So much Erma, so little time

So much Erma, so little time.

A bit too much Erma, if you ask me.

So did anyone buy Spirit's Bloom?

she is Adorable even when her Slasher B-Movie Instincts gets the better of her

After hearing what was in it, I'm glad I didnt

Is there more of that cute little rat girl?

What's innit?

It was explained by a kind user in another Erma thread with pictures to back it Erma's mom was human at the start, just creepy, and her parents just kept bumping into one another and eventually got together. She died in a fire, came back, and now theres this weird prophecy of Erma being important. It felt like another writer entirely

Paraphrasing what an user said a thread or two ago. It's just a normal meeting and romance thing

He doesnt summon her and she doesn't climb out of the tv to a dinner or something like that

>weird prophecy of Erma being important.

What the fuck? I thought the entire point of the series was that Erma's just a normal girl, aside from being half-ghost with supernatural abilities.

>He doesnt summon her and she doesn't climb out of the tv to a dinner or something like that

Then what's the point!?

The same reason why there's a violent harbinger of doom that looks like the Invisible Man fucked Black Hat.

Hes more like Gentleman Ghost's brother

These feelings... is this what is known as... 'daughter-fu'?

Still no takers in the drawthread for drawing that screencap into a comic or anything.


Drawthreads are kind of fucked at the moment, spam has kind of ruin things for everyone

When was the last time drawthreads on Sup Forums were not fucked?

Why do people do this? I can understand taking pride in your own work and the desire to do more with it, but why a lot of webcomic artists/writers feel compelled to turn their happy-go-lucky gag-a-day comic into an epic full of drama, death, chapters of almost a hundred pages and arcs that take months if not years to finish?

Not everything you create has to be your magnum opus

Do you know how much mileage Buckley got out of Loss?


fuck no, its terrible im gonna stick to the erma comic.

the mother not being sadako killed it for me.

Yeah but Buckley was trying to be serious when he did that

Not make a meme that would out live us all


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Anybody got a link to Spirit's Bloom?

This screencap?