'fuck' is the worst word that you can say

>'fuck' is the worst word that you can say
Did 'cunt' not exist in 1999?

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>Being british

Why is cunt such a bad word? Isn't it just the female equivalent to dick?

I've seen Family Guy use clever word play to get away with saying cunt on network tv.

You ain't pulling that off with fuck.

Brits and Aussies use that shit like no end, Americans are a bit more elegant and above that.

>being British

Cartman says it during the climax. Apparently Matt and Trey were disappointed the british film classification had recently allowed the word in 15-rated movies so it wouldn't be 18.

Cunt is gender specific over here.
If someone called me a Cunt I'd crack up.

Why is cunt such a bad word in the US?

I'm from NZ, for reference.

you havent seen the french seal gag on family guy then.


Bitch and pussy are also gender specific. That doesn't mean they don't get thrown around to everyone.

Whelp, I'm wrong. Totally forgot about that.

>Being british


I don't even think once they say it through out the whole film.

Why are americans so uptight about cunt when dick is fair game?

>Bitch and pussy are also gender specific

what to men? Because 90% of the time I've heard them it's used against a guy

this Uncle Fucker knows what's up

>'fuck' is the worst word that you can say
*And still not get an NC-17 rating

Calling a woman a pussy is just redundant

Douche and white people saying nigger when no black people are around is also fine, so what the fuck? Why are we so uptight about cunt, cunts?

No, the equivalent is pussy.

American Television couldn't even acknowledge that the word Cunt existed until like 2004

lmao this is actually pretty clever


I remember an episode where Randy calls Sharon cunt as a big deal, was that before or after the film?

This never actually made it to air though. I know it's not Sup Forums related but my personal favorite dirty word getting on network TV is this.


Guess Stone & Parker didn't want to get lynched by using nigger at the time.

Plus nigger doesn't rhyme as well as fuck. Digger, bigger, figure, rigger, Tigger, jigger, trigger, vigor, wigger, wriggler... Just not as smooth a suck, duck, cuck, muck, chuck, luck, tuck, truck, buck, hyuck, puck, pluck, stuck, etc.

ironic Australians are the worst Austrlians.
you're not comedians, pretending to be harder than you obviously are isn't funny anymore.

>Mom had no problem with me saying every other curse
>Got mad when I said cunt, told me how sexist it was and referred to people she really hated as 'see you next tuesdays'

Idk I think it's just a thing here in the US of A

>This never actually made it to aire though
Yes it did

Well yes, in origin, but they carry a different weight here. You call anyone a bitch, they'll get mad typically.
Calling someone a pussy is kind of juvenile, least impactful of the three I'd say.
Calling someone a cunt though, I don't know, it kind of seems to be just more of a gender specific slur. Something shitty to be said to a woman. I'm white, so if someone calls me a stupid fucking spic I'd just be like, wut?


On Fox?


According to this the scene was added to the DVD. It could have been on Adult Swim but I don't really count that since AS isn't bound by any FCC regulations.

>referred to people she really hated as 'see you next tuesdays'
can you use that in a sentence?


Of course I forget to post the image.

Cunt is only offensive to yanks. In first world countries it's just considered bantz.

What a bunch of cunts

"She was a total 'see you next tuesday'"

She'd say it like that.

It absolutely aired. I've only ever watched Family Guy on TV

and what's the origin of that meant to be? I'm trying to figure out how that came to be a term she used

>Pack of fags

I think it was more of a television thing. At the time South Park was still new, they gained a lot of notoriety for excessive use of the word "fuck", and I'm guessing it was just the movie addressing this fact over the fact that "fuck" really isn't that awful of a word.

I must hang out with weird people. I've never known anyone to be offended by cunt outside of my grandmother.

>we shouldn't say fuck, no we shouldn't say fuck, fuck no!
the irony of this line is the best part of the song desu

Say the words slowly and imagine letters.

>See You Next Tuesday
>C U Next Tuesday
>C U N T

the funniest shit about cunt is that its because a radfem really pushed that its reducing a woman to her genitalia when you insult her while pussy is just comparing a dude to a chick.
its fucking stupid and im going to continually keep spouting cunt because im not bending to some radfems bullshit

see=C you=U next=N tuesday=T

do you get it now?

>not able to call people cigarettes on tv anymore.
That's retarded. And queer.

oh, well fuck me
I was thinking it was some kind of "they're the type of person I'd passive aggressively say 'see you next time' to when I actually can't stand them" two-faced woman type thing

It's considered one of the bigger curse words but I think it's main power is it's just not used very often even in private settings.
Sure, "fuck" is the mack daddy of swear words but once you get off of tv and away from children, some people say it every other word.

Combine that with it just sounding harsh, starting with a hard C and ending with a terse T, and it just has an effect.

I'm curious, is there a word that would make you Aussies and Kiwis pause in awe if it was used in causal conversation?

Nah, it's just what she says when she's mad at someone because she doesn't like to say the actual word.

I was not aware it was a cuss work in the UK. Not with the way Brits wedge it between every other word they say. I thought it was just one of those things they do, every fucking time they open their mouths

>I'm curious, is there a word that would make you Aussies and Kiwis pause in awe if it was used in causal conversation?
Not in real life, but on TV if someone ever said "abo" they'd probably have their career ruined

After having talked to an Australian teacher I just want to say fuck the Abos

Cunts did not form until 2001, before that humans reproduced by budding.

It's not. There's no male equivalent of cunt.

Cunt's like, half the 'Strayan language m8, y'can't get rid of cunt, the fuck'll we call your mum?

The male equivalent is Cock

No single word that I can think of. There's topics you'd have to be a ballsy cunt to discuss openly, but there's no word that would make everyone pause in conversation.

Maybe 'chink' or similar would get you some stares if you used it in Auckland, but nowhere else.

If this isn't from the onion, I will be really mad.


it's from the australian equivalent, betoota advocate

>AS isn't bound by any FCC regulations.
Still it seems they have an odd set of rules. Like watch any episode of Rick and Morty and they'll say "shit", yet there are some parts where it is bleeped out. I think I first noticed it in China, IL. One of the characters is singing a jingle that says "shit" four times, after a commercial the same jingle is bleeped. Someone said there's a certain amount of times a show can say it.

I don't even think show writers themselves know what they can or can't say. That's why South Park has episodes where they found out they could say nigger, or faggot, or shit and decided to use it as much as they could.

I think there's a chauvinistic twist in there, considering calling a woman a cunt is infinitely worse than calling one of your mates a cunt.

Even in Australia, where we're all cunts it's still sort of frowned upon to call a woman a cunt in any setting.

I suspect that US kept a lot of words offensive in order to have more excuses to beat the shit out of each other.

Rules, for any cable channel, are purely based on the executive's whims.
Hell, they could show fully uncensored porn while George Carlin's "7 Words You Can't Say On TV" played in the background. But then that would lose them advertisers so the guys in the big office chairs don't allow it.

Play something late enough, in a popular show that has a history of being raunchier, during a time when the higher ups don't have such a stick up their ass, and you can get away with a few swear words.

Errybody ITT talking about cunts, but the white Americans I've met usually get way more flustered about "nigger" than "cunt".
Not even used in a racist way or anything, just mentioning it in a conversation.
t Europoor

That sounds similar to how calling one of your straight friends a faggot is a very different beast to calling an actual gay man a faggot. Both whether the slur is used at its historical target, and the degree of "punching down" involved affect the seriousness.

go to bed pewdiepie

Isn't it like 10 AM where he lives?

no idea, I just know everyone got mad at him for saying that so casually recently

There was the "we shall form a mighty faggot" scene in the Simpsons that was only allowed because they had the definition of faggot on the screen.