What would happen if he had to fight his way through DC's or Marvel's version of Hell?

What would happen if he had to fight his way through DC's or Marvel's version of Hell?

There's already a mod for this


An Etrigan fight would be interesting since he'd probably betray demons for Doom Guy to kill while constantly mocking him in verse.

If he entered during Lucifer's reign of Hell in DC, he would have let Doom Guy to fuck shit up.
Lucifer would only deal with him if Doom Guy attempted to start shit with him, and at that point, Lucifer would have burned him away until nothing remained.

in doom 4's lore demons did betray hell for doomguy.

one them upgraded his armor to the praetor suit because he thought it would be funny

If the recent secret wars inferno mini is any clue, anyone could get through the marvel one with a good paperclip and some elbow grease.

He would win.

He'd rip and tear

He'd rip and tear until it was done

it would be easier for him

What happens if you kill Doomguy?
It's not like he's gonna go to Detroit or something.

i don't think you understand how powerful doomguy is

he respawns.

pretty much the thing about him being an unstoppable for of rage in doom 4 is a reference to reloading your last save/checkpoint/respawn

You underestimate Doomguy, we are talking about a guy that gets depicted in ancient codex shit as a walking apocalypse to demon.

Heck even in his people records you see the night sentinels fighting with swords and Doomguy casually beating demons with his bare hands, apparently he didn't even had guns when he fought the motherfucking Titan, wich in the game is pretty much an entire level in size.

You can't corrupt or control the Doomguy either, your only hope is trapping him and even that proves hard.

If you assume that all the WADs are canon, then this is a guy who has taken on -everything- under the sun. He has faced demon gods, demonic clowns, ass-raping cosmic horrors, logic-bending things from beyond, Infernal Titans, living dimensions trying desperately to unmake his very existence, suped-up cyberdemons capable of annihilating -gods-, the very Source of Evil and a whole host of other shit. And he -endured- through it all, he fought and -killed- through it all. Despite Hell constantly devising new insane realms to devour him, he always survived in the end. Lucy ain't got shit on him.

>demon gods, demonic clowns, ass-raping cosmic horrors, logic-bending things from beyond, Infernal Titans, living dimensions trying desperately to unmake his very existence, suped-up cyberdemons capable of annihilating -gods-, the very Source of Evil

Link to each WAD? I want to play these.

The "Source of Evil" is from 'Ultimate Torment and Torture', the "Demonic clowns" are Happy Time Circus 1&2, the "ass-raping cosmic horrors" are basically -every- Terry WAD in existence, the "suped-up cyberdemon" likely refers to the True Legendary Cardinal from Complex Doom, the "logic-bending" bit likely refers to the Sky May Be/The Blessed Engine, and the Infernal Titan most likely refers to the True Icon Of Sin boss from Brutal Doom.

Some demon would likely try to use Doomguy to dethrone the current local ruler, leading to an inevitable culling of hell before he is imprisoned or banished.

Are any of these slaughterWADs? I tend to stay away from those.

Most of them aren't. The only exceptions are Complex Doom, Brutal Doom, and the Terry ones. But Complex Doom and Brutal Doom enable you to choose how bad you want things, and Terry WAD's are nigh-impossible to beat on principle.


>guy slaughtering my entire species
>make him an indestructible suit that absorbs energy when he kills demons
>the look on F'ghrothh's face when he hears about this is gonna be priceless


i don't think you can at this point
he was blessed by an [angel] and given enhanced durability, speed, strength, and intellect(?)
the blessing gets stronger the more destruction he causes
some demon made him an indestructible suit of armor that absorbs demonic energy and redirects it into the suit to heal him
death is a gameplay mechanic in d44m

My favorite part is at the end when you collect all the keys and then ITS HAPPENING

Reality Warpers like Lucifer can only be defeated by more powerful reality warpers.

And? Doomguy has face worse. -Much- worse.

You think Doomguy cares about your rules?


I don't know what this was is, but I'm pretty sure it's not canon

Doomguy still doesn't give a fuck, didn't the codex mention the serpent as a previous leader of hell that was already destroyed by Doomguy in the Hell Knights lore?

>Implying -everything- isn't canon to DOOM.
Its like you don't even assume the Orleans of a multi-dimensional demon slaying bad ass, user.

user you don't understand.

Doomguy is buttfuck-angry-mad. He's so furious, that his anger actually rips apart the fabric of reality itself.

You ever seen DBZ? There's an episode where Buu is furious enough that he screams a whole into space and time

Doomguy is that angry. But worse.

They shouldn't have killed his bunny.


That ain't a reality warper, at least not on the scale of Lucifer.

When did lucifer become a reality warper? His whole book was about how he could actually change so little, right up to the very end.

>That ain't a reality warper, at least not on the scale of Lucifer.
You -do- realize that the thing in that image is literally the linchpin upon which all of that instance of Hell rests upon right, along with the fact that the entire hellish environment is as a result of its presence? That alone makes it a serious reality-warper. And this isn't even counting shill ikebana pic related.

If it really is "He just goes back, gets stronger, and he does it again until it works." Then that really is terrifying. Like, you'd never really lose. That's just unbeatable. "He goes back in time (to last save point), gets stronger and does it again and again and again (the path of eternal torment that Doomguy CHOSE HIMSELF) and he gets stronger and stronger until there is nothing left."

He kills Marvel's hell and makes Mephisto shit himself whilst killing him. DC's Hell's gets fucked up severely before ultimately sealing him away again, as they can't kill him.


the same thing that already happens. They aren't much different