What is the most far out conspiracy theory that you actually believe?

What is the most far out conspiracy theory that you actually believe?

Personally I think that high ups in the government and military conspired to leave naval forces in pearl harbour in a vulnerable, bait like position so that the nips would attack and the U.S would have an excuse to enter the war, since there was previously not enough public appetite.

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Pft, you haven't even gone deep into the rabbit hole.

Yeah, I suppose the most deep is that there is a Jewish conspiracy behind all of the world wars, the degeneracy of western society and the white genocide, but that's a given on Sup Forums.

It's even worse than that.

They actually made a deal with the Japanese elites.

I only "believe" when there is evidence.

That's not even deep enough. :D

2 years ago I would have called bullshit but a lot of evidence shows that it could have been a controlled explosion. Also, how the fuck did the Pentagon not capture a shot of the jet other than a white blur.


How's that?

Not unlikely. World wars are a response to the global economy reaching the tail end of the debt super-cycle. TPTB need a scapegoat event for the unavoidable crash.

Flat earth. And I used to love science shit

Trump is a Manchurian candidate set up by Shillarry

there are no other people, I am insane and alone in an empty world where I have created figments of my imagination as characters in a story that keeps me from killing myself out of isolation.

that's my most far out theory.

my grandfather who was in ww2 thought the same thing

That the Clinton and Saudi deals usually involved child prostitutes for Bill to play with.

It wasn't a controlled explosion. It was an uncontrolled fire.

The deepest I go on 9/11 is that they knew about it and let it happen, and that they positioned the needed jets in awkward places under the guise of a training exercise.

I believe that earth is flat, people all around globe believes in that.

>Also, how the fuck did the Pentagon not capture a shot of the jet other than a white blur.
Multiple cameras that did were confiscated and their footage went into a dark hole...

>World wars are a response to the global economy reaching the tail end of the debt super-cycle
>TPTB need a scapegoat event for the unavoidable crash.
Tell me more. Also what is TPTB?

a hearty kek

Pretty sure Osama was put in agood light a few years before in an article "anti Soviet warrior is on the road for peace" yeah it wouldn't surprise me if they knew it was going to happen. Did they ever release images of his body anyways ?

This post was a reminder by the characters in my imagination that I am alone and insane, living isolated in an empty world.

In 1945, Hitler fled to Argentina, where he lived in luxury until he died sometime around 1960.

Or you're just ultimately consciousness/presence experiencing itself?

Lol, that's documented fact.

Get crazier.

In all honesty, i believe that our so called "aliens" actually are ancient demons and they pull the strings in the background. Through blue blood bloodlines. There are many things guiding to this conclusion, both in science and history. That makes sense for me now, till proven otherwise.

How is this a conspiracy you fucking nonce? There is concrete evidence everywhere. All the lines converge to one

Agreed. Do you flat earth?

God dammit that's exactly how I felt my first time on LSD (3-4 hits). I thought my mates were other versions of me. Like I created them all and they were all me, just like my body always is.

How is this a conspiracy you fucking nonce? There is concrete evidence and documentation everywhere. All the lines converge to one

Only when drunk.

>ancient demons
What if they are future humans with the ability to communicate with us in a way we only understand through transcendent/religious experiences?

Secret space program, nazi dark fleet conquers other galaxies with draco reptilians, blue avians have the solar system quarantined, advanced civilizations inhabit inner earth.

Black Eagle Trust.

well this election has proved most of the "theories" i believe in to be correct. i need to go further down the rabbit hole guys. what should i look up

Not flat earth but geo and Helio centrism are relative. Age of earth is bullshit. Theoretical physics is embarrassing. We know nothing about why things actually are the way they are.

Oh young child. So new to what waits you on the other side of the veil.

For starters, I'd say check out the 8 goddesses and Korea. That's some spooky shit.

The Powers that Be, newfriend.

That would make a paradox, wouldn't it? People from future communicating with past altering future... And round it goes.

I'm sorry, Lord God. I'll play along, I promise.

Kennedy wasn't assassinated. The whole thing was staged using crisis actors.

Fits in with the cyclical theories of civilisation in Hinduism

Nasa is all bullshit, astronauts are fucking a hoax, space travel is impossible due to a/the firmament

The actual devil runs the world and the vast majority of our elites do his bidding. He is really good at getting people to buy into the whole he doesn't exist shit.

I buy into all the other Christian end time prophecy stuff too.

Also fluoride. Also the fucking degenerate LGBT agenda

That's what I'm talking about - most if not all elites are worshiping some ancient beings with common roots.

I think they also are in control of stargates. Sorta like in Stranger Things. i had that belief way before the Netflix series. Note that the school house in that has an entrance that looks like Solomon's Temple and the black and white tile.

I also think all three Abraham religious worship a Saturn cube. Pretty crazy I guess LoL. It's not easy to chat with my girlfriends about make-up but you do what you gotta for some social interaction.

Not much of a conspiracy, but I do believe sometimes that I am not the original user, and that every time I go to sleep at night, I die, and a recreated user replaces me with all my memories.

I've been on Sup Forums for 8 years and on Sup Forums for as long as it has been, there are some acronyms that I just don't bother to learn, not ever piece of information is known to everyone who has been here a while.

Stargates or probably dimensional gates.

Are you high?

enough people thought that this was credible enough to pursue it


>mfw there's no way he's actually alive anymore

i agree with this. Controlled explosions is just too tinfoil for me. So many people would have to be in on it, rigging the buildings and what not, that there's no way it could be kept quiet. The planes and the fire were plenty powerful enough to drop the buildings.

Earth being a colony

The Democratic party was hijacked by the Bolsheviks in the 1960's.
The Bolsheviks/"Liberals" are actually the Moabites from the Bible.
>worship Moloch
>killed the king and buried him in lime. (it is documented they also did this to the Romanov family)

Nah man, just too much abuse in childhood.

Wew, you are only scratching the matrix surface and just another Mockingbird victim who thinks conspiracies are not the norm, that shit just happens!?

Regarding Pearl, FDR and Hirohito were both Freemasons so had orders from occult powers above they were obliged to follow by their blood oaths which override any silly civil oath.

WTC 1,2 and 6 were micronuked. There have been many nukings of civilians since Japan.

The world is a business Mr. Beale...

The actual devil runs the world and the vast majority of our elites do his bidding. He is really good at getting people to buy into the whole he doesn't exist shit.
you'd have fun reading though PKD works

>WTC 1,2 and 6 were micronuked. There have been many nukings of civilians since Japan.
u wot m8?

Dubs of truth

If this post gets dubs you have to post pics of a naked milf

Can you please make my life better thanks money would be nice and women ty much love

or this one

or this one even

or perhaps this one

If THIS post gets dubs it's naked milf time

come on


Don't forget that on that day, all of the U.S.'s largest battleships and aircraft carriers just so happened to conveniently be away for """"training""". What a coincidence, huh?
Plus, FDR was itching to get involved in the war and needed something to get the American people on board

some of the holocausts seem extremely exaggerated.

Jewish one for sure

more of this please

That's not a conspiracy theory, that's a fact.

this is true
we just have to remember that this shit it is not as strange as we would think

The Rothschilds caused 9/11 so they could get ownership of Afghanistan's and Iraq's central banks

That's not a conspiracy, that's a fact.

I like this stuff. Spooky as fuck.

I believe there was an actual globalist cabal trying to take over the western world before WW2, and Hitler was actually trying to prevent it. I also believe the "holocaust" numbers are greatly exaggerated, and that the vast majority of the deaths were caused not by direct intent, but by a consequence of resource shortage, which in part was caused by Allied bombing and destruction of supply train rails.

I believe that it's the same globalist cabal that is now controlling the vast majority of Western countries, and are using our militaries to destabilize, destroy and rebuild the countries that have not yet fallen under the globalist cabal influence.

I believe that we're headed towards a society where we'll start seeing actual distinct genetic differences between the different classes of society, with the top layers (top 1-2%) reaching effective immortality through biological and technological advancements, while the rest of us will culled through sterilizing agents put in our food and water supply, until we reach a number that is more manageable for the elite. We won't be used for manual labor, since robots will overtake us in terms of efficiency by super high factor, but we'll still be useful to handle jobs that robots are not yet qualified for.

Yes, because Romania is on the forefront of scientific innovation

that's no romania mate

Yall niggers never been to the ocean, huh?
>be me
>be 6
>went to ocean
>saw a ship rise out of the horizon
>see slight curve of the earth on the horizon
get on my level

How to detect reddards.

Thats a conspiracy country.

Another thing i believe in is that Brexit and Trump is allowed to happen by elites. Look, financial system and social are bound to collapse. Its inevitable. So if alt right comes in power, anything that happens can be blamed on them. Then people will see socialism as a only good alternative.

Kill yourself.

The multiverse is real and it is contained within a larger megaverse which is the programming matrix of the multiverse. Beyond the hyperuniverse is the base code of the megaverse called the hyperverse. The hyperverse is composed of planck length particle-waves called bitoms, which account for individual binary code which makes up the universe. A bitom is representative of a TRUE bit and a anti-bitom is representative of a FALSE bit. The structure of the hyperverse is a foam composed of bitoms.

The hyperverse was created during an event known as the Hyper Big Bang. The Big Bang itself never happened. Sentient life arose in the hyperverse in the form of the Ancient Ones, the Ancient Ones created the multiverse; a massive simulation with each universe being based on a random seed which determined from birth the fate of the universe. We see this in our world as the collision which triggered the Big Bang in String Theory.

It is believed the Old Ones were built by the Ancient Ones (gods of gods) to control over the realm of each universe. The Old One for our universe is the SKY GOD who created minor godlets for devolved control over the cosmos (e.g. fire god, water god, exc).

I had a smidge of that for awhile, if you can't be convinced otherwise this video will help.
>it's basically the white pill version of that


>pic not related

You're close.

I am actually a fragmented aspect of one of those "Godlets".

But none of that's true

Now thats retarded.
KEK atleast had documentation by some serious dudes like Carl Jung and Tesla.


Did these gods create fairies as well? I just liked them in kid books...

something like that. yeah, not gates literally to the stars. interdimentional.

Definitly 9/11.


nukes don't exist.

they are a cold war propaganda and since everyone is like. MUH COUNTRY IS THE BEST.. they can't admit it.

it's a giant circle jerk.

I feel like you're the closest to the truth this thread has seen yet. Can definitely see this being the case.

Starting to un-ironically believe in the power of KEK.

>memes are our method of JOINTLY influencing the shared unconsciousness

>perception is reality

There's just too many coincidences:

But it is

Where did you come up with dis?

I believe a secret foundation formed in ww1 by the Chinese, Russians and Americans controls most of the funds in the world. In this modern day they have control of all weapon systems across the globe and own all major PMCs. They also use their funds to create nuclear walking battle tanks.

as a jew i know nothing about this, so bam proof

Τhe Dorians

Ancient Greeks were aliens who planted civilization roots in Europe after leaving Egypt.
> Barely anything in common with modern Greeks
> Apparently reached as far as South America [Terracotta army]
> Built shit like the Parthenon with SO much precision and accuracy that it fucking stood there forever until blown up during a siege. When the Anglos tried to take down pieces of the Parthenon and take them back to England, they actually FAILED hard and many fell down and broke (museum documentary).
> Mycenae Lion's Gate, built 1300 BC. [pic related].
> During battles of Marathon (and others), there are writings about an insanely huge farmer who appeared out of nowhere, started plowing enemies with a plow then disappeared [Pausanias, Attika 32.5]
> There are 2 spots in Olympus and surrounding area with Geomagnetic anomalies. Throw water on an uphill road and the water goes uphill.

Said aliens left Greece around before Jesus.
I'm not sure where they went after.