Do you want a US president who praises Kim Jong Un?

Trump praising Kim Jong Un:

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Kikenbaum, Trump is nice to isreal, why do you want to shill against him. don't you like when our country gives you money that should go to us instead?

Try harder user, what he said is true.

You don't see the problem with praising a guy who kills his uncle and calling him strong for doing so?

Are you stupid?

Trump isn't like the korean leaders. I'd rather him say one good thing than start fights with them.

He's not exactly praising him in the sense of his persona. But just on the facts of a 25/26 year old "kid" taking over his country and people following him instantly.

user, praising kim jong un and saying "he wiped his uncle, this guy doesn't play games!" as a compliment, is not acceptable

Why not?

Well he killed his uncle, not anyone I care about.

>Do you want a US president who praises Kim Jong Un?

Yes, most definitely, Kim Jong-un is one of the great leaders of the world.

Imagine if Obama went and started praising Kim Jong Un.

Don't you see the obvious problem here? this is not acceptable

Then I'm sorry you're just simply that ignorant.

You are the one who is ignorant

This is trump's true position on citizens united, literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign:

the answer is yes, jew.

wow its fucking nothing!

lmao this!

user, you just are so stupid it's laughable.

But destabilizing Syria for Israel is good?


JIDF is working hard today it seems!


you act like people in NK have a say about who runs the country and how they run it

OP is just a little faggot who wants to take everything out of context to jump on the bandwagon of bashing Trump like everyone else who chooses this ignorant blatant path.

The main personnel of the government could techinally do what they want and make it seem that he's really in charge but not have any respect for him but they do.

I may not know the full on balance of the NK from a personal perspective however I understand the basics of the human mind.

Obama's done things a bit worse than saying a good thing about a foreign leader you don't like. It's just words, actions are more important.

Another "OP can't into context" thread...

you know he's respected? how? did an old general from his grandfather's era say that to the nation's official newspaper?

what context? the context is him 'ironically' praising a dictator right

You just simply don't understand the basics of the human brain. I took Psychology I understand everything about people's behaviors and mind patterns.

Everybody has good qualities and bad qualities, but a good leader knows how to pick and choose the good from the bad without personal bias and emotion, Trump has even praised hillary.

>North Korean dictator
>shaman lead shadow government South Korea

Hard choices

kim was actually the good guy all along

All you focus on is him being a dictator. He's giving him kudos for being thrust into a position and still being able to step up to the plate at a young age and get shit done, despite his many detractors. It's called giving credit where credit is due. Just because you do not like a person for whatever reason, does the aesthetic change the data? No, it doesn't.

For fucks sake. This is the level of intelligence I'm going to be leaving this world in the hands of??

Thank you for educating us OP

Also daily reminder that Jews are higher IQ than whites and we should listen to those with superior intellect.

The Jews run the operations that do IQ studies, ergo cronyism, ergo nepotism, ergo eat a dick.

you don't realize how easily kim jong un could've been overthrown by his own generals