Sup Forums,what have you allowed yourself

Sup Forums,what have you allowed yourself...
You were subverted so hard,you didn't even notice it.
If anything,this election is the greatest subversion ever made.
Trump made you go from conservative/right wing/far right to supporting a candidate who's:
>pandering to Jews,has a Jew grandchild and is proud of it
>married 3 times,every single one of his wifes and dates was a bimbo
>supporting homosexuals and transexuals
>flip-flopped on abortion many times,along with every single other issue
>proven con artist and a scammer.
>all around,greedy self centered piece of fat shit
Go ahead,you fucking idiots,say SLIDE,say FUCKING SHILL,say CTR.
The hard truth is,most of you fucks are WEAK,PATHETIC menchildren,lost without any cause,who will grab on to ANYTHING,even a retarded narcissistic scammer like Trump,just to feel worthy.

I REALLY fucking hope you get LEVELED by Satan 2,you stupid motherfuckers.

I don't really care about Trump. I think he's an annoying, ego inflated narcissist with the temperament of an angry and spoiled child.

However, I would highly prefer him, even with all of those qualities mentioned above in comparison to the life long Criminal and one of the most evil politicians our country has, Hillary Clinton.

Our Third Party candidates are no better. They're all literally insane.

This election is about choosing the lesser of all the evils.

Also, what's wrong with supporting homosexuals? Do you plan on having sex with men? Are you going to get married to one? Why do you give a shit? How are they affecting your way of living?

Good.This was directed at people who SUPPORT Trump.
I can fully understand that it's a race between the two,and you gotta take a pick.


homosexuality is an attack on the traditional family unit and is attempting to replace family values with hedonistic values. flamboyant gays and pride parades are awful because they bring down sex to the level of it just being another form of cheap entertainment

It's up to me as a father to make sure my kid doesnt turn out gay, not the government's.

Homosexuality is no more an attack on the traditional family than the tacos at Taco Bell are an attack on the chalupas.

That said you are right. Pride parades need to go. The reason I support gay acceptance is because the more accepting you are, the more okay it is to be out, the less we have to deal with the flamboyant homos. They will realize it's now more of a "normal" thing and can therefore drop the act and just ask around instead of signalling that way.

>starts the slipery slope
>adds to low birthrate
>spreads AIDS
>spreads degeneracy all around

Homosexuality is mostly genetic.You can't really influence it.

I have no doubts that every one of Trump's children being married to jews is some attempt for the kikes to subvert us and establish a dynasty, the AIPAC thing is disgusting but expected since every politician who has successfully run for office has done it. Brainwashing takes a while to reverse, so the homosexual thing is necessary. Abortion is a non-issue since it doesn't affect white birthrates in any significant way.
All of this doesn't matter, because as long as he A.) actually becomes president, has his AG prosecute Hillary and show that the era of career politicians is over, and B.) deports the illegals, I support him 100%.
I am replying to your thread because at this point there are so many CTR/concern troll/shill threads that it doesn't even matter so I might as well engage in one that might be a person looking for actual discussion.

Trump is an idiot. He is however an idiot not in the pocket of Nation states who ve attacked via proxy US citzens whilst securiing US arms sales.

Clinton is so hopelessly in bed with nations like Saudi Arabia it might as well be treasonous to vote for her. Those cunts certainly pushes ISIS and Al qaeda hard, and may have had a direct role in 9/11. I accept you got have oil but you dont need to sell them guns for birthday checks and donations on top of it.

Trump is an isolationist in a sea of geo political beligerency. Maybe 4 -8 years taking a back seat globaly might be better for the us and than more wars.

>The reason I support gay acceptance is because the more accepting you are, the more okay it is to be out, the less we have to deal with the flamboyant homos.
That's not how it works my dude. You wouldn't encourage a child's bad behavior in hopes that he will get bored and stop being an annoying shit, would you?

but that doesn't matter, he has brought the eternal jew to mainstream - he has talked about subjects no other politician ever has.


Once Trump's anti immigrant policy is implemented, then it's common sense to go back to our roots. But right now you can't afford to wait for the perfect candidates. There are more spics every year, Trump's the last chance.

If you could vote for them, who would you choose?


dont lie you would like it

This probably isn't nearly as funny as I thought it was.

>There are more spics every year, Trump's the last chance.
This is an odd statement coming from Puerto Rico

there is nothing wrong with homosexual or transexuals tho.

theres nothing wrong with being jewish, gay, divorced or fat you bigot

You're retarded. Gays have existed forever and the world is still standing. Sounds to me like you have a problem with the super faggy gays and gay pride parades specifically. But the majority of gay people are pretty normal and just want to live their lives like anyone else.

Besides, the more the Republican party evolves on social issues (which literally don't even matter compared to everything else) the less of a monopoly the left will have on minorities/gays/women and eventually the left will collapse under the weight of it's own bullshit since convincing everyone that Republicans are bigots are the only thing keeping them alive anymore.