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this remind me of something... what could it be?

This was a great episode, and I'm happy that they got to do something like this, and getting more work.

I have wanted to fuck that British girl voice ever since I heard it from DHMIS.

song wasn't close to being as catchy as any of the DHMIS songs

shame, I was pretty excited foe the episode


I hope these guys go on to do more stuff. I'm not really sure what one would call their aesthetic or style in the sets and costumes, but it's fantastic, as well as the great voice acting, puppetry, and writing. I can't get enough of it.

Who does the voice anyways?

The feminine voice is Becky Sloan.

>computers>time>creativity>healthy food>dreams>love=fun

>healthy food=time>creativity>computers>dreams>love>fun
Really though their all pretty good and fairly close in quality imo

*ring ring*


Oh No


>Didn't get the reference
>Saw DHMIS 5
>Now regret getting the reference











My teeth have gone gray what do

You're eating too much plain white sauce
Or not enough

Damn, I don't even remember where I stopped when I watched Gumball last time.





They said that they're gonna do something new eventually but still haven't revealed what exactly.
But yeah, they have fantastic poppetry skills and it would go to a waste if they wouldn't put them to good use on something else.



What's "fun"? I only remember there being 6.

Fun is the one they did on Gumball.

It's going to be pickle Rick isn't It?






Hey remember when that obscure quality thing popped on the internet. Wasn't it great how went viral because it was creative. Remember who it was good all the way through and just like everything else the end was complete shit.
What causes someone to throw all that work and "lore building" down the drain in an attempt to create a "Super ending". Of course everything else in the media follows the same style. Shit endings to everything. You'll continue to support the cancer that is media escapism. We baited you with quality and now that you're hooked we'll continue to shovel shit to you. Buy a ticket for the next rebooted movie or cashgrab sequel.
Shill something that has style over substance so we can cash out on ads. Doesn't matter if its bad or good because you'll find something about it to shit on or praise. If not we'll do it because no publicity is bad publicity. Make sure to buy the next console we release. Make sure to buy the next game sequel we release. Make sure to support anything you like loudly and make sure to shit on anything you dislike loudly. Remember Trump is a bad president and Hillary should of won. We'll make you believe what we want because we gave you escapism. Obscurity causes the nerds of the internet to come out and try to paste a coherent story together and you'll watch those Youtube videos of lore and give us more money. Enjoy the story because of course we'll leave out everything that could be important so you losers will continue digging and continue giving us money. Enjoy your shit ending and your last lore video because we already got all your money and we could give less of a fuck about you. We created our quick magnum opus and were set now. See ya later faggot. *click*


That's not very creative

At least it wasn't Pickle Rick.

So what does the final episode mean?

you fool, that was Rick talking to him on the phone.

This is reminding me of DmC and They Live.


