What exactly does marco see in this girl who's butchered her body like this?

What exactly does marco see in this girl who's butchered her body like this?

girls with lots of piercings and/or tattoos must enjoy pain so they're more likely to like anal.

The whole MGTOW thing is like how Steph Curry was like "ewwww, no thanks" and Trump was like "well you can't now!"

>I never really liked her, she's got fat ankles

Are you feeling okay man?

Himself, if he plays his cards right.


He's probably into the safety pins.

He thought she was cute since Kindergarten....and that's pretty much it.

He said some stuff about wanting to get to know the real her but none of that's happened so, I dunno.

Simon is very hardcore in to anatomy and all, but that leg seems weird,, her left one.

...why paperclips

>just her ear
>claims its her entire body
im glad people like you dont reproduce often because women dont meet your high standards

Women do stupid shit all the time.

I'll never understand why people disgrace themselves with piercings, tatoos and so on in general. I have zero respect for men and women who do those kinds of things.

To keep the hole open so it doesn't heal over

History, cuteness, a big mouth (for reasons), and a certain thing only true Mexican men see... If you need it pointed out, you can fuck off.

>the stereotype is that women who get tattoos and piercings do it for attention and are often emotionally unstable
>not liking these kinds of women makes you have high standards

>needing the respect of a slavic subhuman

Are people even able to get tattoos without infection in your third world shithole?

>A subhuman racist belittling a subhuman pedophile
Sums up /sveg/ perfectly and is 100% representative of why the fandom is cancerous as shit.

She has a bangin' body and he's not out to fuck her ears.

As far as we know.


I'm not a racist, I don't hate slavs. I just recognize them for the white niggers they are.

>high standards
You gotta have some pretty low standards going after a girl who's crazy enough to mutilate her ear like that.

It's a middle school thing.

He literally didn't know she did until she showed him

Well she was certainly into that, and was one of the primary reasons she now wants to be with him. It'll hit hard when she realizes she's never getting that.

Whatever. She can rebound with Star while Marco goes after Tom.

But they're in high school, naturally she should have outgrown it

Sounds fine by me.

Jackiefags suck

She's 14, man, she hasn't outgrown it YET.

It ain't the fifties anymore grandpa.

Everything else below the neck, most likely

But her eyes and freckles and hair tho

You have to go back

>only true Mexican men can see...
It's either the fact that she has a dyed strip of hair or it's the curvey waist right?

I liked Jackie until this moment.


he fucked up on the boot, it looks like a discarded part of clothing instead of on a person's foot. otherwise it's solid.

>Disliking her the instant it's implied she has any possible emotional baggage
But interesting character tho

She sucks

I like ears

Ears that haven't been massacred.

You can have my ears, senpai.

She literally hides them pretty much all the time

What would your opinion be if Star came home with all those piercings

Disappointed, at least she could just use magic real quick to change them back

If Star came home with a nose piercing, I'd wait for her to take it off. Then I'd soak it in my own jizz, let it harden, and put it back where it was. She'd be smelling cum for the next day and not have a clue where it was coming from.

And that would be hilarious.

Multiple piercings on the ear are the only way ear piercings look good.

she's white, fuck trophy .