Are you the Ovatar, Ong?

Are you the Ovatar, Ong?

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That Sokka is pretty handsome.

The only thing that got bent by this movie was the career of everyone involved.

The movie was pretty kino, and people just not get it. Its one of the only ones that criticizes the current state of the western world, redpilled as fuck.

I feel like you’re going for something about it being wrong for the 4 peoples to mix, but the central idea of the story is an anti-imperialist one. I’m not sure how that fits an idea of “red pilled”.

post the earthbenders my dude

It tells a story aabout a world losing its grasp with the bigger spiritual aspects of society. The principal focus of the fire nation on the movie is to destroy the spiritis and rule the world, as an example of what the nihilistic and disruled attittudes of the modern world lead you into.



how did this make it past the story boarders?

>Me on the right
>Practice some sweet break dance moves I just learned.
>My boss tries to incinerate some earth kingdom scum
>Suddenly, flash mob!
>Whoa, that's a very big rock coming at here.
>Will it hit me? But I didn't do a shit!
>Oh, shit, the rock exploded right in front me, better pretend it hits.
>*rolls back*

Seriously, how can Shyma-whatever show his face in public?


that firebender looks like tommy from power rangers

I don't care what you guys say. This is amazing on every level and stands above all other action scenes.

>two firebenders are doing two completely different moves and they stop at different times
>shit, who do I sync the fire fx up to?
>the guy who stops moving first.

I recently finished the last airbender and now im on the second season of korra

so far I just like the aged up and modern technology vs bending stuff
I really dont like korra, holy shit its stupid how quickly that bitch gets to fully controled avatar state and full use of all 4 elements
I know shes older than mang but holy shit shes so incompetent and kind of a shitty person with regards to how she treats her friends and family, shes much older than ang was when he was on his save the world quest but it feels like shes a kid pretending to be the avatar rather than one whos had years of training

someone explain to me why its like this and why Tenzin has such shit taste in women

her character development kicks in at the start of season 4, season 3 is worth watching for the villains, just skip the rest of season 2, it will only cause you pain


She had arms?

Shyamalan was still able to direct After Earth before being blacklisted forever tho

>all that dancing to levitate a fucking rock
>one guy instantly erects an earth wall by posing
what the FUCK

>filename isn't pebble dance

>he had hair

He had a head full of hair when he left prison, user

have you seen Split?

IT is like Shamamamamalan from 6th Sense, Signs, and Unbreakable is back.

I cant do skips, I need to watch shit in full

also I dont get how bloodbending can take away bending, Amon was actually a really cool character
I think irs strange how general iro has zukos voice tho
I really just cant stand korra, shes written like a fanfiction character

Yeah, i think the only character that comes close to being unlikeable as Korra in the whole show is Kai


Now, I get what they were trying to do, but they fucked up, and now it looks awful.

>the career of everyone involved.

>She had arms?
That was back when she used to work for Phoenix Wright

there should be a documentary on why this movie is so fucking bad

I wasnt too sure if I was being harsh for no reason till she kissed the firebender with a gf in front of his brother who she was leading on

cunt fucking move

>Hey I got tickets for the midnight premiere. It's going to be as good as the show right?


>earth benders are imprisoned on an oil rig
>earth benders are imprisoned on earth

It doesn't get better
She's the worst
The setting would be fine except they retcon a bunch of stuff from TLA in awful ways

Kuvira did nothing wrong.

well there are a lot of things I like
at this point im just watching it for the setting

I like how rare bendings like lightning and metal are becoming more common with the generations and are used in creative ways like the factory workers with lightning and the police metalbenders (Lin a cute)

I think the pro bending is pretty cool same with the bender mafias
I dont understand how amon is able to use bloodbending to take away someones bending by touching their forehead, like if its the bloodbending then why does he even need to badtouch them?

also I really think its cool how all benders (save for those scraping at extinction aircucks) are shown in a bad light unlike in the last airbender where pretty much only firebenders are the bad guys with a few earth benders being dicks here and there

but I just cant stand the main protag and her ragtag crew of unremarkables, the setting seems to be wasted on her

I wish they would have made a movie about one of the past Avatars instead of fitting a whole season of the TV show into one movie.

She doesn't get better. Korra was an irredeemable mess through the end.


Anyone read the manga?

It's not half-bad. At least it shows that condensing the entire season COULD have worked.

>avatar went from a jap/china inspired world to a western to fuckin mafia ridden new york
>never get to see medieval bending time just weebbait

shit sucks

>2chill4skrill big kahuna the avatar

meh id rather watch kyoshi femdom the manletking

Aang's rune shaped arrow must be a pain in the ass to draw in every single panel

You could probably take a flat design of it and warp it over his head.

I dont understand why angs arrow tatoo glows in the avatar state

what the fuck?

Aang rejected the idea of being the Avatar because he'd lose his family and friends, his childhood fun time, and he'd get responsibilities he deemed too big for him.
Then he fucks up, loses everything he had and has no other choice but becoming the Avatar. When he was at jhis lowest point he accepted the greatest change.

Korra embraces being the Avatar and wants those responsibilities. In return, she's cast out of society and raised like a weapon of peace with no knowledge of the world at all. As the world is more structured and organized, the Avatar had less to do, so Korra is the exact opposite of Aang. She needs to realize she is a normal person on a boring world and learn to not be the Avatar. Her lowest point is giving up all of her powers and accepting that.

Is this movie worth watching for laughs or not?

>I dont understand how amon is able to use bloodbending to take away someones bending by touching their forehead

He just mimicks the movement Aang did to remove Ozai's bending to incite fear.

He blocks chi paths with Bloodbending, I think. I don't remember if it was explained, but it's magic so who cares. Explosion man wasn't explained either.


If you laugh at cringey stuff, yes. It's the most cringey movie of this decade. It's Dragon Ball Evolution tier bad, worse even. It's a bad movie, with bad screenplay writing, directing, filming, editing, pacing, dialogue and acting. And it's not funny, it's just boring and cringey.

except ang has his airbending ways stuck to him so he gets in tune with the spirit world with ease and has the most trouble with earth bending while also learning the dangers of firebending and where real firebending strength comes from

meanwhile korra ignores the "all avatars have a hard time mastering the opposite element" and starts spitting fuckin fire as a child, for lol plot reasons cant learn airbending even though its the "freedom and fun xdd" element which coincides with her stupid vapid cunt personality
finds it hard to connect to the spirit world but can willingly go into the avatar state without even opening the chi pools or whatever
korras not the opposite of ang, shes a half baked tactless self insert with zero character outside of "oooh whats that I want it" and "waaah why cant I have that! im gonna sneak around like a rat to get what I want"

Man, you just pointed out examples of what I said.

Korra's journey is to become a person, to learn how to deal with people. Her personality is a byproduct of being ignorant of the world and purposedly not wanting to learn about it. She's already the Avatar. Aang was already enlightened by all buddhas but had trouble being the Avatar. It's the opposite.

ATLA fire nation was already steampunk.

but shes not already the fucking avatar

the avatar is the bridge between worlds able to connect with past lives and spirits, master of all elements (meaning knowing and utilizing the way elements are bent rather than just using elements, aang learned the philosophy of each element and applied them in many situations, korra just throws rocks and fire in peoples faces)

aang was the avatar before he knew how to bend earth he just needed to discipline his body to match, korra is a longshot from that and im surprised she went through the show without actually fucking up amd dying in the avatar state
shes the generic brand avatar, some of the flavor, none of the soul

>even though its the "freedom and fun xdd" element
Keyword is "freedom". Korra wasn't free from the weight of being the Avatar. How it was done in the show was bad because Bryke relied too much on subtext, but Korra only being able to airbend after she was no longer the Avatar makes sense for her character.

And the whole "Avatars ALWAYS only struggle with their opposite element" thing wasn't a really good rule either because it'd just push them into cookie-cutter molds as far as their personalities go.

>can't understand bait


>but shes not already the fucking avatar
Yes she is, what kind of dumb statement is that? Korra wasn't some weird freak of nature who really only could bend three out of four elements, she was weighed down by spiritual and psychological problems that prevented her from bending air.

Who is this guy?

>google image results: eyewear

I wish for my existence to stop every time i'm reminded of this abortion. Its skyrim levels of inhumanly incompetent decisions.

a struggle with reaching the avatar state and the chi paths and her struggling with fires danger (big explosions rather than aangs tiny flames since shes got a more fierce personality) wouldve been a much better opening chapter than skipping those arks entirely and trying to force a shitty "korras teachers are keeping her from reaching her potential"

a teen girl knows less about being the avatar than the avatars fucking child airbending prodigy, his god damn kids know airbending and theyre kept on tenzins leash the same way

if all you think the avatar is is just "someone who can bend all four elements" you really missed the entire point of the last airbender

an avatar who cant commune with the spirits and chooses to ignore all the mystic mind tempering that comes with being the fhcking avatar isnt a god damn avatar, just a bender

same with an earthbender who can toss rocks but doesn't understand how to do it

shes like aang while hes learning to use the elements without getting the revelation that lets him see what theyre all about
shes aang when hes frustrated during his earthbending practice
aang while hes dicking around with fire and burns katara
aang while hes having fun airbending and ignoring his responsibilities
and aang before he learns how water flows

you know why iro learned how to redirect lightning? its cause he learned waterbending and applied it to his firebending
you know how tough learned to metal bend? its cause she pushed her earthbending past the limits of her teachings

korra has no knowledge of that and is why shes a lackluster thoughtless avatar who needs other people to hand her solutions instead of making her own

user, the point is that she's the opposite of Aang as in the lesson she needs to learn. Of course they were both Avatar at training level, but the approach is different.

She is not the Avatar yet, just as Aang was not, but Aang didn't want to be and that's the source of all his problems. He was already good at character and spiritual, he had problems with connecting to being the Avatar and letting go of his life and loved ones on an emotional level.

Korra is a soldier with no war. She mastered the politics and bending abilities Aang struggled with but the fact that she willingly accepted being the Avatar and giving up learning how ti be a good person and relate to people disconnected her from everyone.
In a way, it's a much more sad story about a person struggling to fit in. Hence why this shows deals with deeper emotional conflicts such as romantic love, family and your place in society.

See this bugs me. Were they just dancing for intimidation? And the one guy was the one who actually put up the first rock? He's clearly the one who throws it at them.

Katara was so pretty.

only thing I know about Ang's tats glowing is it led to on of the craziest experiences I ever had with my dad.

>visiting my parents, know my lil bro was a huge Last Airbender fan
>on couch flipping through channels come across Last Airbender
>decide to keep flipping channels, don't realize my 50+ year old dad is standing behind the couch
>Dad goes, "no flip it back, that kid's glowing that means Shits about to get real"
>turn it back, Dad watches And kick some ass in Avatar state, when its done dad goes, "ok you can turn it now" and walks back out of the room

growing up my dad seemed to hate any cartoon that wasn't classic looney toons so this was just a surreal experience for me

>a teen girl knows less about being the avatar than the avatars fucking child airbending prodigy, his god damn kids know airbending and theyre kept on tenzins leash the same way
Tenzin didn't lock any of his kids away from the time they were four years old until they were practically adults, denying them a majorly important facet in life not just for any human in general, but for the one who is specifically meant to oversee and protect the planet.

If Aang could have somehow come to life again he'd be like no SHIT she can't airbend, you guys locked her up with a bunch of people who just see her as a weapon for most of her life (except Katara of course).

>an avatar who cant commune with the spirits and chooses to ignore all the mystic mind tempering that comes with being the fhcking avatar isnt a god damn avatar, just a bender
Korra never ignored that though, she just wasn't good at it and initially fell back on her punch everything approach which was fueled by her I'm the fucking Avatar I HAVE to do something approach.

Like yeah no shit, who's gonna be more spiritual from a young age, the kid from a culture based off of Tibetan Buddhists and traveled the world all over before he hit puberty or the girl who was locked away from the time she was four until she was nearly an adult?

I always saw Korra's willingness to just leave at the end of the series while the city is in ruins as some bitter acceptance on her part that the world doesn't truly always need her, which I thought was a pretty sad conclusion to her arc.

Of course she then keeps getting put into conflicts only she ends up resolving because people would bitch and it'd be a boring story otherwise.

Season 1 of korra is really good. It's a show about magic, and all I hear is that the magic makes no sense. Well, you guys nailed the sense right there.

The first season is a complete character arch and a complete story, the other seasons are superfluous and it shows.

I specially like the fact that Korra knows she's a terrible person, but she's very guilty and relatable. Also very forgiveable, because you see it from her perspective how feeling regreat changes nothing.
Everyone around her dislikes her. She was supposed to train and be the Avatar, and so she did, but people don't want her. And then Amon comes around saying benders are trash, which just happens to be how she feels for being the ultimate bender, and says he wants to remove bending from people, to remove Korra.
At this point, the only thing keeping Korra from connecting to the spirits and aribending is herself and the way she was raised. If she cannot be a good person, then Amon is right.

Why is he blacklisted?

I wouldn't call Korra a terrible person, more like heavily flawed. The worst thing she did in book 1 was pursue and kiss a guy already in a relationship, and that's just typical stupid shit teenagers do. And she learned pretty quickly (sort of) what she did was wrong.

I did like in book 2 they kind of tackled the problem more bluntly, and how Korra learned she has a strength unique to herself, I just wish they didn't do it so... literally.

he made movies that were so bad that nobody wants to hire him again to direct a big budget movie ever again


the arrow was cool

man some of the hate for korra is some of the most over the top shit i have ever seen and how did a thread about the fucking move tern into this shit you idiots are pathetic

They should have made her skin darker

>mfw have never and will never watch a single episode of Korra
I'm not sullying ATLA like that niggas

Why won't they just pick that rock and throw it?

I swear to god, those two firebenders, one of them is actually working and other one is just making silly poses. I bet it's the right one.

who gives a shit if you didn't

Well, it's not so much as actually being terrible, but not acting as other people expect you too.

Korra is naive most of the time. This does not grant her right to act as she pleases but makes it comprehensible. But what I meant is that because everyone else gets mad at her behavior all the time she feels like she's terrible, even tho it's just people.

Some people are just that angry. I wasn't 100% happy with Korra either but it's also been like three years and there's been worse crimes committed.

Also some are bitter that if we ever get another show it'll probably be about the Avatar after Korra, so they can't pretend her show never happened if they want to continue enjoying the franchise.

He said in an interview that Americans are against him.

It's just shit scene work and a bad understanding of how bending is supposed to be. The large dance group summoned a brick wall, the lone guy lifted and threw the stone solo.

im just mad they shit up every thread with the same shit over and over

Yeah it's definitely annoying.

But Korra is better than TLA

It's pretty mediocre.

Better than just about anything he's made since 6th sense though

Do you guys think that Sozin ever tried to use lightning bending to do shock therapy in gay people?

I think "Split" showed the biggest problem with Shyamalan: His ideas weren't big enough to justify the budgets. His best movies were almost all entirely low-budget affairs; it wasn't until he was able to make any movie he wanted that it came to light that he SHOULDN'T be able to make a movie with everything he can think of.

Too many ideas in one pot.


>need to people dancing for 10 seconds to light a fire and channel a little stream of fire into two people
>after his friend gets hit by a rock, he can solo pull a stronger stream just by spinning his arms.

Goddammit that pronunciation

Korra's response is very JLaw "Gay rights!"-esque.

you retards are going to post this shit in every thread?

Korra's kinda spoiled, I guess. Aang finally united the world after fucking off and letting it descend into chaos. So the next Avatar was babied and she couldn't grow on her own, I guess.

Some people still feel strongly about the imperialist who ordered a genocide also being homophobic. It's lazy writing but I still don't know what about it pisses people off.

Maybe it is because they fucked up the grey morality he had in the original series to turn him into a bad guy that does bad stuff because he's eeeeeeeeevul?

Or maybe because this whole book is numarvel tier of SJW garbage

Korra wasn't really spoiled, if her firebending teacher and the White Lotus guy were any indication she wasn't really surrounded by people who spent all their time kissing her ass. I guess it'd be more accurate to say she was... comfortable?

I mean there's nothing grey about ordering a genocide, and it's a semi-popular theory that it'll be revealed he only did it because he was struggling with his own homosexuality and unrequited feelings for Roku.

I think both sides would tear Mike apart over that though.