Dumbing of age. Doa

Tonight's strip.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/ozt4pr7byhxv6df/Dumbing of Smut.pdf?dl=0

>Willis setting up Joyce to get blacked

Like, black-male/white-female trope notwithstanding, why Jacob of all people? He's less of an entity than anybody else in this fucking comic. Even Sarah has a personality outside of being kind of a cunt; Jacob is as flat as his ass.

But let me guess: This is going to lead into Joyce forgetting about hooking up Sarah and Jacob and ending up having a thing for Jacob himself, much to Sarah and Becky's chagrin, and then Raidah comes in to be like BITCH STEP AWAY FROM MY MAN and the punchline is that everybody thinks Joyce is in love with the town Negro or some shit out of the 1940s and the only lynching this ends in is when Mary gets knocked up and strangles her baby with a wire hanger because I don't fucking care what the fuck happens in this shit anymore. I don't even care what the password is; it's the N-word now.

it's so bad

>Joyce has a crazy breakdown because she can't handle how different this church is
>Although she craves specific aspects to her worship, she didn't ask any questions about the faith, the church, the hymns, the choir, the leader or the inclusion of live instrumental music
>Joyce didn't even bother trying to look up the demonination to lessen the impact

>Jacob apologizes
I get that it's nice to apologize when someone has a bad experience, but come on, Joyce should know her limits.

At least she's gonna get some romance to tide her over. Can't wait for her guilty freak out when she thinks she's stealing Jacob from Sarah (despite that being the actual plan).

Oh I get it, this was just a poorly-written excuse to get Jacob to comfort Joyce.

How about you go fuck yourself, Willis. Your writing is more pisspoor than your art, which is lazy and hackneyed. You're a pitiful, pathetic, spiteful little man who acts like an angry teen whinging about his parents even though you've somehow managed to become one yourself and spawn two maggots. Your "art" can barely be called such and you're a shameless prostitute for a crazed and dysfunctional agenda which you exploit for undeserved money because you know there are plenty of desperate, mentally-unstable people who will throw cash at you for making a cursory effort at portraying diversity and social justice. And I say "cursory" because you've outright said you write DoA because it's simple and requires no effort on your part so don't go bitching about how "unappreciative" people are of your shittastic art and writing and characterizing and everything else.

I won't say "kill yourself" but if you did walk in front of a bus tomorrow it probably wouldn't be a bad thing.

Whatever happened to our favorite crazed commentor Cerberus, btw?

Do the mods get their pants in a wad whenever it's mentioned or something?

Cheer up, Mary.

Considering most of the rest of the cast's personalities can be defined as some kind of jackass, non-entity makes Jacob look good in comparison. And it's been pretty obvious since the scene with her, Jacob, Sarah, and Joe in the restaurant that Willis is shooting for romantic drama with Joyce and Jacob.

There's at least one mod with an active grudge against /doag/ who'll use any reason they can find to delete the threads, and talking about the commentators is apparently against the rules.

Less that and more that the mods don't like it when you post screencaps. Greentext that anonymizes the comment source is fine, though you can always say who's Cerebus.

But why? There's been nothing in Jacob's character to show that he's so unhappy with Raidah that he's willing to flirt with the first white bitch to get within three feet of him without screaming "Daddy he touched me" or whatever.

All this is doing is setting up for a rift between Joyce and Sarah, who for the most part have the most realistic friendship in the comic, or at least compared to everybody else.

You can't have drama if everything is going good. My bet is that Jacob will get close to Joyce, Raidah will get jealous, Jacob will break it off with Raidah, Joyce will try to get Jacob and Sarah together only to realize she's got a serious attraction to him, Jacob and Sarah will fizzle due to him just leaving a relationship and their incompatible relationship desires, Joyce and Jacob will get together, Sarah will find out and have a conflict with Joyce, and everything will be resolved when Sarah realizes that her purely physical interest in Jacob isn't a good enough reason to be angry at Joyce for attempting a serious relationship with Jacob.

Jacob is being pretty understanding, considering the majority of his talks with Sarah are about how unreasonable and annoying Joyce can be.

Nice to see that Becky's wandering eye isn't the focal point here.

It must be sad for Joyce to not have elbows.

At least half of this is going to happen. Also, a hug or other appropriate measure of comfort for you.

And a hug or such for you as well. But you are correct.[/spoiler[

Yet we can't look away.

Anything other than discussion of the comic itself seems to be against the rules. Been warned a few times. So let's try to keep it on topic as much as we can.

And yes, Raidah and Jacob are perfectly happy together. The best time for Joyce to do this would be after the couple has their first big fight or something. She's supposed to be a pleasant alternative to Raidah, but Jacob is the only person who actually likes her.

This scheme is like someone trying to walk up Mount Everest without any equipment.

>Tonight's strip.

More like Tonight SHIP.

Right? Right?

That is a fine dude. Are they dating? They should date

I just want to find the slipshines.

But no one posts them in case Willy shows up and birches.

Only porn ever linked is a bunch of fan art collected from aco

>I want shitty chairs, shitty music, and the church to look like crap.
Truly the state of American worship.

Calumny and lies.

---“Joyce and Walky” Dump---

---Patreon-Only Bonus Strips---

---VA user’s generous voice-over work---

---Free Pinups---

---ACO Smut collection---

---Smut Doc (all pinups + sexy fanart)---
dropbox.com/s/ozt4pr7byhxv6df/Dumbing of Smut.pdf?dl=0

Oh right. Because those are the Slipshines.

Hey now. To be fair he included like 5 of the slipshines!

Our friendly neighborhood PornAnon put the Slipshines up on a Volafile a few threads back. You just gotta be lucky with the timing.

Whatever happened to VA user's group voiceover project? Did it get off the ground?

If "fine" is shoulders so sharp they could kill a man...

They are not dating. He (Jacob) has a Muslim girlfriend. The girl in yellow (Joyce) wants the guy to date her black roommate (Sarah). It was initially because they were both black, but now it's because she genuinely thinks that Sarah will be happy if she dates this guy.

Some people prefer a cozier setting. Formal church can be off-putting to a lot of people. I couldn't do it because it was too hot and too loud.

You know, I know she's there to get her MRS degree, but for someone majoring in education, she should be a bit smarter. They haven't gotten to the "critical thinking" portion of her introductory classes, I guess.


I have no idea why this hobby amuses me so much. This isn't even for my own benefit, honestly.

We don't have much of an archive for the full-length comics, but all the pinups are in the Dropbox file, while some of the comics are in the /aco/ thread.

There was an archive of everything, but it was apparently deleted after 2 days; the site does that for some reason. If anyone downloaded the files, let me know. I got all the pinups from it, but that was it.

Willis also did free pinups on DeviantArt, which are included in a link I gave.

Not yet. I did a bunch of lines for Dorothy and Robin, but it's being indefinitely postponed because he has real-life stuff to do. Dealt with some bad stuff but is now simply too busy. College does that to people


Wait, Raidah's Muslim? I thought Willis could only draw Muslims if they had a hijab?

I managed to grab the slipshines, but I'm not sure of a good way to host them.

Jacob implied it in a strip where he said she waa teaching him some tradition related to Islam.

I recommemd Dropbox. You can put all the images for each comic into a document, then upload the document to the site. Takes a bit of time, but that's what I do for the pinups.

Thanks. I'll do that when I have non-phone internet. I'll put a link in Tomorrow's thread

Joe/Joyce is superior

Fuck off Willis.

>much to Sarah and Becky's chagrin

>All this is doing is setting up for a rift between Joyce and Sarah, who for the most part have the most realistic friendship in the comic, or at least compared to everybody else.

>Sarah will find out and have a conflict with Joyce

Between this strip and Sarah trying to get Joyce to wear the sexy dress, there's no reason for Sarah to get upset with Joyce over taking Jacob. That's her plan, but Joyce is just too dense to figure that out (along with her attraction to Jacob, which seems like it's just now being realized).

My money is still on Joyce taking Jacob and then feeling bad because she doesn't realize that's what Sarah has settled for and that one-sided guilt/secrecy causing some hilarious friction.

Is there a chance of more attempted rape happening?

I can definitely see Willis pulling some sour grapes characterization with Sarah.

The fuck, was she raised in a crate like veal"

I might try putting up all the comics on Exhentai or something.

When I get around to it, tbqh

"Act naive & innocent" and "Act like she's five" is a razor thin line with Willis' writing.

This is a girl who breaks down if you put the wrong things on her pizza. Granted, this is all to establish Hurt so others can make with the Comfort.

I keep thinking about his recent posts on what Real Church is supposed to be like, as if he's been to one in decades. Also, much like the Amber situation, it's kinda painful to see what he does to his waifus when he's lost interest in them.

Confession: I think the term 'autistic' does get used too much on these here Guatemalan Aquaculture board, but this strip? Joyce's reaction does come across as a mid/low-functioning autistic person. She's literally freezing up and hyperventilating when confronted with a church that she knew was different is actually different from hers. That's not normal behaviour even for someone who's been sheltered (and had a fucking character arc of being able to interact with things different from her faith like gays and atheists). As said, she didn't even look into what the church was like until she was on her way there.

This is just bad and comes across as 'hah! look how funny this is, Joyce have a breakdown like a toddler! oh and here comes Buff Diglett to comfort her. *wink*'

He probably will, but I'm just pushing the idea that it would be pretty inconsistent. Sarah even knows that she pretty much just wants to bang Jacob, if she isn't at least self-aware about getting mad at Joyce about it I'll be annoyed.

Okay, okay, hold up.
The sole defining characteristics of Joyce is she's sheltered and hyper religious, and her coming to terms with real world issues and differences that normal people have and don't bat an eye at is what makes her character arc. Er, *the* character arc. She's the only person with one and everyone else has to share.
Here, she's having a panic attack because this church is bigger than hers and has a larger budget than your average puppet show. Has she not seen a picture of a church before? Does this mean she hasn't been worshiping outside of her dorm since she left home? Kinda a hike back to Pigfukerville or wherever. Joyce being scared of a church is the most incongruous, out of character thing he could have written (a church in her denomination or a similar vein that is, non-Baptist Protestant churches are wholly interchangeable).
I know Willis doesn't write so much as scrawl words with dried shit, but fear of a church with practices mere inches outside of her comfort zone?

>(december 16, 2017)

WTF happened to her arm?

Fuck you user Willy works hard and is a talented artist and champion of social justice, demanding he draw a good arm is transphobia

Elbowitus. A tragic syndrome afflicting badly drawn comic characters causes the development of impossible extra joints

No, that is straight-up a chestburster helping her out. It is coming from her torso.

Joyce's home church is a big nonspecific protestant church with folding chairs and a band with live music. Also, the services are held in a gym. But yeah the church she has gone to while at university has pews, and I'd assume it has some stained glass and stuff? We haven't seen much of it, but it also has a band like her home church. It's actually written that Joyce went to different churches with her family when she was really young before they chose the one they go to currently, but she might not remember all the changes.

I'm not American, but I know that I noticed a bit of a difference going from one church to an Anglican one because the pomp was a bit higher. But Joyce's reaction is super extreme and offputting. I find it pretty funny that this should be Willis' wheelhouse and it's really really bad.

I have a follow up but I have to make a comic compilation.

This is what I immediately thought of when I saw Jacob. On a related note... holy shit, Longcat has been around since 2004?!

I'd post the LONDON meme with how Willis insists that Becky's phone is a cordless landline phone, but Sup Forums won't let me.

Though in panels one and two, it looks more like she's holding a Nintendo DS to her face.

Here was when Joyce had to decide on a church before. She does have the catholic hang up which seems to be in play the most here because of the visual similarities, and she has issues with Mormonism, but she seems fairly level headed.

But the most important part is she chooses the church using a very superficial metric. Yes, I get it's also a joke, but Willis chose to make the part that should've been important a punchline. But still there's an important aspect to hone in on, "I'd first have to hear about their beliefs and doctrine." And Joyce didn't try much harder with Jacob's church than she did with this other one. She basically made sure they're okay with Becky and that's it.

It doesn't make any sense for someone as specific and prone to freak outs as her to get into this situation without thinking about stuff at all. It's just all for the joke of the freak out and the follow up of Jacob's comfort to lead into the romance.

And as a coda after these comics when they got out of the service everyone has their reactions to how they found the church. Joyce's only reaction? "The boys were cuter at my church." And I guess with the conclusion of the OP strip maybe that's all that really matters to her.

In this comic Dorothy call herself an atheist, yet in a more recent comic she calls herself jewish.
Did she convert or does she just randomly identify as jewish to win an argument?

Most likely: raised in a Jewish family, but doesn't really believe any more (thanks to EEEEEEVIL parents)

Then why does she call herself Jewish if she doesn't believe?

When does she call herself Jewish?

When the congress lady visited her class.
She was called white to which Dorothy responded that she's Irish and Jewish.

And she did it instead of just getting to her super important rapist identifying question.

She has Jewish heritage, presumably the ethnicity.

Which she didn't even follow up on, because Leslie told her not to.

Attaching a picture from the scene. Should be somewhere in that week or so. I'm sick and don't feel like going to the site to find it.

Being Jewish is a both religion and an ethnicity. You can have a cultural or ethnic Jewish heritage without practicing Judaism.

Found it.

Ignoring Dorothy's utter failure to just ask the important questions, the rest of the strip feels almost realistic. I can see something like this happening if you also ignore all the stuff that led up to it. Huh.

I like Leslie's moment of clarity and the fact that Robin acknowledges a typical Internet argument.

You know, even with her measuring it on a superficial basis, her reaction to Jacob's church makes no sense. She was fine with the campus church because it had snazzy music, but the second she saw someone wearing robes at Jacob's church, she freaked out.

So is it the big stuff that matters? Or the superficial stuff?

Based on her reaction to Jacob once he comforts her, I guess it's still superficial. So why is she so upset about the presentation of the church's beliefs and values?

Yeah, most landline phones don't have two screens. And they certainly don't fold in half like that. And landline phones in 2010 didn't need antennae. I started college in 2008, and I call BS all-around.

I mean. I'd rather be Irish and Jewish than Black. At this point you're just finding shit to be upset about. When was the last time a group of jews were violenced in America just for being Jews? Outside of maybe high school bullies or something? I'm sorry people post images of furnaces? As if you're in any threat of being burned alive, Dotty. You're at least 60-80 years away from that being a credible threat






>Like, black-male/white-female trope notwithstanding, why Jacob of all people? He's less of an entity than anybody else in this fucking comic.
What other boy is a Christian?


> Why black the cutie?
White people have a culture or future. Joyce is just stepping ahead of the curve.

>Where do you think we are?

Bear in mind that this strip came immediately after Amber and Dorothy discussed the possibility of Rapin' Ryan finding Joyce again.

As someone who was raised Catholic I never really understood all the hate, dislike, or general trepidation that a lot of of Baptists and Protestants have towards Catholics.

I went to a couple of different churches with friends when I was younger and I was never really felt such feelings in reverse. I just don't understand it.

I'd like to point out that this whole scene ends with Mary pegging Joyce as being more concerned with superficial aspects than anything right off the bat.

It makes them feel superior. There also might be some play in the fact that Catholicism is heavily involved in evangelism and community outreach, which puts them in direct competition to evangelistic Protestantism.

>Like, black-male/white-female trope notwithstanding, why Jacob of all people?
Have you not been following? Sarah is traying to push Joyce in his arm to get back at her former friend.

That was like, just a few strip ago. Have you short term memory or what?

>much to Sarah and Becky's chagrin
So you have really forgotten a plot point set up a few strip ago, wow !

>I'd like to point out that this whole scene ends with Mary pegging Joyce....

I'm sorry. I stopped reading right at that point.

Goddamn it, user.

I was talking more metatextual. Jacob has been in the comic less than Becky has at this point, yet we're supposed to treat this new development as something to root for.

As for in the comic itself, I believe Sarah wants Joyce to convince Jacob that Raidah isn't good for him, while Joyce wants to convince Jacob that Sarah is right for him. The way things are going, Jacob's already convinced that he's getting some white meat in the church bathroom.

And when I said "Sarah and Becky's chagrin", I was referring to this preview panel. I probably should have posted it.

While I have no doubt some level of Jacob/Joyce is what Willis is going for, you're presupposing. Jacob so far hasn't shown any inclinations towards Joyce, or Sarah for that matter.

Setting up a drop box taking some more time than I thought. In the mean time, have another one of these:. only lasts two days
volafile org r dzcfn78w

>Jacob so far hasn't shown any inclinations towards Joyce,
There's an arm around her in the last panel in OP's post. It's all downhill from there.

>or Sarah for that matter.
Well, that's kind of the punchline to all of this. Jacob's completely oblivious to Sarah's carnal desires.
Though I have a feeling Willis might try to subvert that and be like "Yeah, I know she wants my unrealistically proportioned bod. It's what happens when you're cursed to be Buff Diglett."


He might know, Sarah has dropped a lot of "I think you're super hot" lines that get treated as asides or jokes. If he ever said, "yeah, I totally get that Sarah is way into me" it would probably be better than the alternative.

For a pre-law guy, he doesn't seem to be very observant. Level-headed, sure. Perceptive? Not particularly.