Wait, so is this Beth supposed to be a clone like Rick suggested or no...

Wait, so is this Beth supposed to be a clone like Rick suggested or no? Is it just meant to be left open to interperetation?

Other urls found in this thread:


Still a mystery.

If Beth wanted to run away and the clone was a perfect copy of her, why isn't the clone also abandoning her family?

also yeah obviously it was intentionally left unclear to leave it up to interpretation or to go back to later if they care

They seem too happy. I think she requested to both be cloned to they can go in adventures together.

And play with rainbows.

>why isn't the clone also abandoning her family?
Because Gary Stu Rick probably modified the clone to whatever specifications were needed.

yeah because he has never totally failed at that before

oh wait he literally always fails completely when it comes to things like cloning, genetics or even robot copies

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. :joy: And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Holy shit user you did it

Oh fuck I forgot about that shit. Did/was he gonna just put more effort into the clone since it was for his super intelligent and nihilistic daughter?

There were 11 threads about this show, and you decided to make one more.

Pretty sure she left. It's the most plausible thing. She's been bored and hated her life since the beginning of the show, the fact that looking at her family pictures from a fridge would change that just doesn't seem plausible. I think it's best to assume that she did rather than she didn't.

Honestly, I think that this is our Beth, and she'll be nicer from now on. Like she knew how much Rick leaving damaged her and, even if the kids didn't notice her absence, she would still feel bad. It's like how Mr. Poopybutthole seems like he'd be a parasite, but he wasn't. They want you to think that she took the deal, but in reality, she didn't.

But honestly, I hope she took the deal, so we could get major drama later on. Especially if one Beth gets with Jerry, and the other gets with another guy.

This. Would you REALLY continue being a fucking horse surgeon after having an epiphany like that?

>clone her without the memories of revisiting the play land/whole epidoe

The thing that confuses me the most is this:
How come Tommy didn't eventually breed out the natives in floopyland? Given that the insemination to birth rate in insanely high, and it's presumed that they don't reproduce naturally, because why would they, it would seem like an inevitability.

what did Justin Roiland mean by this?

>How come Tommy didn't eventually breed out the natives in floopyland?
He did, there wasn't a single "pure" native left. The only things left were Tommy, Tommy's spawn that were loyal to him, and Tommy's spawn that managed to get away before getting eaten by him. It's safe to assume that the ones that got away eventually raped what was left of the natives and created things like that pterodactyl monster.

She really thinks that roiland is Pedos because she was 17 year olds. I'm dying. That's just 1 year from 18. might as well just watch 18 year old porn lmao. I don't even like roiland but this is just autism, she's just asking for attention. She only has four screen cap as "proof"

I'm not just talking about the natives being bred out, that was a given.
I was wondering about how the continued intrusion of human DNA into the gene pool didn't eventually create "normal" humans as offspring within the few years he was trapped there.

Then again, incest and cannibalism can wreak horrors upon the gene pool...

Infinite universes. It doesn't even matter.
There's one universe/scenario where Beth stayed.
There's one universe/scenario where Beth left.
Whether we see them or not they both occurred by the show's established logic.

Pedophile accusations. The bread and butter of liberal media.

Because he ate most of his offspring at birth, which means those he didn't eat probably lived their full life cycles. There could have only been one or two generations since he was left there/

Funny thing is that he made malfunctioning kid robots replacing real child for 3 months in Fury Road episode.

tell that to Podesta

she is a clone, you don't realize you're a Rick and then go back to normal.

Doesnt matter since this episode wasnt in the main universe

I thought it later turned out that she had actually turned 18 two months before those messages.


Please expand

>main universe
We've already been with them going on 2 seasons now. How much more 'main' can you get?

Damn, I love this pasta. Please send my regards to the chef

The episode with Fart and Poopybutthole both take place in a different universe then C-137's, probably C-132's. Showing Poopybutthole in this picture told us that this wasn't C-137, which means it's not main universe.

>takeaway of the episode amounts to >tfw too intelligent to not be a piece of shit
>episode makes it clear she's just like her piece of shit dad
>the same piece of shit who would definitely jump at the chance if he were in Beth's shoes

Gee, this sure is a toughie OP

No shit, the main universe got fucked over by cronenburgs

>The episode with Fart and Poopybutthole both take place in a different universe then C-137's, probably C-132's.
how do we know that though?

I'm really stupid and I don't get it, why isn't this the main universe?

>Gary Stu
do you even know what that means?

damn, that's some real good pasta.

This explains it

If so, what's the point of being multi-protagonists?
I'm kinda sick of you people obsessed with such weak theory.

You don't deserve to post Megane.

Oh son of a bitch, this one was the mbp universe too?

Follow the path, Rick clearly says he loves her without even missing a beat.
Now notice before hand when he was being real he couldn't even say that she mattered.

Take it from their.

Yeah, really hoping the finale is our C-137 now

>posting this in all fucking twelve rick and morty threads
What did you mean by this?

There is no point, these morons regurgitate this kind of shit so that they can rationalize bad writing as 2DEEP4U LORE. They can't accept that maybe the writers don't actually give enough of a fuck to put any real effort into the writing and continuity

Someone did the math she was already 18 when this went down. I'm pretty sure she siad she was 17 becuase that way it would get a bigger uproro

It's not a failure if it works, no matter how inaccurate the copy is. Beth never actually figured out her children got replaced, so they were good copies.

Always wondering why they could receive that Jerry without the ticket in the first place.
Does this means they had proper Jerry at that point?

Didnt the C-137 verse get cronenberg'd?


What about Squirrel-verse?

That's cheap

Oh shit.

Except it's a picture of Rick with Poopybutthole. ANYONE could have taken that picture

It's this morty's 3rd universe. Rick's 4th/5th. Morty fucked with squirrels.

>Getting this mad over fan theories
Give it a rest. At least it's not another "It's all Morty's coma dream".

I'm just going to assume that this Rick (C-137(?)) is the only Rick capable of a sliver of attachment to his family. Even if it's other universes' version of his family.

That said, Rick probably has multiple Beth's running around. Either that or obviously the Beth in THIS current universe would stay with her family. Definitely open ended but those are the options.

Every single time these stupid theories come up, it's because an user spouts the same "doesn't matter, not our Rick and Morty :^)" So yeah, it's just as bad as a coma dream, if not worse, since they think following breadcumbs that aren't really there makes them smart

starting voting

she's just very smart

They weren't good copies, it was done that way purely for comedic effect. Any person would immediately see through that farce but I suppose Beth is too "smart" to question anything her father tells her.

It doesn't really matter.

She will act exactly the same way so you. shouldn't think about it

Picking up the phone is the emotionless-end red herring, saying I love you and enjoying family dinner is finding peace with her current choices and situation in life.

Are those bandaids?

It's projecting. The same deal about how homosexual-obsessed republicans keep getting caught banging dudes.

This episode is the worst of the series, followed by Pickle Rick, and in a far third is the Avengers parody.

>just as bad as a coma dream
I hope in 10 years time we move on from infinite universes shit for this same reason. It's a convenient way for comics and cartoons to do all sorts of crazy things, but so are dreams. What's really the difference?

I think women don't have a sense of humor that is very congenial to a show like this. This new season has been a disaster, and all the writing and jokes have a distinctly "feminine" style of comedy, it's not the same bite as it used to be, it's more spaced out reddit zany shit, references ("CERTIFIED FRESH!!!") and "relatable" social situations.

It's such a shame. Destroying a show is one thing but making it continue in a zombified form is much worse.

I think I missed why Tommy couldn't just eat the normal froop beings.

They're not real.

Don't think about it, Froopyland was just a shitty setup for a stupid incest/bestiality/cannibalism gag and nothing about it made any sense.


>"I made this perfect world that is tailor made for cloistering my child who is showing psychopathic tendencies. Nothing here can go wrong!"
>"Except that she could bring other people to Froopyland, and trap them there. Also there's nothing to eat here, so in case she lost the chalk and I forgot about her or died she would be stuck in Froopyland until she starved. Oh also all of the wacky creatures here have reproductive organs that are compatible with human DNA for some reason. You can't eat them, but you sure can mate with them. WUB A LUB A DUB DUB FUCK YOU I'M RICK I GO ON REDDIT TOO SMART TO GIVE A SHIT"

>Now imagining an alternate universe where Beth got stuck instead of Tommy
Seriously though, Tommy fell into a pit of HONEY, how in the ever loving fuck did he manage to get hungry?
I'm sure the procedurally generated world with a medieval society would have some sort of protien-rich food source around. Eggs, for example.

>Season 2 Beth
>After shooting Mr Poopybutthole, she immediately takes to drinking, feels extreme remorse and sorrow for making a honest mistake

>Season 3 Beth

She is her parents' daughter.
It takes two to tango.
Clearly, there are infinite ricks. They are all Rick. Beth's mom is Beth's human side. Beth is not Rick. She's Beth. She still feels remorse and guilt despite being a "sociopath." Rick wouldn't ever be in Beth's cloning situation. If he was, he would definitely, and in a HEARTBEAT, choose for the clone to take his place.

>he doesn't know how trauma can fuck with someone's head
If you're watching this show expecting logic like The Godfather part II, then you clearly aren't watching the right show. Sometimes shit is just random, and sometimes the writers come up with ideas that contradict past episodes. Get over it and watch the cartoon, you twat

>hey let's build a complex lore over a sitcom

Holy fuck that meme is old. I've never even seen it outside of this board




A guy tried fucking an 18 year old! Oh no how terrible!
That's totally illegal and stuff!

Why do these fucking idiots do this? Attention whoring?

queen slay? I'm not sure if it originated on Sup Forums or not but it mostly was around in the 2016 election regarding Clinton.


This is the main problem with this series: super science used as a panacea against consequence
>mind swapping
>dimensional travel with parallel dimensions fiull of the main characters other versions
>perfect cloning complete with brainwashed programming of the clone
>near perfect robot duplicates
>MIND WIPING aka morty's mind blowers, meaning even the things characters see and do on screen cannot be trusted
They can literally asspull anything at any time between all these options. It's pointless to even wonder who , what or where, because LOL ALTERNATE DIMENSION/ PERFECT CLONE/ ROBOT DOUBLE

The whole point is that it doesn't matter what universe it is in the first goddamn place since they're literally infinite and there's not even just one Rick C-137 as he's found multiple instances of universes that are exactly the same as C-137 except there's a convenient lack of Rick and Morty so the two of them can swooce right in without anyone noticing. He's probably lying to Morty about only being able to do that 3 or 4 times as well. He's probably done it a bunch of times.

There's absolutely nothing to suggest that the very first vignette we see in the intro, where Rick abandons Morty to be devoured by monsters, isn't 100% canon.

it's from black twitter

How is this a flaw, exactly? It's a comedy series with an emphasis on oddity and nihilism, not serious plot continuity and long-term consequences. This is like bitching about Bart Simpson having been a ten year old with the jaded cynicism of a twenty-something for nearly three decades now.

What? Did you watch the first seasons?

This show is falling apart ever since it started taking itself on a serious tone.

Welcome to shows by Dan Harmon. It's fine, but people can't handle any tiny difference in a show they just started watching last week, because they don't get the sense of time to accept the change over.

>Dan Harmon.

he is a major faggotron tough

It's nothing like that because Rick and Morty has a serial ongoing plot and the simpsons does not. Rick and Morty has pretenses of having dramatic arcs like Evil Morty and the Simspons has , at best, the occassional call back.
Rick's super science is the hipster atheist version of "a wizard did it"

>not serious plot continuity and long-term consequences.
But this season especially if trying to make us care more about that and the characters.

This, the show is trying to have it's cake and eat it too with its stupid "DUDE NOTHING MATTERS" narrative on the one hand, and hackjob "character development" for these awful people on the other. The writing is nowhere near competent enough to actually get away with it though, so all these character arcs just feel like massive wastes of time

>having to have more in-depth reasoning in your cartoons than a wizard doing it when you're fine with a wizard running in and yelling some silly shit as the premise for each episode
You're a fucking fag.

If you aren't willing to suspend disbelief for a crappily written sci-fi comedy, then don't watch. If the show isn't for you, then how will complaining about it do anything other than force it further into the public eye?

Yeah, pretenses of dramatic arcs. And constant breaking of the fourth wall by multiple characters. And Rick directly stating "don't think about it."

The whole "infinite universes" thing is a conceit to let them go wherever the fuck they want with it, plot- and setting-wise.

Yeah, and the CHARACTERS have very consistent continuity. Summer has developed in a very specific direction since the start of the series, for instance, even though we know that the Summer in the latest episode is literally not the same summer from the first episode and given the squirrel incident revealed in Morty's Mind Blowers might not even be the same one from season 2.

It's funny how Sup Forums makes fun of people who think they're so smart for liking Rick and Morty, because they think they're too smart for Rick and Morty. Fuck's sake, it's a goddamn comedy show and literally everywhere except Sup Forums I see people accepting the conceit of the series without issue, yet I come here and it's wall-to-wall threads packed with turbo-autists picking apart the plot continuity in a show that willingly throws plot continuity to the wind.

And on fucking Sup Forums of all boards. Superhero comics are super-popular here and their continuity is almost without exception a fucking joke, yet I never see people bitching about that.

It's intentionally ambiguous so the writers can act smart no matter which side you're on since it's so vague and the characters so inconsistent, it can literally be either outcome and it would all be valid.

It's on the level of Dr. Who.

>And on fucking Sup Forums of all boards. Superhero comics are super-popular here and their continuity is almost without exception a fucking joke, yet I never see people bitching about that.
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