Question for Holocaust deniers/revisionists:

Question for Holocaust deniers/revisionists:
What's the revisionist argument regarding the Wansee Conference and the Final Solution?

Am legitimately curious

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You can easily find out for yourself that Hitler planned to create a homeland for the Jews in madagascar after WW2.

Before WW2, the plan was to encourage them to emmigrate to Palestine/Israel, but since Mussolini wanted to claim that land for Italy, and the Italians were trying to win over the Arabs to like them (and didn't want Jews in their land), Hitler needed to find out a new place to send them.

So why Madagascar? Because, aside from Mongolia, it was the most sparsely-populated landmass on the planet. They would be stepping on basically nobody's toes to give the jews a homeland there.

>(and didn't want Jews in their land)
By this I mean, the arabs didn't want Jews in their land. Both Hitler and Mussolini valued the arabs more than the jews, since they were a much larger group, and could have helped in the fight against the British.

If you want to know more about Nazi-Zionism, then you can look up the Haavara agreement (but be careful of your sources, since there is a lot of propaganda). Hitler set up an arrangement to help Jews transfer their wealth to their new homeland in Palestine, but this was halted because of WW2.

Hitler's plan was never "kill them all" like the propagandists claim.


There were 5 solutions to the Jewish question. The "final" solution being shoah. Quit being disingenuous.

Yes, death by tickling while the SS commandants masturbated furiously in their trousers.

Never 4get

Or maybe death by rollercoaster! How insidious!

Death by psychically-induced trauma, perhaps!

Or maybe by spraying them with delousing agent!

Really, this shows the abject depravity of the Jews and their sympathizers. No one would actually go through the trouble of this kind of shit during war.

But gee wiz, trustworthy Uncle Stalin said that they did, so I guess they did, even though all the camps West of the iron curtain were investigated and found to have no poison gas!

In Canada many politicians openly called for the complete genocide of the Japanese people. It was normal for that time so was rounding up enemies of the state based on nothing more than ethnicity. Forcibly selling their possessions and sending them to camps on trains. Those who die in the camps were cremated. Canada and America did this to Japanese.

not very convincing evidence the holocaust was all a total myth

Now lets get back to the Madagascar question. At the time Goering proposed the Madagascar solution, it was simply un realistic. There was no large population of Jews to deport, only 1% of the population was Jewish inside Germany when the plan was proposed. It is true that the Nazi's would like to have a plantation style work zone on Madagascar for the Jews, but Germany didn't have the power or the jews to send.



Crikey doos, gas the jews!

HOMELAND. For all the jews globally.

So if all the jews were going to be killed, how come only some of the camps were death camps?

And if they were to be killed by poison gas, what's with all the diseased bodies?

And how did they kill an entire country's population of Jews (seriously, Hungary, at the time, was only some 6 million people), with nobody noticing? Talk about the conspiracy theory of the century.

The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense, no matter how you try to spin it!

>Not very convincing
Okay, so how about this: you give me one document ORDERING the execution of jews. The allies had cracked the German code during the end of WW2, and that includes all the communications from the "death" camps. So find me some proof that this happened.

>Inb4 Einsatsgruppen document showing anti-partisan activity

Wansee Conference was never about extermination. Even the "found documents" do not mention it. There is a part about evacuation or something, which Jews claim is a code word for extermination, but it really wasn't.

*Note: As per canadian law I do not deny the holocaust, and this message should not be construed as grounds for imprisoning me for violating hate-speech law

Historyfag here (yep, got a meme degree)

I'm not a Lolocaust denier, but there is almost zero written evidence that the Holocaust was a planned thing. Even the Wannsee Conference has very little written documentation about it, and it's all in vague language.

There is not a single document that we've found written by a high ranking Nazi that says "We're going to murder all of the Jews by such and such time and we're going to do it in such and such manner".

It doesn't mean it didn't happen, it just means that they were very careful about document creation, retention, and destruction. The core of the deniers arguments lie in the lack of governmental documents. Most of what we know about the Holocaust came out at Nuremburg, and those trials aren't exactly something that can be taken at face value.

Not to mention forensic evidence, which is banned from investigation.

No mass graves where people said there would be (the ground wasn't even disturbed), "rebuilt" gas chambers created by the soviets. Rooms that are obviously not designed to be execution chambers, that have no sizable traces of Zyklon B, etc.

It's not just the documentation. It's everything. It's like the "Severed Hands" hoax that Germans were cutting off POW hands in WW1. Only the Holocaust was much more politically useful and believed, so it was adopted by both Russia and the Allies.

The extermination of the Jews was discussed, it was a prominent opinion, but it still didn't happen, but I believe it was going to. Hitler had some Jewish friends, and the Prussian nobility had some Jewish blood in it and Hitler wanted to maintain a peaceful relationship with them, so he decided not to exterminate the Jews, at least not just yet. He couldn't anyway it would degrade his war effort. Jews are the Biblical Amalekites(Canaanite racial stock,) and should be exterminated.

It was very politically useful, for pretty much everybody except for the Germans.

>inb4 Stalin was a gentile

Many that cannot stand niggers buy into the anti Jew lies. There are some GREAT black folks. Nazi's boys, get into a debate with Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson! I will admit the majority of the black USA population are extremely fucked up. Now to you brainwashed Nazi's who claim Jews only rob money etc, etc, are no good, rah, duh, duh, dee. Look up Jewish Physicists, scientists, etc, etc. The list is LONG. Your brainwashing aside, what has a Jewish person EVER done to you personally? Oh, he gave you facebook so that you can smear Jews.