They'll never be happy so why even try?

They'll never be happy so why even try?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is Trump more and more cute as election day is coming

Not clicking until you achieve it

>so why even try?
To piss them off and simultaneously win over normies. You support it in the most "IDGAF"/"go fuck yourself fags" way possible to expose them like this.
because he is kino

He hit all the mile stones

He kissed a little nigger baby
He marshalled the jews in NYC
He waved the flag banner.

He's going to be elected.

Why is that messed up? He was the only presidential candidate to condemn and actually acknowledge than OmAR "-15" Mateen was targeting gays and that was absolutely not OK.

Someone in the crowd just handed that up to him right? He was just doing what anyone would.

From the article it seems he wants to treat everyone as equal which is NOT OK

>Surely Importing more muslims that want all gays to be dead will help fix this!
That's why you're losing.

Gotcha, I didn't read the article but I assumed it was just liberal butthurt over Trump not opening up a huge crevasse in the ground that led directly to hell and have demon Pepes come out and meme on all his enemies and instead speaking the truth. God I fucking hate these mental midgets.

I second this.

The sjws have just been brow beating and shaming gays into voting Hillary this election. Those types he won't please, but I'm sure this meant a lot to those who've managed to resist those banshees.

Trump is a fascist, Rockefeller republican

OOps i posted it in the wrong thread


>How dare Trump wave a pride flag at a rally. This is a man who used Pulse to promote his own agenda & dismiss the deaths of LGBT people.

lol these people have no self awareness

Who fucking approves these articles?

Worse than that, the things they believe about themselves are the exact opposite of what they are. This is literally why SJW became a meme; they called themselves Social Justice Warriors, even though they made it obvious they cared as much about society, justice, and war as the Democratic Peoples' Republic of North Korea cares about democracy, republics, or their own starving people.

It's literally anti-self-awareness, or in shorter terms, self-delusion.

Is anyone tired of these lazy headlines, they're aren't even trying anymore.

it's just
>X happened, and here's why it's good/bad

Remember when journalism used to have witty titles, or hell just reported the facts (even if it was just they facts they liked) without hamfisting their opinion so obnoxiously into the article.

I'll bet a good portion of the people complaining about this aren't even LGBT themselves.

>mfw the biggest trump supporter i know is gay

b-but muh solidarity

get fucked, regressives


Funny thing is. Alot gays I know are pretty conservative. Some are even more racist than me. Actually even the liberal ones I know are racist.
