This election is baffling to me, Sup Forums. I need some actual answers here

This election is baffling to me, Sup Forums. I need some actual answers here.

Why are people rallying behind Clinton? At all? Sure, in theory, you could see why liberals would - her policies are pretty liberal. Sure, you could see why the SJW crowd would. A vagina! In the Oval Office! Of course! Sure, you could see why the minority electorate would. Trump is being painted by the media as a racist, and people will eat up anything they hear on the news or internet.

But what just really confuses me is that it is KNOWN that Hillary is a pathological liar. It is KNOWN she is corrupt, in a very literal, definitional sense of the word. It is KNOWN that she is indirectly responsible for terrorism, death, destruction. It is KNOWN that she is covering shit up and that her fingers reach everywhere. The media is being paid off by her. She even said some terrible things about rape victims and still denies everything.

Shouldn't these facts transcend any political ideologies people may have? I mean, that's cult-like behavior. "Oh, I know Supreme Father Warren Jeffs molested 200 child brides, BUT IT IS OKAY because we believe in the message he's preaching"

Like, I honestly don't get it.

Cognitive dissonance at its finest, friend

Because they are either wicked or stupid. In my opinion they should all be gassed

Yes, but Trump is a racist bigot.

Identity politics. They'll support any candidate, no matter how disgustingly criminal, if they promise to advance their race/class/gender's ideology.

but trump is like literally hitler

Trump is a straight white successful male, everything they've been taught is evil or wrong in the world

Because it's women's turn

>Why are people rallying behind Clinton?

- Politicians: Pedophiles blackmailed by Jewish elders

- People: Non-whites engaging in zero-sum tribalism who just want more of their own race to take over

A strong feeling of attachment to a party that has done nothing for them, these people think that the democrat party reps some great dystopian future where everyone gets along and all white people are bred out of existence. white democrats are literally self hating white guilt apologist. They been programmed by our great education system to think and act the way they do, it is literally conditioning brought on by years of psychological study that we are now seeing come out fully.
Remember MK ultra? Ya we're living it in our day to day lives.


woman card

The only conclusion I can reach for anyone still supporting Clinton is that those people have no morals and care very little for their fellow man, it's the only way someone could justify supporting someone so corrupt.

You have:

>people who will always vote Democrat no matter what

>the poor class, a large portion of which will always vote for big government handouts

>the uninformed, who know nothing about Clinton's scandals and only know what the media or Facebook spews at them. Often young people, women, college students, or SJWs

>the cucks and feminists who will vote for Clinton no matter what because "muh first woman President"

>the "never Trump" people, who believe he is literally Hitler, or will vote for Clinton out of spite because he isn't conservative enough for them

>the small group of people who actually believe in the crazy Obama/Clinton policies

That's what we're up against. It may seem ridiculous, but there are more of those people than you may think.

Trump represents the All Father. Imperfect, strong, weak, funny, clever, ingenious, lustful, protective, compassionate, vulgar, necessary evil and will compliment with necessary good for the "ALL".

Hillary represents the corrupted male and female that simply thinks for the self and all of its inner machinations are to support and sustain the most destructive and selfish lifestyle pathway one could make.

It's literally ego stroking while being "literally hitler" as they like to say.

White women are disgusting creatures.


Donald Trump

Hey guys, I just want you to know. It has been a fantastic run with you guys this year, I'll always be a true user at heart and I hope you all will too. Thanks for being awesome Sup Forums and anons in general. Long live Sup Forums

Because the amount of butthurt from trumpies when she's elected will be glorious.

I'm looking forward to Clinton supports circling the room attached ceiling fans with a noose

You have to realize OP that these people that you're referring to only have the MSM, late night comedy show hosts, facebook etc, as news sources. Ultimately it comes down to how they receive the information if it's even correct. It's the difference between the stuff presented on /pol that has been genuinely researched and provided with sources by people who want to figure out what is really going on in the world compared to the doctored information most people receive.

In your dreams bozo.

>Sup Forums is a credible source

It's baffling to me people rally behind a crazy flipflopping cheeto

The FBI wouldn't have reopened their case unless they were going to prosecute her. They're not going to let her off the hook twice. This is just common sense.

The FBI, and much of the general public, has been in open revolt since Comey and the DoJ failed to bring Clinton to justice earlier this year. You can expect Clinton to be prosecuted and she will serve jail time.

>.025 cents deposited in your account thanks for keeping the record correct

All these facts would make her completely unelectable if it wasn't for her opponent. Trump can't really string a proper sentence together. I wish it could've just been a regular boring moderately confident republican.

read again, my grammar isn't the best

The president is demanding people vote for her.

Identity politics is the single most sinister philosophical zeitgeist in the history of the business. That goes for both sides of the aisle.
Washington knew this. We didn't listen.

moderately competent is what I meant to say there. Trump is definitely confident.

democrats have a long history of denying reality. really they have never felt pressure to abandon any of their candidates, when the going gets tough, their media allies always come through and save the day.

the absolute rejection and disdain for the media is the only reason Hillary Clinton will lose. Normally they would be controlling all the information, setting the narrative and agenda and burying any opposition. They tried, very hard to do just that. Its just not working any more and the democrats are like fish out of water.

Because trump talked about grabbing pussies.

because she is an alternative to a power hungry insecure fucktard

also why she will win in the end

meanwhile bill literally grabbed pussy on Jeffery epstein private plane, many underage pussies.

she doesn't have any fucking policies. she just tells everyone what they want to hear (except for coal miners lol), while raking in cash and selling favours behind the scenes.

identity politics is the only reason King Nigger was ever elected.

the democrats tout Hillary's "experience" but Obama never needed any experience. He just needed to act like a nigger and dance for the union bosses.

1. Abortion on demand, no restrictions; and
2. Faggot stuff.

Liberalism is a sick, dark, twisted mental disease of a death cult.


"Hillary Clinton will say anything and do nothing" -Obama 2008

You salty CTR shill?

you don't seriously think she can win do you?

Oy vey you cant make any jokes without the aspies crying ctr shill

With this few days to go before the election, ya pretty much.



people watch tv and read newspapers ofc they are gonna be stupid come on


t. hillary voter

Trump's policies are disastrously stupid.

The tax code adjustments are going to bankrupt our country, it's inhumane to deport millions of people, and he denies climate change.

In addition, he also conveniently left out Citizens United in his reform package.

That's it. I'd vote for a bag filled with shit if its policies made sense.


I know Clinton is a wanton, corrupt, incompetent liar.

But I'd rather have that over a narcissistic, egotistical thin-skinned authoritarian who lies nearly as much as she does. (Business and negotiating is just another form of politics anyway.)

Womyns turd.

Good thing I smoked weed and did shrooms in school

We're trillions in debt and you think people getting to keep more of their their income is going to bankrupt the US.

The only reason why we have to pay so much BS taxes is because the assholes in the government spend it on stupid shit. Hillary will raise taxes and blow that money.

> it's inhumane to deport millions of people

how about importing them in the first place? inhumane, too? oh no wait, they get free shit, so that's simply "justice", right?

>But what just really confuses me is that it is KNOWN that Hillary is a pathological liar. It is KNOWN she is corrupt, in a very literal, definitional sense of the word. It is KNOWN that she is indirectly responsible for terrorism, death, destruction. It is KNOWN that she is covering shit up and that her fingers reach everywhere.
Those things are only "KNOWN" to JBS crackpot conspiracy theorists and those people already love and adore Trump.

>why are people rallying behind Clinton?
Same could be said about Trump.

It literally couldn't though.

He's a big-mouthed arrogant prick but so is she, BUT she also has the THOUSANDS of pages of corruption. Trump has success in business.

>We're trillions in debt and you think people getting to keep more of their their income is going to bankrupt the US.

The assessments show that Trump's plan puts us in worse debt. Much.

>The only reason why we have to pay so much BS taxes is because the assholes in the government spend it on stupid shit. Hillary will raise taxes and blow that money.

Yeah but Trump is going to tax less and SPEND MORE. Hillary's proposals are ironically more conservative than his.

>how about importing them in the first place? inhumane, too? oh no wait, they get free shit, so that's simply "justice", right?

It's a drop in the bucket here, Hans. Our Latinos work pretty goddman hard and pay taxes. I don't know who's going to enjoy picking apples and then paying more for apples because everyone wants to play pokemon and shitpost instead.

because he's against the establishment that has been draining the life out of this planet for the last century or so.

guess it's hard to understand for some people (or AI's, whatever you are).

Have you seen Trumps track record, like at all? You don't think he's a total shitbag who's done things behind the books?

See I did too

>. I don't know who's going to enjoy picking apples and then paying more for apples because everyone wants to play pokemon and shitpost instead.

robots you goddamn retard. the next cultural revolution up on the horizon is mass unemployment. have you been living under a rock?

I am pretty sure if wikileaks targeted Trump, a bunch of controversial shit could be uncovered.

You have zero proof of any shady dealings, keep crying and projecting

Because they hate trump basically

Delusional drumpfs. Why am I not surprised.l

because you're being paid.

I wish.

Thanks Germany, glad you got my back.
The rest of your kind is getting paid, you're doing it wrong

>robots you goddamn retard. the next cultural revolution up on the horizon is mass unemployment. have you been living under a rock?

agreed. is either candidate talking about addressing that? has anyone mentioned basic income? doesn't sound like it's on the table at all during these extensive cultural retard negotiations.

Trump is trying to do a Reagan, just rip out parts of the safety/regulatory net and expand the GDP. I don't think that's going to work in exactly the way his followers are seeing.

We need a new new deal.

Hillary's not going to do any better than Trump at this, but at least she won't shatter our hopes of it ever happening by blowing our wad on

- expanding the military
- expanding the police
- expanding the border

that's just dumping money into a hole.

we need infrastructure, a better safety net.

Assange said he had stuff on Trump, but nothing more damning than what came out of Trump's own mouth

Why do you instantly assume I support Hillary?
Why is it the only fallback you people have when your precious overlord gets a mean look?

so frustrating that people as dumb as you go and vote

because 9 times out of 10 you are a hillary supporter



Well you're wrong. I support neither candidate, because neither are fit to be a leader. I think they should both be replaced.

You have no one to blame but democrats, we've had 8 fucking years of this shit and it has been one scandal after another, if you wanted good picks for president you should have tried harder to get rid of Obama and Clinton. we are in the situation at home and abroad we're in right now because of Obama/Clinton decisions. Obama decided to use Stuxnet on the Iranians and got caught so then he paid them a big sum of money to keep it quiet.
Hillary Got gaddafi killed, Obama wanted us to fund and train rebels fighting assad at the end of 2012, and you know we did it even if they deny it, guess the fuck what? Those rebels became ISIS.
There are so many things these two have fucked up that the character count will stop me before I get through them all

Oh look the centrist faggot.

кpyтaя иcтopия ивaн

I think the biggest factor is that people simply don't want to support Trump. Sure, they might know he is the right choice, but they choose to ignore it because their whole view of themselves would crumble if they supported someone like this.

I've seen this happen with my mother for example. I've been slowly redpilling hom about Clinton, but he aknowledges all the things she did and immeduatly after ignores it. She claims she "just can't support Trump". I've been saying almost the exact same things to my brother, who is less of a liberal, and he changed from full CTR shill to reluctant Trump supporter.

My original vote was for Rand, you people have seriously got to stop assuming bullshit.

Never said I was a Democrat.
Blame Congress, not just the president for 16 years of bullshit that's been going on. President has a huge role, but a lot of shit that happened was still Congress approved.

Oh I do but I'm still voting trump, eat a dick


It all comes down to it for a lot of people, sadly.

People rally behind Clinton because they're extremely concerned with appearing tolerant and liberal. It's identity politics about identity politics.

The establishment rallies behind her because she is the poster girl for all of their collective crimes. If she goes down, so does the whole system. It's essentially the end of the world (at least in America) when she gets convicted.


Beyond zero chance of that my colonial brother

But it will be a constant source of scandal for her because she had a hand in the law making that aggressively attacked whistle blowers while she gets off scott free

Trump becomes president nothing will happen for 4 years. Nobody in Congress likes Trump, nothing will get passed. The only thing that will happen is another 8 years of Legislators trying to figure out what the fuck universal healthcare is.

because shes a bitch and they're little bitches too

I've been asking myself the same question about our country. I think that at the end of the day, most people just don't give a shit as long as their ass is covered.
It's not that the ride never ends. Most passengers don't want it to stop either...

>identity politics
This is the answer. They are brainwashed into virtue signalling to the max. A super lefty anti-war friend of mine recently told me Clinton would be OK because the Syria thing "wouldn't be a real war with Russia, just a proxy war".

Politically illiterate

It is a cult. All the cucks are jaded beyond reality.

If it's any consolation, the sleeping masses are finally starting to wake up. Florida is now red again today according to Nate Wastebasket (pink, but push harder and it will be red), and Trump has been continually going up while she's been going down since this newfound Email drama while I do still carry the small fear it won't last until election day.

All the incriminating evidence against Hillary comes from... oh yeah, wikileaks. The same wikileaks that was only marginally reputable up until 2012.

Hillary has a solid policy that could actually result in good things for the US, because it's feasible and because it's fair.

Trump's narrative of lowering taxes for everyone would never work unless he reduced the funding for public programmes across the board. If he closes boarders, US businesses will be even more inclined to move abroad where people are more highly educated and where there's a wider range of languages and skillsets to choose from. Since he doesn't believe in climate change, I can see that playing well into his oil shares and (potentially) a decrease for renewable energy research funding.

Trump doesn't even pay his own staff, what makes anyone think he'll give a damn about sharing wealth with the rest of the country? He's clueless, and his tactic to earn votes was through shock and somehow a lot of people are falling for it.

>that could actually result in good things for the US,
Yeah, like ISIS invading the country or Putin finally having enough of her bullshit. Sounds wonderful. #ImWithHer

Because we're full of fucking retards.

You don't deserve those numbers.