Stop Watching Porn!

Stop Watching Porn!




I'm not gonna let some cuck tell me what to do

Stop Having Sex!

Is it okay if I keep making porn?

No one wants to see you fucking your hand

but gays online keep paying me to wank on camera, i'm going to do it anyway so might make some cash from it

What side lad

why would I give you the keys to my business

Thanks for uncorrecting the record.

2mL vodka has been transferred to your account.

Plenty of ghey men to go around senpai

are you hot?

Fuck off cunt

not really but I have a 10 inch cock and faggots seem to love huge dicks

Why does Donald Trump want to crack down on porn?

>tfw your epic anti-degeneracy thread turned into a fuckfest full of queers
fuck off, this thread is full

What kind of limp dick retard watches porn? Imagination.

No Alcohol. No Drugs. No Cigarrettes

Didn't mention pron..

hawt. what site, out of curiosity? do you have to pay to get in or?

you know I'm just shitposting right?

...definitely user...definitely...

Why Vodka?

>ebin andi degeneracy thread
>crop of trumps face taken from a hilloli pic.

I agree. I am struggling with it and have prayed for the strength of the body, the strength of the Lord and savior - Christ the Redeemer - to aid me in tearing down this personal stronghold.

Please pray for me anons.

But I want my memes to be hot.