Wouldn't the Fantastic Four's powers really awkwardly affect their dicks?

Wouldn't the Fantastic Four's powers really awkwardly affect their dicks?

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Sue's dick is fine. It's just invisible

Didn't Sue imply once that Reed was better at fucking after he got his powers?

Yes. He fucked her brains out and then casually went to get some water.

She should stop trying to cuck him then.

>Invisible Girl (male)

Makes no sense.
>guy who can GROW his cock
>Nah imma fuck canondicklet Namor

Women are fickle as fuck. If they're in a relationship with a man they like but the sex isn't incredible they go for sex. If they're in a great sexual relationship that lacks in other areas they'll wholesale cheat with an inferior sexual partner to feel special.

Ben is fucked overall, though I'm sure he has a giant rock dong.
Reed got a huge bonus for his dick, he literally can make it any size he wants
Johnny, yea it'd be on fire while he is but that's not really too relevant.

>implying reed can maintain a erection while his dick is grown

I'm must sure he can't do much with his powers, sure, he could showoff a massive dong, but maintaining a erection on something that has no muscle control while enbigged is another thing

Reed is just a lazy clit tease who squanders his incredible dick game by focusing on science instead, like a fucking dweeb. Sue wouldn't have to cuck him if he only put out for her more.

There's a dorkly vid on that.

>applying the physics of a normal human body to Mr. Fantastic
Genuine mental midget

Why is Sue so clingy and needy, though?

She spends more time with Reed than MJ used to spend with Peter or Lois with Clark. Those two doesn't feel like cucking them, so why Sue does?

Sue is a massive whore tho. its reeds fault for marrying her. never make a pretty woman your wife.


The truth is that she never cucked him... not for real... and they are still the most consistent comic couple of the last 50 years.

Also, Black Bolt is the official cuck of Marvel.

616 can only, at will, stretch members he has some control. Yes, he can take a hit and defensively stretch a long the blow, but he can't, let's say, stretch/enlarge his earlobe just by thinking on it


So how the hell would you fuck a girl as Thing?

You can't comprehend how good Reed's dick game is. She NEEDS to get her fix somehow- even if in smaller doses- if he's going to be cold with her in bed.

What, do you think she married him for his charismatic personality?

Because girls are attracted to bad guys.
Also Marvel know their audience.

Reed's dick game is on point. Too bad he is too smart for his own good.

Assuming Thing's thing isn't too big, I'm sure there wouldn't be much of a problem. It'd be like a brick dildo. He has saliva and other body fluids so he probably has sperm and doesn't, y'know, shoot rocks or something. All Ben has to worry about is not crushing her.

That moment when he has a small one which just looks like a pebble

People really enjoyed those look? Damn.

He's not plastic man of course, but he canonically can make his dick bigger. Also if you can't manipulate your dick at least a little bit you should do some kegels.

Does this mean that 616 Reed's dick game is way better than Ultimate Reed's? Is that why he was so buttmad at main Reed during Secret Wars? Cuz Ultimate Sue fucking dumped his ass



Reed go home

>Sue leaves Reed for Namor
>Sue kisses Namor multiple times
>Writter's write about how Sue's deepest desire is to be Namor's consort (not even wife. Consort)
She sure as hell isn't a grade-A wife.