 = more plants = more CO2 absorption.

yeah we're fucking hard cunts, unlike you cunt, fuckin greek yogurt is shit

Speak English.

le this



Fuck off cheap-China

I can't wait to hear what kind of gasses they use on you



I don't want to live in a world without steak

when we talk about if an bogan cunt aussie is good stock or not, it's redundant, you're all veggie fucking stock, you retarded fucking sand-neck bogan vegimite af abocunts

Degenerate stock, mixing with non-humans

go back to sucking syphilis off of abo-cock around the back of a servo

I'll take systems for 200, niggerfagget

the sun gives off so much of the stuff needed for photosynthesis it is insane

are you seriously suggesting more co2 would somehow bottleneck plant growth, because there isn't enough of the other ingredients? try and stare into the sun and not go blind

I am sure we can create the perfect marinade to make SJWs taste like beef.

They sit around all day, will just have to slice off all that oily skin and fat to find the scant flaps of tender unused muscle

HOLY FUCK what if veganism is some black pill fucking troll by some next level based faggots to rear a bunch of grass-fed fucking SJW cunts?



The Russia angle didn't work yesterday, so now it's the China/ClimateChange one. You guys at CTR have got to come up with better shit if you want to save that bitch's campaign.



I wonder if they use an amazon turk like system and Sup Forums / glaciers it cresting the magic $0.01 a post margin that keeps them in diapers and doritos

>Degenerate stock, mixing with non-humans

Says the Greek.

I just think it was gracious of UK to teach you animals English

Lol shit the fuck up you irrelevant goat fucker

Don't you have some spiders ass to diddle?

Get fucked, 'm8, shrimp on the bahbie' faggot

its because they dont have a ton of coal and wont buy americas any more.

they do have oil. they found it recently after our oil companies surveyed the area and said they didnt. they have more than the saudis ever had

Plants utilise CO2 for their own individual growth, CO2 doesn't make more plants magically you dumb cunts

>then why is China investing so much in green energy sources instead of coal ones?
They're not, they're investing in western government contracts to build the electronic components and turbines in China.

the problem with climate change solutions is that we give exceptions to the people who are actually fucking the world up, ie china and india

if a canadian coal plant releases say 1 tonne of greenhouse gas, the chinese one releases 10

The climate change pact says that China can do what the fuck they like while Western nations have to hamstring their manufacturing productivity.

So Chang can fuck off.

I'm not CTR, just wondering what makes Trump more reliable than scientific proof. Sure if the US wants those polluted cities like in the China for the sake of the economy then feel free to do so..

and rabbits don't make more foxes

holy shit sorry did I just trigger you fagget?

Rather diddle a spider than anything from your nigger ridden country lol

At least we wiped out 90% of ours faggot and the rest are too pathetic to function

I can honestly believe you had a hand in your country's downfall

imply you nonhumans aren't niggers

bogan is just PC for nigger

my hand was elbow deep in your mom's ass

I feel that was too obvious, but I hope the lack of effort conveys my contempt for you

>he fell for the "humans are responsible for climate change!" meme

I bet you voted for Bernie Sanders too.

Trump is pandering to his dumbass base.

China is a ponzi scheme and they are creating another bubble.

Global warming is real and probably manmade.

>allowed to criticize anyone about pollution

Trump denies global warming.

His running mate, Mike Pence not only denies global warming, but he also denies evolution.

Why are Republicans so fucking dumb? Oh wait, it's not that they are dumb, they are bought and paid for by petro-lobbyist, and supported by petro-front """"think tanks"""" like the Heartland Institute, Cato Institute and the Koch Brothers.

Bunch of Contrarian ass fuckers.

it's not a Chinese conspiracy but it's certainly a bunch of crap that has cost the world billions

Per capita though citizens in Western countries cause much more damage through consumption. I agree though, it's a huge problem. China won't restrict their manufacturing, but Western countries especially the US aren't doing enough either. Climate change will likely result in the end of the human species.