This is ghost from Armored adventures who claims to have never lost... say something nice about him

This is ghost from Armored adventures who claims to have never lost... say something nice about him

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Armored Adventures was fun.

Destiny's lost child.
>To Sup Forums with you I say!!

He was in a good show with a nice theme song.

He is a cute ghost girl.

He was a man on a mission

With armor of high tech ammunition

It wasn't his fault that Tony's identity got leaked and his blackmail plan went to hell.

Well, he never did.

He never lost

It had the best villain designs too
Except for MODOK, though. His was a mistake.

MODOK's voice and design were amazing. He reminded me of the 1984 Big Brother head. They went and ruined him by turning him into a joke character in later appearances, though.

It's a shame it ended just when Pepper got her armor.
I'd have loved to see a season of Iron Man, War Machine and Rescue fighting villains together.

MODOK was great and I loved how they actually built up to him. But yes, they had him job to fucking Justin Hammer.

He was the best villain in that show and it baffles me that none of the movies featured him as the villain.

He is going to show up in Antman and the Wasp.

What'd wrong with her head?

It's a wig.

There is no wall that can stop him.
that moment when ghost threatens to rip toni's heart out and tony dares him.