White identity and racial polarization in America is rising

How can we stop the polarization and breakdown of American society?

This is extremely worrying. White identity is rising in our society. This is a response to the psychotic anti white left. But at what price? We're losing our humanity and becoming primitive, tribal again.

How can we change the trajectory?
I'm going to keep thinking about this pressing problem until I find the right solution.

Collectivists, please grow up with muh heritage and muh identity politics, you will literally turn America into Yugoslavia 2.0. Fuck off!

Other urls found in this thread:


1/ Many political commentators credit Donald Trump’s rise to white voters’ antipathy toward racial and ethnic minorities. However, we believe this focus on racial resentment obscures another important aspect of racial thinking.

In a study of white Americans’ attitudes and candidate preferences, we found that Trump’s success reflects the rise of “white identity politics”—an attempt to protect the collective interests of white voters via the ballot box. Whereas racial prejudice refers to animosity toward other racial groups, white identity reflects a sense of connection to fellow white Americans.

We’re not the first to tie Trump’s candidacy to white identity politics. But our data provide some of the clearest evidence that ongoing demographic changes in the United States are increasing white racial identity. White identity, in turn, is pushing white Americans to support Trump.

When we talk about white identity, we’re not referring to the alt-right fringe, the white nationalist movement or others who espouse racist beliefs. Rather, we’re talking about everyday white Americans who, perhaps for the first time, are racially conscious.

2/ The concept of “garden variety” white racial identity stands in contrast to conventional wisdom. In the last three decades of scholarship on whiteness as a race, the prevailing view has been that most whites fail to notice their own whiteness. In a society dominated by white people, whiteness simply fades into the background. Just as fish fail to notice the water around them, whites are unlikely to think about how they are members of a distinct group.

Our research shows that the era of “white invisibility” is coming to a close.

Non-Hispanic whites are projected to become a minority in the year 2044. This increasing diversity across the country is making whites’ own race harder and harder to ignore. Political and social phenomena, from Barack Obama’s presidency to the Black Lives Matter movement, are making whiteness even more salient to white Americans.
Trump and white identity politics

As whites increasingly sense that their status in society is falling, white racial identity is becoming politicized. Trump’s promise to “make America great again” speaks to these anxieties by recalling a past in which white people dominated every aspect of politics and society. That’s why media outlets from New York Magazine to The National Review have dubbed Trump an “ethnonationalist” candidate.

Hillary Clinton counters Trump’s exclusionary rhetoric with her message that all Americans are “Stronger Together.”

>How can we stop the polarization and breakdown of American society?
Disenfranchise non-whites and women. White men are the only consistent politically individualist group who break down along ideological lines rather than tribal ethnic identity groups. The only reason they've begun to break that trend is that all the tribalists got together under the DNC and are attempting to replace them.


3/ To test our ideas about Trump and white identity politics, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of about 1,700 white Americans. The survey covered racial identities, attitudes, and political preferences. In examining the relationship between white identity and ethnic diversity, we chose to focus on an ethnic minority of particular salience in contemporary politics: Hispanics. More than any other group, Hispanics have been in the Trump campaign’s crosshairs.

Do whites from heavily Hispanic neighborhoods show stronger white racial identity? To measure identity, we used a widely used questionnaire. On a five-point scale, participants rated their agreement with items such as “Being a white person is an important part of how I see myself” and “I feel solidarity with other white people.” As shown in the graph below, there is a positive relationship between exposure to Hispanics and white respondents’ sense of racial identity.

And does white identity lead to support for Donald Trump? We examined the relationship between white identity and respondents’ likelihood of supporting Trump for the presidency versus Hillary Clinton or several Republican primary challengers. Consistent with others’ analyses, white identity strongly predicts a preference for Trump.

Whites at the high end of the racial identity scale are more than four times as likely to support Trump than those at the low end of the scale. Perhaps that’s because whites highest in racial identity are also the ones most likely to harbor negative attitudes against Latinos. Indeed, we found white identity was significantly correlated with another characteristic—prejudice.

that will just make racial tension even worse, idiot

>Liberals push shaming white people for a decade.
>Surprised when people starts pushing back

4/ However, differences in prejudice don’t explain the relationship between white identity and Trump support. The pattern in the figure above was tested while statistically controlling for levels of anti-Hispanic prejudice. Because the relationship between identity and support for Trump remains strong, we are confident that white identity independently predicts greater Trump support.

We’ve seen that living close to Hispanics leads whites to develop a strong sense of racial identity and that strong racial identity is associated with support for Donald Trump. We should therefore expect whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods to support Trump more often than those in neighborhoods with fewer Hispanics. This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.

Whites’ support for Donald Trump is, in fact, greatest in areas with a large Hispanic population.

These findings leave open a crucial question: Do whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods support Trump because they tend to be high in white identity? Using a statistical approach called “mediation analysis,” we tested whether white identity accounted for the relationship between exposure to Hispanics and support for Trump. We found that identity does indeed serve as a significant link between Hispanic exposure and Trump support.
Beyond Trump

Trump, despite his outsize importance as a candidate and symbol, will eventually fade from the political scene. We therefore sought to examine the interplay of demographics and identity beyond the context of his candidacy. Specifically, we asked respondents for their views on white identity politics itself.

You're ungodly paranoid useless morons. Until you kill every single person in the world except Frumpf or any other zionist pedophile dictator communist spy, then youll always cry about lies, nothingness, and make problems

Let the USA balkanise. Two states in the South for blacks, two states somewhere for natives, California should be separated with all the mestizos and Asians moved there, NE, Midwest and PNW goes to Whites. Multiracial society always fail
It won't work in multiracial hellhole like USA. It won't work in any multiracial nation. How to make USA tolerable again without racial laws?
1)abolish all welfare
2)enroucage sterilisation in exchange for 40000$ payment
3)abolish all taxes, but 10% corporate tax
4)create tariffs: for the third world - 400%, for Europe 60%, for Canada - 40%, for Australia and NZ -40%
5)ban chinese and third world products
6)go full eco fascist with federal environment protection laws; destroy monsanto experimentation with all the crops; ban gmo crops and food
7)ban artificial insemination
8)ban transnational adoption
9)cut off all government funding outside of STEM education

5/ We had participants rate their agreement with a series of statements. For example, “There is nothing wrong with a white person choosing to support a political candidate because that candidate is white” and “Blacks, Latinos, and Asians engage in ‘identity politics,’ and there’s nothing wrong with whites doing the same.”

Exactly the same patterns emerged for these questions as for Trump support: Endorsement of white identity politics was highest in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods and was strongly correlated with white racial identity. These results suggest that America’s growing ethnic diversity is creating a politicized form of white identity that has clear repercussions for future elections.

Why does it matter that whites’ politics are driven by concerns about the interests of their racial group? It suggests that racial bias increasingly reflects attention to the welfare of one’s own group rather than animus toward other groups. These collective concerns are only going to become more pronounced as the nation becomes more diverse.

Recent research in social psychology suggests that when whites engage in discrimination based on their perceived collective interests, it’s hard to convince them that such discrimination is wrong. After all, doesn’t every group have a right to prioritize its own members? We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.

bigotry is never OK. BLM and La Raza are just as evil as White lives matter or White identity muh heritage politics.

Lack of ingroup loyalty is a mental illness.
>comparing racially supremacist La Raza to European Heritage Identarianism

>white people being attacked from all sides
>you whyties better not come together and defend yourselves

Sounds like niggers around the world fear the unity of the white man

>This is extremely worrying. White identity is rising in our society. This is a response to the psychotic anti white left.
Of course it is. So long as they exist and keep persecuting whites for the crime of being white, expect a rise in White identity politics.

Progressives want to push for identity politics while demonizing whites? It takes two to tango.

>Other races trying to level the playing field and get rid of racial discrimination
>"we are being attacked guys!!!!"

But becoming racist because of racism is wrong. Blacks being racist is just as fucked up as Whites being racist.

Don't become a White racist to stop nonwhite racists! Two wrongs DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT

Oh look, it's this thread again. Aren't you forgetting your name, you fucking faggot?

Remember to hide and sage these slide threads everyone.

Niggers literally attack and kill whites every day. Niggers and other races openly disparage whites with no fucks given. You call that evening the playing field?

Being for your race doesn't make you a racist. I can be for my race, doesn't mean I'm against other races

How many times are you going to make the same thread over and over again you tryhard faggot?

>Don't become a White racist to stop nonwhite racists!
Who says it's about racism though? More so it's about self-determination. Do whites not have that right?

Even so, as long as the progressives keep spouting "KILL ALL WHITES" and calling whites the scum of the Earth left and right, expect a reaction.

Like it or not, this is on them.

>unironicaly using a term created by trotskyist machine
People without in group loyalty lack survival instinct, aka mentally ill. You commit people jumping off the bridge, why won't you commit "anti-racist"?

Never use this word. By adopting their language, you play on their field.

The left is more concerned about blm, lgbtqaw2x+ or feminist agenda and dont give a shit about working class anymore, then they dont understand why the white hetero working class men goes to the populist right... If they fought for EVERY poor people instead of only for poor black or women, there would be no Trump, no Brexit, no LePen, etc. The left is «supposed» to fight for the interest of the majority (working class) but they now fight for minorities. The right is rising because the left is commiting suicide... In the early 2000's, left wing movements where against globalization and free trade, now they play the big banks game and the populist right is picking up... the table has turned... weird world we live in...

White's openly disparage other races more
Just look at the south

Then those fuckers would move into what remains of the white USA. Rinse and repeat. Balkanization is a line that cannot be crossed. A race war is more plausible than your scenario anyway.

>this thread again


This message needs to get out there. I am praying to God about this. We need protection from the coming storm. Civil war 2.0 could start NEXT WEEK.

Fucking asshole.

Why do you type like a faggot on kikebook? If we stand idly by we become like sweden so fuck your unicorn fantasy land.

>We're losing our humanity and becoming primitive, tribal again.

But you are wrong user. Primitive and conservative instincts, fear of the unknown and diffident toward things strange and alien to us is something DEEPLY ROOTED into our humanity as, at the base, we're animals too.

If you think you can suppose or even push everyone to out-brain our deeply inscribed instincts, then you are on the wrong way mate.

How would they move into something that founded as ethnostate? You dump all the multiracialists with mestizo Hispanics and Asians(both are not native to the USA anyway) to California and they have (((USA 1965-2016 style))) of their own

Can't you see how wrong this post is. A new polarization is sweeping our nation. Races were united in the 1980s under Reagan.

Hopefully Trump can bring us together. Fuck the SJW anti white bigots AND the white supremist bigots EQUALLY!


Is our (white cis male) desire for true unbiased equal opprtunity and equal treatment really wrong?


Spam your shitty thread elsewhere.

That stuff about Sweden is mostly far right propaganda. Like I said I love Trump and hate SJWs.

If Whites ever become truly oppressed, I will become a White nationalist. But that is still extremely unlikely.

Racial separatism is not racial supremacism

This isn't spam this is real talk. Racism is the true cuckery.



Idk they are pushing it





>We're losing our humanity and becoming primitive, tribal again.
Doesn't that mean that we're gaining our humanity and giving up a socially constructed mass delusion?

fuck off, cuck

I am for African colonialism, Africa for the white man who leveled the playing field

Good. It's about time.

I really don't understand the US.

All the time and not only during the election they talk about "African-Americans" and Hispanics and every fucking group gets to have their special interests shoved up their ass and now they are suddenly wondering that polarization is on the rise?

Why are the whites of America asked to fulfill all the wishes of every marginal subgroup while not being allowed their own identity?
I think Americans aren't even recognizing this fully anymore. The fact that everyone gets pandered to when they can construct some claim of "oppression" seems to be accepted as the normal state of things. When I hear in Hillaries speeches, how she has to mention every (larger) ethnic group in order to make them feel being cared of, is not a sign of a functioning democracy. That's a dissolved society.

There doesn't seem to be any "melting pot" going on over the pond anymore. Every "community" -- I really heard the word "community" mentioned a lot in this election cycle -- seems to be regarded as it's own where the other's aren't really supposed to interfere with. There isn't a lot unity over there, it seems.

>How can we change the trajectory?
Now the people who were arguing for every marginal interest group are wondering why the American society falls apart? It's their own fucking doing!
But instinctively they did the right thing. You can't expect a country to work where there is so much polarization present. It's better to let it go it's course.

>please grow up with muh heritage and muh identity politics, you will literally turn America into Yugoslavia 2.0. Fuck off!
Yugoslavia is off better now than it was before. You fuck off.

You have been posting this twice a day for at least a week. Just fucking stop

NOTHING to talk about
t. psychiatrist with 4 years of practice

If you think respecting everyone as an individual and praising the greatness of liberty is MASS DELUSION then maybe.

The enlightenment is a beautiful gift we must all treasure. The spirit of liberty and freedom must never die.

Humans are not meant to fight each other, but to triumph over evil, united!

Anti White is just as evil and sick as pro-White! Stop being a cog in the wheel! Stop being one of the herd! Stop being a tribal nutbag!

Be a human! Be an individual!



>melting pot
USA was founded by the various Brits, German and Dutch. USA was developed by Northwestern Europeans. Everyone else is an immigrant

Quit that dumb obsession whit race! As a french canadian, I'm white as fuck and I dont have or want anything in common with a russian or an american! I identify to my culture, not the color of my skin, nor yours. Talk about western values if you want to put us in the same basket or fight for something that worth it, but leave that stupid race shit to your faggoty Putin mancrush fantasy.

>Why are the whites of America asked to fulfill all the wishes of every marginal subgroup while not being allowed their own identity?
anti white racism is in power in America, but that doesn't mean that ANOTHER KIND OF RACISM (White racism) is THE ANSWER.

Two wrongs don't make a right!!!

>implying all Jews are psychopathic globalists
I have a Jewish friend, he's literally poor and a hassidic dude. He has no fucking connection to international anti white racist kikes.

Why should he leave? Fucking bigot!!!

Oh, it's you again.
How many times do I need to tell you, that ETHNONATIONALISM, is the only true way for peace and stability?

We are tribal creatures, and mixing different tribes together only creates conflict.
Denying the above is to deny human nature itself.

Nation, tribe, people, bound by blood and shared culture, is the only way to avoid unneeded strife.

>spirit of liberty
How come all the free societies are White?

fuck you this is another type of bigotry!

You should want unity with all Canadians and stop thinking only your culture matters! Fucking moron.

Niga please.

I can't agree with racism sorry I don't care about any arguments you may have. We need to change the trajectory of the slippery slope into White tribalism.

I don't want to be in a tribe, I want to be part of a modern nation which is part of the world.

Probably mostly culture, duh.

Your Tribe>your subracial group>your racial group
And fuck everyone else

White people are grouped together, they're all called racist and bigoted solely because of their race, discriminated against and targeted because of their race. It's not surprising they're reacting to that.

I could have swore I just saw this thread and posted in it before, was it archived?

>mostly culture
In 1440s people denied form of Earth
In 2016 people deny the reality of race
You pitchforked barbarians never change, do you?

>bigotry is never OK
Bigotry is always OK you cuck.

I get that but I still think it's extrmeley important to show other groups that they are welcome among us. Don't be like exclusionary, that's just... fucking frankly unamerican.

It's all so simple to you ,isn't it? Well I have nonwhite friends what am I supposed to do just see them as part of another tribe??

Honestly wtf this is insane.





you are a scared ass bitch


what the fuck hans?
you forget how your grandad ruined white pride for all of us?

>is insane
Too bad people like you qualify for commitment in Russia where they can be embraced by my loving hands full of pills and injections

No I'm not I just oppose racist extremism. I'm for Trump. If I was a scared ass bitch I'd be a racist bigot like you, hate hate hating based on race.

I'm brave enough to cross racial lines and have friends of many races.

The people in power only care about staying in power. You think they will oppose this movement? In 4 years everyone will jump into the ship of white identity.

Just admit that a society comprised of many different groups doesnt work.

If wanting to preserve my genetic pool for my descendants is, "unamerican," then fuck America.
America was and is a European concept, colored people have no stake because they cannot create nor maintain European societies.

I'm not saying my culture is the only one that matters, I'm saying this is what I indentify to. Not the color of my skin. The real biggotery is saying you want to defend whites in America when basically what you are arguing for, are american values, so the american culture, treatened by sjw marxist bs. It's not about races, it's about ideas, values and culture. You're the moron.

the ctr got new lines but kept the same assumptions

>you will literally turn America into Yugoslavia 2.0. Fuck off!
better than iraqistan

I would like for America to stay majority White but I won't hate or use violence. That woud mean sacrificing my fucking morality for materialistic ends.

I have higher ideals than that. I'm not a barbarian, like you evidently want to be!!!

No, We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

>white identity is rising
>losing our humanity

Anti-white detected.

Fuck off.

You put yourself at the mercy of those who will.
Man the fuck up

>We're losing our humanity and becoming primitive, tribal again

>implying being tribal isn't the purest form of humanity and how we were all meant to exist

Now go get cucked some more, white boy.


Former US Marine Ken O'Keefe Unveils The Truth About Adolf Hitler



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>How can we change the trajectory?
Stop immigration and allow for a permanent white majority.

The rise of a minority plurality and the demographic decline of whites is creating this scenario. Where they would have originally identified as Americans, they are now beginning to identify has hyphenated Americans

Good luck, unless you travel back in time 40 years and stop mass migration, then you won't be able to end this trend.

They are called useful idiots, thats why suddenly leftits said Trump voters are simple workers with no studies, they are LAUGHING of them.

Too bad minorities and leftits depends on those workers. Bunch of traitors

No it's fucking wrong just stop immigration and peacefully deport SOME people not all. We can't BECOME racist to STOP anti white racists.



We are civilized human beings! Civilized humans are not tribal! We believe in commonwealth and citizenship which goes right back to multicultural ancient Rome.

Get rid of your limiting tribal self conception, it's holding you back.

>Civil war 2.0 could start NEXT WEEK.
i think you mean ethnic cleansing could start next week which i would 100% a ok with

We only need to kill all the niggers and shit skins

>fear the unity of the white man
All PoC fear this. That's why they flood white countries and vote against the interest of whites. When white people come together and don't hand out gibsmedats they conquer most of the planet

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
You see the pattern.

Why those leftits who say they are not racist dont go to help in black countries? If White Proud rise just flight away and go to live with blacks

Racism is the true cuckery, user

Honestly if all that shit op posted is true then I find it very comforting that whites aren't going to roll over and die without a fight

You know what happens with, "some not all."
Kickback the, "natives" to the reservations and force negotiated trade deals. Everyone else MUST leave, or violence will otherwise be inevitable, and we will be responsible for the suffering of the generations after us. The same as those who came before us.
Stop being a coward.

Balkanization and identity politics are the only things that can save the white race

When it's against your own biological group, absolutely. I wish I could inject you with haloperidol and tie to the bed for three hours. Retard

Either you're trolling or you're a huge faggot who doesn't belong on this board.

sage this obvious KIKE slide thread


What the hell how am I trolling? I know my views don't match up on this board. This board is sorely lacking in the libertarian demographic.

If I become a White racist extremist, I will just make it easier for more people to become extremists on both sides. This is a slippery slope into massive conflict. America is a big place with a lot of people. We need to back THE FUCK AWAY from civil war.

I am praying daily for deliverance from the sjw bullshit. Becoming a rightwing sjw WILL. NOT. HELP! Also by saying KIKE you are just encouraging Jews to support anti whites. You're just raising racial tension!!! Fucking moron.

White people SHOULD be racist. We are objectively the best. Every one else lives on accomplishments of the white man. Every one else wants to live in white countries.