What the final result will be after the new investigation

According to the latest polls, God Emperor Trump has taken the lead in Florida NC and Nevada. He's also only down by 2 in Pennsylvania and 1 in Colorado. I'm guessing this will be the final result. He could possibly flip Michigan, Virginia, and New Mexico since Hildebeast is campaigning there now.

He hasn't quite taken the lead in any of those states yet, but NC and Florida are damn close and look like they may flip.

Still, if Trump can't win PA or Colorado, he'll lose the election.

Nope. Already debunked. Leading in all of those.

+1 in PA aswell

Johnson is going to win NM. McMullin will win UT.

I keep trying to bring up all the problems with McMullin, but it doesn't sway anyone. Too many emotional voters. I keep hoping that when it comes to election day McMullin doesn't take Utah.

Not a chance. Nobody cares about the damn emails except for deplorables.

this a joke? newest polls show him leading in nevada and florida, verry close in colorado and penn (and the newest polls i see are before all this fbi shit)

if he wins those then he's president

all polls are rigged, NO STATE IS SAFE from going red.

I think you're forgetting about that Mormon fag McMullin. He could split the vote or win Utah

Not true. Huma cares. She might be going to jail for lying to the FBI...that's the kind of thing that makes you care.

>after the new investigation

You make it sound like it's going to be done tomorrow.

Screenshot this

Reporting in from NM! No Hillary signs in the second largest city, however tons of Trump signs at every corner. He has my city in the bag!

MI and WI red for sure now.

this looks like the best case scenario, also not super unlikely either

unless im missing something i can't see him flipping new mexico or michigan but michigan surprised us all with bernie sanders and we all know trump supporters are in the closet more than ever because of autistic libtards so who knows

Okay. I hope you're right!


Nate Silver just changed Florida back to blue.

McMullin is a magical candidate. He was designed to be. There is no better situation for the CIA to getting one of their own into power.

At this point, it has to be said that Nate Plastic has no idea what he's doing.

Nope, polls-plus is the one that matters.