Who wins?

Who wins?

The guy who eats whole realities>The guy who sometimes eats planets

What's with the death battles lately? Are we on comicvine? or worse, CBR?

Anti-monitor. He's a multiversal threat, galactus is a universal threat.

Anti-Monitor looks so happy.

What about Darkseid Wars AM? Is he stronger than Galactus?

Why did they retconned his origin, it was so fucking good

>What about Darkseid Wars AM
Fuck you for bringing him up.

Auntie Mortimer was never quite the same after CoIE. his strongest modern appearance would probably be in Sinestro Corps War where he tanked a galaxy busting explosion. a Decently fed Galactus would beat Darkseid War AM since Galactus schooled Darkseid when they met.

Well Darkseid now could probably beat Galactus since they made Darkseid into this multiversal entity who just have "avatars" on earth.

Where this happens?

Morrison's AC run? Also I guess Final Crisis.

Thats just normal Darkseid. He has been doing the avatar things for a while back, its just that he was split apart after his death and during Final Crisis. there is always been just one true New Genesis and Apokolips in the Multiverse since the beginning.

Not really.

Darkseid is a generic inter-dimensional tyrant at best. Even as a multiversal being, he's basically a trick pony in that his only real power is the Omega Effect and even that can't do jack shit against cosmic entities like Galactus, who would swat Darkseid away like a bug.

And hell, people here are misremembering the Darkseid/Galactus one-shot Marvel put out in the 90s. Marvel EXPLICITLY nerfed Galactus to give Darkseid a fighting chance, by having Galactus be on the brink of starvation, so that Galactus could not curb stomp him.

As for Galactus/Anti-Monitor? Galactus could win but Anti-Monitor's only real hope would be to create an anti-matter wave incursion prior to the fight and have to push Galactus into it. And even then. Anti-Monitor would have to go giant mode for the entire fight to make it work.

the right

Isn't the Anti-Monitor literally the ultimate threat? He's conflict personified. It only lost when literally every character conspired against him at the dawn of time.

Galactus is beaten by just Reed Richards twice and his son literally CONTROLLED him

a better question, could the Ultimate Ultimates beat the Anti Monitor? Of course

Actually, I was looking for Galactus's team in this series, forget their name

shit, forgot pic

he got retconned as simply someone who has gotten the Anti Life Equation. So his base power would be at par with Final Crisis Darkseid.

Fucking Johns...

didn't that retcon get retconned by multiversity?

ignore my windows activation

Buy windows goy.

Anti-Monitor until some Mary Sue Bendis OC comes along.

Don't say Galactus is stronger, but you can be stronger but be a lesser thread.
It depends on how agressive you are.

Watch them bring in Lifebringer Galactus and have him stomp.
You know they will, just like with Model 50 IM curbstomping Lex's suit