Dumbing of age. Doa

Tonight's strip.

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[Real Presence Intensifies]

So what is her problem, exactly?

She's going to church with a friend and freaking out because it looks different? She didn't take 5 minutes to google Episcopal church? Frocked men with sticks trigger her?

>theology jokes
I don't get it.

Let's talk about this bullshit instead:

left: Thick
right: Fat

Learn the difference it can save your life

And this bullshit too.

Apparently Billie balances her center of gravity upon one leg.

She's a baptist.

>she's baptist

My condolences

Explains why she expected there to be singing and dancing and some dude shaking around in the last strip

>I mean, we all believe in the same God, right? And isn't that all that matters?

It SHOULD be all that matters, but I'm sure Willis will fuck this up anyway, because he hates his parents. I mean Christianity. I mean both. And himself.

why are they 3 feet tall

"Real women have CURVES! Am I right, hon??"
"I'm not being your online shield-maiden tonight, Dave."

From an older thread:
>I'm wondering if we'll get a strip with Jacob explaining how his church service proceeds and how to fit in, or if we'll skip over that so that Joyce and/or Becky can embarrass themselves in person. But then it ends up being the church's fault, of course.

Wacky hijinks ensue, I guess.

The shortstackening continues.

She looks like a chubby midget.

Jesus Christ, has Marcie been spending all her time off screen on Jupiter?


Fat my ass. She's a dwarf! Like 3.5 Heads high!


Halflings make my dick hard

>So what is her problem, exactly?

The Chick Tracks that were probably like 70% of her childhood reading made it pretty explicit that Catholics were polytheistic Mary worshipers, and she can't deal with a church who's foundational difference from Catholicism was how many divorces Henry VIII got to have.

oh, wait, this chick is the mean christian grrl?

Oh boy. I wonder how THIS is gonna go

Not the mean one the sheltered well-meaning one.

P*otestants are like muslims or the iconoclastic Orthodox types. They see Catholocism corrupt and degenerate idolatry and are massive No Fun Allowed types. American Christianity has pretty much always been Protestant and in fact a big part of the reason the KKK grew so big in the 1920s was less due to hating blacks and more because it was a P*otestant organization fighting against the creeping Popery being brought into America by the largely Catholic immigrants from Italy other places.

The Episcopilian church is Anglican, so P*rotestant with Catholic trappings.

Stop reading Dumbing of Age.

Joyce would probably shit herself if she stepped into an Orthodox church.

Worse, she's non-denominational evangelical Christianity. She'd probably be deeply unnerved by Pentecostal or charismatic Christianity.

Yeah, Joyce is supposed to be the Nice Christian Girl, as opposed to Mary's Mean Christian Girl shtick.

is your keyboard OK you've got some weird typo's there

It's just some guy who shitposts about Protestantism that shows up in these threads occasionally.

Are there any actually good webcomics with sectarian humour in this vein? Ripping on evangelicals and non-denominational homeschoolers is a ripe field best handled by someone who isn't Dave Willis.

It's not a comic, but The Babylon Bee is a riot. It's basically a Baptist/Nondenom version of The Onion, and, incredibly, they carry out this concept brilliantly.


That's... a weird claim to fame.

Haha yes, my denomination is so much smarter than those stupid protestant heretics, it's funny watching them get put in their place

Not even fedora bruh, but your shit sounds dumb

Some of their stuff is pretty weak though, but you get sheer brilliance on occasion.

I have no idea. But I think the point of having nomcatholic Christians is that they want to protest against catholicism and be different. So seeing catholicky stuff goes against her protesting ways or something

...this fucking sucks.

>Explains why she expected there to be singing and dancing and some dude shaking around in the last strip

Baptist and singing/dancing don't necessary go together; certain sects hate both of the latter but particularly dancing.

I'd still fuck them both, I don't give a fuck.

meanwhile in some denoms if you don't start speaking in tongues you aint got that holy spirit

I'd fuck lefty but righty let herself go

>captcha: Archery beech
>Shoot that landwhale

The weird thing is that Joyce's expectations for what church entails line up with my experience with several Episcopal churches.

It's gonna depend on each individual church, a church is really just a social club where like minded people get together. I grew up in a Evangelical Presbyterian Church on the east coast, our denomination was often considered very staid, boring, and conservative. But our church services would have worship music and singing that wasn't just ye aulde hymns, which was considered very unusual.

I think a better indicator is how much the church puts a focus on local evangelicalism. I've also seen a split in service types; Sunday morning services will be very traditional and conservative, but they'll also have youth-oriented weekday services with the jumping, dancing, and electric guitars.

Willis is a bad artist.

Not nearly as bad as the one with the yellow shirt she's currently wearing in the comic.

Stop worrying about stuff that doesn't affect you in the slightest.

Did Marcie crawl into one of those things that crushes cars at the dump?

>joyce bitching about catholics
>when the jesus on the cross in the background is the protestant one

Protestants have a Jesus who is risen and ascended to heaven depicted on their crosses

Catholic crosses typically portray Jesus suffering/dying on the cross

Mary isn't sheltered like Joyce is though, and she seems more normal "Republican girl" than "fundie".

I feel like at most Mary would snark about the heretical nature of the church, not have a freakout like Joyce is.

I was hoping tonight's strip would just say "THE END," as if Billie was actually the main character the whole time and she finally got her happy ending.

An unfortunate skateboarding accident left her missing two inches off her thigh bones and her vocal cords.

Did you just start DoA recently and not read through the archives?

I mean I know it's a lot of bullshit to read through, but I feel like trying to read the comic without all the story so far would be harder.

Just another day, man.

Seriously though, did Billie just get written out of the story, or did the story just introduce FOUR new characters for Willis to waste valuable time on and further fuck up the pacing?

Aw yiss, time to get some true Christianity in there.

You can't stop us from shitting over your comic, Willis.

Next week, Joyce is invited to a Synagogue, Mosque and Coptic Church.

Hey, you can go worship god everyday this weekend Joyce, ain't that great?

>Brazilian user
>Catholic-style christ everywhere.
>Never even HEARD of the difference

So, Willis drew the wrong Christ because he probably never saw the other one.

Protestants (in Murrica, anyway) don't like Catholicism because there are strings attached.

The idea that you might actually have to do anything more than show up on Sunday and feel bad for a few seconds to make God happy after your weekly orgy of sin and debauchery goes against the idea of freedom that God gifted America after he descended from heaven to burn the British in holy fire and write the Constitution.

They also take similar issue with the idea of "spiritual authority" and hierarchies which, as far as I understand Catholicism, is much more ingrained in the doctrine. They idea that somebody out there might be your superior in interpreting scripture, figuring out what God would want you to do in a situation, or what-have-you, is repugnant; everyone is EQUAL after all, thinking otherwise goes against said divine freedom.

Most people here started with Toedad's Wild Ride and didn't bother to archive binge. DoA is so slow paced and Willis hammers a few personality traits all the time that it's mostly unnecessary unless he's revisiting stuff from years prior. I've skipped about a week of strips from this month alone and haven't had an issue following the plot.

The Vatican was a de jure and de facto foreign power until the early 1800s. The pope literally declared certain lines of American Catholic religious philosophy to be heresy in the late 1890s as he and prominent European bishops believed that the separation of church and state and free speech were concepts detrimental to the authority of the Catholic Church.

>Believing that a good standing with the church is better than a good personal standing with God.
>Believing that spiritual authorities should be believed implicitely when they kept holy texts in Latin for years so the common folks couldn't call them out on their flawed interpetations.
>Believing that the church, whose corruption and sex scandals have been well publicised, are free of sin, agendas and corruption.
>Believing that Catholics aren't capable of being the same hypocrits as Protestans because they believe in different texts and that your actual virtue is not a trait that is largely dependend on your own character.
>Reading this long ass boring comment.

Dang it, Malaya better bully Sal!

>Protestants (in Murrica, anyway) don't like Catholicism because there are strings attached

no, they don't like it since its a foreign controlled power bloc benefiting hordes of subnormal southern europeans (plus potatonigger), while the earlier waves of British and northern European settlers were predominantly protestant.

You're both reading far too much into it. From the perspective of your average Protestant (at least the brands I was raised with and around, and the one I assume Willy is throwing stones at) the forefront of the anti-Catholic mindset will generally boil down to "Too many rules, too complicated, I just wanna renew my spiritual license to judge people every week!"

Everything else is a valid excuse not to like them but you give far too much credit to the average Murricana protestant to assume they've thought that far into it.

> Joyce dumps blackie over differing opinions on sky fairy
Thank you jeebus! Now she can stay a pure untainted maiden to be deflowered by faceless bald men like myself.

Funny, I usually hear the exact same arguments against Catholicism, only in reverse. Basically "As long as I adhere to these rituals and agree with the church in public, I can be as much of a shithead as possible".

Yeah. It's pretty hard to stomach for some people that being a good person is less about which doctrine you follow and more about your own personality.

It adds a lot of grey to the world and personal responsibility that is just uncomfortable for basically anyone.

That would be a pretty interesting story. I mean, Willis would fuck it up but a good writer could make it interesting

Wasn't she only going to church with black male to give a good impression and convince him to go out with black female?

>Religious arguments in a nutshell

>faceless bald men like myself.