How does one convert from Libertarianism to Fascism ?

How does one convert from Libertarianism to Fascism ?

When you realize most people don't want to be free. When you realize most people want order and structure. When you realize a libertarian society is literally impossible unless everyone had at least a 115 iq.

When you find out that people are naturally authoritarian, which is why authoritarian ideologies will always exist and be successful. if you give up the right the authoritarians of the left will fill the hole.

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Fascism is fundamentally an ideology of liberation. It leaves you free to do whatever you want to those not in your "ingroup"

This what did it for me. And reading Starship Troopers.

Donald is not fascist althought

Both pretty good answers. I would've said by growing a brain.

Freedom ain't free.

Also why does everyone on social media associate Trump with Hitler? Are there any quotes that link him with any form of fascism. If anything he's the most honest leader America has ever had.

Dahnald is not a Fascist. He's at most a paleoconservative, not that hard to make a jump from Libertarianism. The latest writings of Charles Murray and Thomas Sowell are setting the stage for it.

For me it was realizing that social liberalism does nothing but fracture a nation more and more. Once individuals no longer see themselves as Americans, they see themselves as something-Americans and begin fighting with other groups for power. Marxism thrives here because it says all of us are completely equal and that those groups should join up to fight against the ruling group (White males in the US). The useful idiots do whatever they tell them while the actual (((rich))) and (((powerful))) prop up themselves.

He's America first like hitter was German first. Trump talks about rebuilding infrastructure like hitler did. He also wants to build up the military again with the best equipment, just like hitler did.

>Dahnald is not a Fascist. He's at most a paleoconservative, not that hard to make a jump from Libertarianism.


when you realise humans are animals without order

>Building a country is fascism.

>How does one convert from Libertarianism to Fascism ?

Pic related.

You embrace the fact that libertarianism is inherently unstable as it allows itself to be subverted through it's own ideological framework. A libertarian is incapable of stopping someone from advocating against libertarianism without comprising on their ideology and this makes for a weak systems that is unsustainable in the long term. Basically prioritize stability over freedom and it's easy to start discarding notions like absolute freedom of speech and political action.

Building up your own country is evil in the eyes of the liberal

If you're building your own, that must mean you're stoping other groups from building. At least that's how leftist think

Don't bother trying to figure out these peoples reasoning

Art and Culture

This, Starship Troopers and the fact that most people are stupid.

Best answer in the thread.

Christ he's retarded.

It's like if Al Gore and Joe Biden had a baby that had the political agenda of the guy that owns, but doesn't manage, the burger shack in a coastal town.

browsing pol and fb at the same time
realizing there is no hope

When you understand that "libertarianism" means that you fundamentally cannot improve the world around you, nor can you defend yourself/your own interests

>It's like if Al Gore and Joe Biden had a baby that had the political agenda of the guy that owns, but doesn't manage, the burger shack in a coastal town.
This is way too apt for being such an overly specific analogy.

Desperate times call for desperate measures


Libertarian models only work when everyone is intelligent, rational and at least half-way moral. Criminals and terrorists etc throw a spanner in the works. It doesn't work right now. It won't work until the average person is improved by getting rid of the scum. We need
>Trump The Destroyer
first, then
>Rand The Planter
afterwards. But Rand can't plant anything in a cesspool. #DrainTheSwamp

You vote democrat


Kek, Trump isn't even a National Conservative.

Also, you grow out of Libertarian when you become less edgy/selfish, and become more nationalist (NatCon), and want to increase your countries birth-rates, regain traditional roles, have a redpilled state media (private still allowed), state healthcare/roads/emergency service, plus maintaining democracy and a form of Georgist economy.

It also includes abolishing female vote, and only having immigration laws for business and countries with other cultures of your own.



ayn rand was a kike
and doubtful she was referring to blacks

Realizing that borders, culture, race, and social order are more important than weed legalization.

I honestly feel alive, libertarianism has done nothing but give me false hope. It's a lost cause because no one gives a damn. But with personality cults of populism and fascism we can get something done. With a guy like Trump we can get rid of those in the way of society's progress. We can win for once and make America great again!

Literally no evidence to support this, and if anything all the evidence proves that it causes more harm than good. Fuck, you non-libertatians are such pathetic retards.

honestly this describes him so perfectly

Fascism is the natural consequence of libertarianism. Mussolini was only able to march on Rome due to the 1920 depression, in which the markets were 'allowed to collapse'.

your economic illiteracy is showing.

Fascism is the natural consequence of libertarianism. Mussolini was only able to march on Rome due to the suffering in Italy following the 1920 depression, in which the markets were 'allowed to collapse'.

I don't need evidence to support an ideological argument where everything follows. You're also assuming I'm a fascist or have fascist sympathies.

1920 depression = Mussolini
1929 depression = Hitler

Third Post, Best Post

Dis 1 2bh