This is the first time I've actually enjoyed Miles in a story

This is the first time I've actually enjoyed Miles in a story.

And yet he's still as bland as always.

>Mild Morales

Your posts are blander

>D&C meme.
Reddit would enjoy your company a lot more. Please go.

I have to admit that it wasn't a disaster like I was expecting it to be.

>Mild Morales

That is one of the lamest pun.

Prove me wrong before insulting me. What was the most memorable Miles moment in this issue? The part where he reacted to something with a gaped expression? Or the part where he reacted to something with a gaped expression?

Him fighting his uncle.

>What was the most memorable Miles moment in this issue
His speech at the end.
>The part where he reacted to something with a gaped expression
Seeing how much better his life is compared to when Peter was his age. I don't even disagree with you that he's a bland character, but I hate your guts because you're a D&C fan who just took his word on it and said "eh, fuck it" You're worse than a casual, you're like some weird super casual abomination.

Oops, I mean when he meets his young mom.

>His speech at the end.
His speech at the end PRAISING PETER FOR BEING AN AMAZING CHARACTER was Miles' most memorable moment in the issue. There you go.

>You're worse than a casual
Sorry, but I read the issue myself. I'm here every week for new comics day, family. Way to jump to conclusions though.

Fitting for one of the lamest characters.

Nah, it was him realizing that he reacted like a scared child. It played well with the contrast that this story took place after when Peter thematically stopped being a child and became a Spider-Man.

it was just miles sucking peters dick for pages

What? It was a funny moment when you see your mom thinking you are a weirdo.

I don't think he was scared, he was confuse for a moment.

He should have killed hydracap. Then he could have had an interesting story

>His speech at the end PRAISING PETER FOR BEING AN AMAZING CHARACTER was Miles' most memorable moment in the issue. There you go.
No, you dense moron. It was about Miles realizing the legacy he has to live up to and how much harder he has to try to obtain it.
>Sorry, but I read the issue myself. I'm here every week for new comics day, family. Way to jump to conclusions though.
You're a D&C fan (or D&C himself) and you use Reddit spacing. Those reasons alone should be enough to prove you're a casual.

>slow clap

No, he ran over because he wanted her help. Pic related.

It was okay but i'm still hoping miles will drop the spider-man name and maybe become his own person with an actual character

Not while Bendis still lives and breaths.

They've been teasing it forever now and its retarded for two heroes to have the same name.

Whatever I don't even hate miles but he honestly does feel pointless right now. This issue was alright though

I know they've been teasing it, but it's supposed to be a set up for the big moment in Spider-Men II where Miles gives up and Peter gives him encouragement. They practically spoiled this with the description for one of the issues. But yeah, I agree with you, it's kinda pointless to have two Spider-Men. Especially when the entire reason why Miles did it in the first place was to make up for the fact that Peter was dead.

Also Ultimate peter gave him the name. Remember in the last fight with ultimate goblin?

>Remember in the last fight with ultimate goblin?
No and neither should you since that wall bullshit of the highest degree possible

Man, i read comics. What do you expect?