
Xavier, The renegade angel is transported into the last anime you watched or videogames you played and is tasked with calming down the big bad and making him renounce his evil ways. How does it go Sup Forums?

>he has to fend off Gogmazios
Not sure how that will turn out


>videogames you played
>Wargame Red Dragon
Guess he has to somehow defuse the tensions of the Cold War?

>boku no hero
I would love to see him talk with All Might.

He makes the two Zenos mentally insane.

All the heels in firepro?

Thats not so farfetched

I don't think Gogmazios is vulnerable to spiritual awakening.

>Crusader Kings 2
>Fucking Karlings

I hope his flute his better than a taiko.

>league of legends
The episode could be centered in a kid who plays it too much and need some good ol' spiritual awakening.

Wait what. What game is this?

Badly. Erebus is already enlightened

That sounds like an episode actually.

Looks like one of those jap rhythm games.

Taiko no Tatsujin: Dokodon! Mystery adventure.

GW should really consider making a Xavier miniature and make him a canon character. That'd be amazing.

>He is able to talk in frozen time
>He talks DIO down and shows him the error of his ways

>Battlefield 1
Not sure how that would go

Uhh, he has to convince France to stop blobbing?

And stop Prussia from forming

What would Xavier's stand? Some reality bending thing I imagine (if that's not a power he posses by just being who he is).

the flying mass of mosquitoes that came from his head could work as his stand, or maybe even SOOGULUGH

Well if its Shadow of Mordor...Xavier is trying to calm down all the uruks, which...actually he'd probably get along with some of them.

If it's My Hero Academia...I'm not sure.

「R a m b l i n' M a n」
>Looks exactly like Xavier
>Enemies are driven to attack it because it's such a freak
>Recovers from wounds and replaces severed body parts with snakes (and can turn inside out at will)
>Uses shakashuri song to entrance foes
>Uses insane logic and multi-layered wordplay to cause confusion/suicidal urges