What the fuck are we going to talk about in 2 weeks?

>the election is almost over

What will there even be to really about?

What did we talk about before election season?

With the aussies come back in full force?

I'm scared

Other urls found in this thread:



i guess

How Lambright would have been a better choice.

Don't call it a grave, this is the future you choose, the future could have been Bright! Lambright!

But that's like one that a day


Why would I vote for a Numale?

if Shillary wins, it will be nonstop WW3 happening threads.
if Trump wins it will be nonstop memes

Me too user. Ride the wave while it's cresting.

>Trump wins
Salt mine, gloating bigly

>Trump "loses"
Get ready for voter fraud investigations, Hillary indictment and potential impeechment, street revolts, hopefully white chimpout

4 years of meme presidency plus the right-wing gaining momentum all over the globe, it will be glorious banter.

The election is only the beginning. The U.S. needs to be cleansed of the globalist elite.


shootings, conspiracies, new laws and regulations being passed, wars, sjw shenanigans, the hillary/trump presidency. there's enough to talk about.

Fear not, the race war is escalating.

We can only hope


You are gigantic fucking retard user, big league.

Your stupid, vapid mind has nothing else to think of. Idiot, are your thoughts only made up by random user posters.

Stupid shit, hopefully we will have a suicide general for the mouth breathers like you.

Shouldn't that frighten you, white people are far outnumbered over the aren't they?

>tfw live in apartment complex entirely composed of minorities

Are you the same guy who just through a hissy fit at the British guy in the marriage thread? Shouldn't you be on reddit?

The riots that will take place when trump inevitably wins.

You ain't seen nothing yet

Fucking this what the fuck

I've seen so many people making a joke out of "bigly" and I don't know if people are meming or genuinely bigly retarded

The civil war that will immediately follow the election, regardless of the victor.


I think Reddit would be a better place for you considering you retards are so limited in thoughts to the point where you get scared that you run out of things to talk about after the election.
As if the world still isn't in chaos.

What is it lunch break in high school now, newfags.

Sup Forums will take over Sup Forums and become a board filled with porn and weird fetish requests


So you are the same guy? Why are you so upset today?

Other countries' elections, the rise of nationalist parties in Europe.

india superpower threads?

What will happen to all the shills after the election? That's what I want to know

europe going to hell

We're gonna meme an entire province into leaving Canada. They are already posting about it in Canada threads

I'm not even from BC I just think this would be cool to see and it would be amazing revenge on Ottawa for stopping Quebec from leaving

this seems interesting. is putin involved?

CTR is a part of Hillary's campaign, so they'll disappear. Add "drumpf" as a filter, this filters out 90+% of shill threads (not that there are too many today)

Yeah, he's eating his tendies and waiting for the bell to ring now



The whole western world is still a giant public school administrated by Jews. Just because we will have elected a new principal, doesn't mean the fight is necessarily over.

Don't you mean POOTIN?

We shill for this guy



Thank fucking God. Oh my sweet lord I can't fucking wait for the alt-right faggots to leave this board out of spite after Trump loses. (inb4 hurrr durr CTR I never said I didn't want Trump to win, I'm being realistic).
Perhaps we'll see a decrease in cuck porn, MGTOW-tier bullshit, american-grade idiocy and "hail Odin" shit posted by 1m70 faggots who can't even lift their own eyelids high enough to realize they're cunts let alone 2pl8s at the rack.

If only americans could see how boring Sup Forums has gotten from a non-american point of view these last few months. Who is Lambright? Mike Pence? Who the fuck cares? Why are we forced to chose between Trump shill threads and CTR shill threads? Why is barely anyone discussing Korea happenings? Why zero discussions about CETA?

God I hate you fucking cucks, think you're "woke" because you buy into divide & conquer tactics. You're metaphorical canon-fodder and I can't wait for WW3 to start so you become literal canon-fodder.

trump victory is only the beginning. much to discuss. repeating numbers confirm.

We will watch the anti-Trump protesters get handled like it is 1969 and we are at people's park baby.

hoopefully a bunch of people will leave this place asap

the insane happenings going on in south korea

we're just gonna make memes

Four years of the establishment trying to undermine Trump in every way.

Checked. Praise keke

>American site
>American board
>American election
Go make your own chan you stupid fucking nigger

You'd better start your Make America Great Again projects if you haven't already been making your moves for the last 16+ months. Fuck user wake up!

Double confirmed

I'm down leafbro, lets kill ((ottawa))


Hopefully WW3

Bigly is an actual word in the dictionary that most people had forgotten about

I know trump says big league but I still like using the word bigly in its proper context

The party is JUST getting started, user.
Mark my words.

The cleansing of Isis from syria, iraq, libya, and anywhere else when we finally cooperate with Russia, the mass liberal suicides after the god emperor is elected, the chimp outs, etc. Happenings are only going to get better


Happening threads 24/7 until Hillary nukes Russia

Muh JOOOS lol u crack me up. Just like the libs with Russians. Never change, stormfront.

It was fun at first but all the genuine shill threads and the ironic Drumpf btfo xD posts are getting really annoying
I'm glad when this board reverts back into its normal state.

Sup Forums will never be as good as in the beginning though

Praise kek

And we will be there to rek their asses if they do. First to go, the msm as it exists today. Lobby Dr. Carson to ban direct to consumer pharmaceutical advertising. The media will be hamstrung without them pharma bucks. Then we can start having some real conversations health care. And the list goes on.

the jews

space elevator

Every few days for several months we're going to have some leftist land whale rolling off a building or setting themselves on fire. Maybe the notion could be put out there that self-immolation doesn't hurt that much because that Buddhist monk in Vietnam back in the 60s who did it as a protest didn't scream and flail around as he burned.


You think its over in two weeks?
The gems uncovered during this election provides fuel for so many others.

Scouring social media sites for liberal millenial tears for the next 8 years laughing at their anguish.

Praise KEK!

kebabagedon 2 electric boogaloo and syria should be plenty since the two also include eurpoe and the brexit negotiations. you know merkel wants the uk to be forced to take a billion kebabs so the brits can have access to the single market

What are we going to talk about?
Im not sure what you mean.
After the election we start engineering trumps 2020 campaign victory.
This battle might end, but the war will not end with it.

Criticising Trump's every move.

Maybe real news.

I loathe this time of year almost all of threads about the election are utter shit.

If Trump pulls it off we'll probably have enough drama and salt to laugh at for a year.
If he doesn't then after a week or two of dealing with "trolls" it's back to regular shitposting I guess.

>hating cucks
>being french
pick one

ROFL, underrated reply

im hoping these alt right faggots will fuck off after


thar man is having a good laf

>Tfw trump has finished doubles terms and memes off into the sunset as MAGA has been irreversibly set into motion.

What will you do lads?

Pops told me that there would be a man who takes back our country and would be the strong example of goodness like the presidents of old. Too bad pops didn't get to see it happen, he would have loved it.

If Trump wins we'll need a /Trmp/ board

There won't be anything to talk about by 2030 because Clinton will have lead the way to an unnecessary USA vs Russia war.

>implying it will be over on nov 9th

user, it's only just begun

The niggers gone be mad as fuck that's for sure. Hopefully they'll produce a few legendary chimpouts

This board will be an uproar of celebration for 1-2 weeks minimum.

Then there will be daily American boast threads, /LHUG/ (lock her up general), and others

Just wait Sup Forums is going to be greater than ever before

I just want both, I want the orgasm and the never ending build up. Don't make me choose

This is the problem with you fucking krauts, why must you hate fun so much ?

Yeah let's do it

We need to get more people from BC in on this though (however many already are and obviously they started the bc secession meme) because ultimately only they could start the party needed and cast the leave votes

If they were to become independent I'd probably move there though

When blacks chimp out, cities burn. When whites do it, nations are forged from the fires.

we'll be back to talking about arsenal always trying to walk it in

The left will never stop attacking Trump, we will have to stay vigilant and crush them.

We used to have non-stop feminism hate threads

Europeos needs our help, leave no place for them to hide

The policies Trump enacts and makes the world cry over, while seeing American welfare shoot through the roof.

Sounds gay

The Jewish plot

how are the demographics in BC? did they import enough chinks to rig any election?

P.S. check em

Kek has spoken