How do we keep the US majority white?


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By killing anyone that doesn't look or think like you. I don't see what the big deal is. Things have worked that way for thousands of years.

It's like human life all of a sudden has value now that it's 2016.

Have more gay sex.

start importing Strayans, because POC can't handle the bants

Building the border wall, fixing our visa system, and (it's a longshot), repealing the 1965 immigration act.

Why would we want to? Diversity is strength.

Keep? You're already minority white next year:

>repealing the 1965 immigration act
I could see this happening if a pro-white organization similar to the NAACP or a white caucus existed to influence our politicians to vote for white interests.

Were going to build a wall. And Mexico is going to pay for it.

Sure thing Drumpf

Diversity is only strength for niggers or other low tier life forms because it allows them to rob more the successful people who are forced to accept them.

white supremacy has to die. so called white people did a lot of harm to the world already. and we have to make whites a minority to keep them in check. white people are basically the evil of the world.


racist much?

That's right, goy! But don't forget that we must keep the Jewish race pure and proud and fight their wars, so we can die for Israel the greatest country on earth! Because the Jews are so special, superior, intelligent and have the greatest culture! Did you know that Jesus was Jewish?

nvolve people from Eastern Europe

a German antisemite? Who would've thought?

>complaining about racism on fucking Sup Forums
How long have you been here you low-IQ shitskin?

good Lord...

Its been way too late for decades now

Oh my God, you're right. How can I go on living now?


Need 90% or greater


>Hold immigration from non-european countries
>heavy vetting but make it easy for Europoors to come if they have education

There you go. Europe will experience a second emigration wave soon with our countries going to shit / the coming civil war

Since 2010.

I am hoping to relive when Obama was reelected soon.

I wonder how a mostly shitskin America would work? Could Charles Manson have been right?

Would you move here?

So only white people did bad things in history? Why should any group of people be punished for what their ancestors did in the past? Should we punish the relatives of Arabs who enslaved Africans responsible for the Arab slave trade? Why don't leftists talk about that? Just one example.

And how can white people be evil when they're basically the most generous group of people on the planet? Look at the World Giving Index, it's basically all white majority countries in the top 10. And the refugee situation. What other countries outside the Middle East are doing something like Germany or France?

I already am. I'm not a Brit though, I'm a kraut with a burger gf. Gonna marry her probably

I would. You people actually value freedom of speech.

kill yourself so actually intelligent whites can ascend without the shackles of their white trash subordinates holding them down

breed with non whites and turn them to mulatos, the mulatos will breed and breed after some generations they will be white.

>I'm a kraut with a burger gf
Is she white?

deport all illegal mexishits
Percentage would leap to 75%

Obviously. Blonde, blue eyes, German ancestry

Come on over, white man.


That's wonderful, Krautbro.
We'll be happy to have you!
Americans don't give a fuck about white immigrants. It's only the shitskins we want gone.

All of the above and procreating. As simple as that, but the damage that was being done since the sixties already bore its fruit - most of western women are despicable, but there are still good ones.

Simple. Just exterminate every non-white + white degenerate racetraitor

I have 2 years left in my college degree and it's impossible to immigrate without one

Can't wait. Germany is crumbling and the UK has already fallen. Also I'm sure as shit not paying 50 % tax in Germany to support Mohamed with his children Yussuf Yussuf Mohamed Achmed Mohamed and Yildirim


Thanks for correcting the record.

But is he wrong?

Racism is always wrong.

Yeah, we've got our problems with shitskins here obviously but I know for sure that America will be leading the way in the pro-white, anti-third world immigration movement.
Got a state picked out?

>Human nature and instincts are wrong.

>Racism is always wrong.

Citation needed

Facts can't be racist

She's from upstate New York and I love it there. She is in the process of joining the army so though I might have to move to wherever

that's not racist

It's simple, we kill the nigger

>upstate New York
/comfy/ as hell. Best of luck to you.

To you too

its a trick the other user is just a kebab dont let him in

I'm really not against this as long as we peacefully get as many who are willing to leave.
The rest would have to fight.

I really want to move to the US when I'm done with my masters.

I like snow and being comfy, I've heard Idaho is good for that. Anyone confirm?

Race is more important than Nationality.

Should we fail to stem the third world horde. We need to dissolve the United States and Balkanize.

Its because we speak the same language and get butthurt when you're in the receiving end

White genocide ring a bell?

Central and Northern Idaho certainly.
If you want maximum /comfy/ and snow, might I recommend Vermont, New Hampshire, or Maine.

Can confirm. Prob going to move there myself if My state keeps heading the way it's going.

Are you California as well?

>And how can white people be evil when they're basically the most generous group of people on the planet? Look at the World Giving Index, it's basically all white majority countries in the top 10
first you still billions from non-whites, then give a few millions back. wow so generous

whites did the most harmful things. you destriyed and were exploiting africa, middle east and partly asia for centuries. you keep latin america from developing and so on.

No. Colorado.

Your liberal cancer spreading to the rest of the west is the reason I need to move.

Open borders for the employed.

I live in Jefferson, we're the Texas the pacific northwest. What we need to do is become our own state. Easy Republican votes.

I wish more shitskins would come out and say this shit.

Just say that you want to get back at whites for doing everything you did, only far beyond your own capability.

The faster we can get more of you that speak like this, the faster whites will wake up to you taking advantage of whites collective empathy.

*of the pacific northwest

Make the draft mandatory even during peacetime and include women in the draft.

The surge of white women getting knocked up to avoid the draft will go through the roof.

I've been up to Redding, north Cal is based. And I could see myself living there if it wasn't for the whole "inside the boarders of California" thing.

It really should be it's own state. The cancer is LA.

This is actually a really clever idea

Abolish condoms, and give a white girl to every white boy. White people should procreate like rabbits

It's up to you, and only you, user. You're going to need to get in the lab and create a disease that only targets non-whites. Don't fuck up, though, because you might accidentally kill only whites. When you're still alive, you'll have to kill your nigger ass out of shame!

I don't want to

I agree. I'm a 100% white western male. Russian/british high breed with just a schnipit of jew that doesn't matter. We gotta keep the west strong and white.

Don't butcher Texas' state lines any further. At the dissolution of the United States, I will unite all the Texan people under one flag.

>I'm a 100% white

Siberia russian. My dad's dad was also Jewish but I'm perfectly white.

Make more babies

you white dogs are really gross. i wish we non-whites all over the world cooperated more. you're the real enemy.

>Siberia russian.
it doesn't matter. all russians are the same, and all of us are not white. even if you're partly russian it makes you not 100% white anyway

Fuck you goyim I'm white

If I could find them, I would help immigrate persecuted whites living in Africa or Europeans overrun by Muslims. I realize most of them are more socialist than I would like, though, unfortunately.

This country needs a nice sustained famine and ground war. Fenced compounds full of starving civilians, Chinese tanks, mercenaries, rape tents, the whole shebang.

>complains about diversity and enrichment in Germany
>moves from 80% white country to 33% white New York
can't make this shit up!

Germany is only 80% white?
Just fuck my shit up.

I think I landed in the parallel universe where a Jew in Canada tells a we wuz shilling Russian to fuck off and tells him he is white and feels good about it.

Depends on your definition.
>turks and arabs


and so on

We don't have many blacks, yet. But that could change very soon.

Ok so I disagree with your premise fundamentally, but to give you an example I'm familiar with...

Louisiana, c. 1803

Louisianans were able to keep there land Creole/French, at least for a time. French Louisianans were being invaded ethnically and culturally by Americans migrating from the East coast, and they wanted to keep Louisiana French. The problem was that there more and more Americans but new French (or Spanish) immigrants had stopped coming to the colony long ago. The French were able to do something about this, but only because of dumb luck. Around this time, Haitian slaves overthrew their French colonial masters in what is commonly known as the Haitian revolution. As a result, many Haitian French slave owners had to flee or be destroyed. Seeing an opportunity to reinforce their numbers, Louisianans welcomed the Haitian refugee whites and whatever Haitian slaves they brought with them. With the increase in French heritage whites (and blacks), Louisiana was able to preserve many of French traditions through the period of attempted American assimilation.

What does that mean for you? Well, the example here was accept some more immigrants (of whatever race/heritage/ethnicity you want). I bet you money there's some white people fleeing for their lives from somewhere, the world is a fucked up place.

I certainly consider Slavs and Italians white, but maybe that's just me being a burger.
This is my ethnic background so I must be white by German standards.

>I bet you money there's some white people fleeing for their lives from somewhere
South Africa and Zimbabwe absolutely could provide us with desired white immigrants.
If it were in my hands, any white person born in Africa would have a free ticket to live in the United States. Even the poorest ones, on the condition that they commit to have white children.

He's exaggerating. It can't be that bad just yet, but living there, it would definitely seem that bad.

Yes. Well, it's really hard to tell, but there are at best 60-65 million ethnic Germans left in Germany. I think it's rather 60. Most immigrants are intereuropean. Officially(!) it's 3 million turks and 1.2 million Arabs. But this is blurred, because Turks can have German citizenship and dual-citizenship, are in the 4th immigrant generation already and so on and might therefor not be counted as immigrants/Turks/Arabs anymore.

I still haven't seen a single, credible statistic which objectively lists how many ethnic Germans are left in Germany and how high their birthrates are. But whatever the numbers are: they are bad.

Start breeding white women starting at age 15 before they've become fully indoctrinated into wanting to become Jamal's single mother

Uhhhh are they still running from Zimbabwe? I think that ship sailed years ago.

But, as I said, not really into the idea of keeping America White.

Can non shitskin beans stay?

>I think that ship sailed years ago.
Many still live there.
>not really into the idea of keeping America White.
You're either a leftist cuck or a shitskin.
Kill yourself.

If you can prove that you have no indian or negro ancestry and that you are 100% Spanish Conquistador then you can stay.

100% is a little much.

My mothers side is has got mayan in it and my dads side is from jalisco which has a shitload of germans around.

I got the dark hair and shit but I am 6'6 and all my cousins in mexico are Aryan as fuck for some reason.

Who is this Goddess?