Assigned Male

Can we discuss this train wreck?

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Discuss what? There's really nothing new to talk about except make fun of it unless a new one comes out.


>Can we discuss this train wreck?
There is nothing to discuss besides the fact the autor has some serious mental issues and is also a fucking teacher.

>and is also a fucking teacher.
I do not believe you.

Why is this in the top 10 most profitable comics in Patreon, the artist doesn't even know how to draw human anatomy, and has a subject with limited appeal.

That limited niche eats it up though. God knows why, she sucks as you say. I imagine the second a transsexual creator starts making content that shows actual talent she'll die off like a bad smell.

It gets money for being so progressive and brave

Honestly, I've heard a lot of transexuals actually hate this comic, so it's probably a bunch of normal people desperate for good boy points

Have the school authority and parents been informed about what they do in their spare time?

It's never about the art itself, it's about the politics. People will do anything if it makes them feel like their ideologies are valid.

I liked the comic where the dad says to ignore bullies and they'll go away. It then cuts to Trump winning the presidency

As though he was in some way ignored during any point of his campaign

>I've heard a lot of transexuals actually hate this comic
Wouldn't shock me. I wouldn't want to be represented by a dribbling lunatic either.

Please post.

You sure it wasn't an edit?

Started shit with the Sup Forums side of the internet then suddenly all her social media and hosting accounts got hacked except for her revenue streams so if you wanted to show your support you had to crowdfund her. It was a couple months ago, IIRC.

What the fuck is the thesis here? That we should acknowledge that this thing has a penis? I though nearly everyone was on board with this besides crazy trannies who want to deny that he has a penis because he claims to be a girl.

Maybe this comic is too smart for me.

These anger bait comics don't really upset me anymore. In fact when I stopped getting angry over all the liberal heavy agenda of post 2010, my life honestly took a turn for the better.

So many people go on Sup Forums just to find things to get mad about, especially with places like Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but even Sup Forums to a lesser extent.

Stop getting mad at SJW's user and just read your comics, watch you cartoons, or play your vidya. Live and let live. You'll feel better.

1) Nowadays teachers get fired for conservative views and not SJW bullshit.

2) Choke on a dick you narc faggot. Everyone has a right to exercise their free speech, even people you don't agree with, you authoritarian retard.


It's 2017, women can have penises too

Eh. I get an emotional high from engaging in it but normally I wall myself off from this sort of thing for that reason

>Eh. I get an emotional high from engaging in it but normally I wall myself off from this sort of thing for that reason

You really gotta go make some friends irl. Flirt with some cutie. Like damn I feel like a normie but that just seems sad.

Is this done by an actual tranny or just another middle class white girl trying to score tumblr points?

u mad

Actual. The main character is a self insert

No, """she""" wants that people stop associating penis with male, so """"girl"""" can have a penis.

That one is actually funny.


>Can't they just be gay?
Aren't most trannies actually "gay"?

Fuck I feel bad for gay people who've had to deal with that parasite T

So is being transphobic supposed to be a bad thing?

The last time I forsook ragebait on the internet, I got bored extremely quickly and had to get back. If I had anything better to do than being on Sup Forums, I would've never been on Sup Forums in the first place.

what on earth

Ah the good old
>If you won't date a trans person it's because you are a bigot and has nothing to do with your preferences. If you won't date a girl with a penis or a man with a vagina you are fucked up.

>trannies say "i am a woman now"
>you are a shitlord if you don't want to fuck them

this one gets me everytime

I cannot understand why cisgendered people are expected to date transgender people. I'm already cisgendered and therefor cannot date you.

wait what

>trans women are biologically male
So stating facts is transphobic?

>If not into that type of person I'm [Insert base word of whatever]Phobic

Seems kinda scummy to make a profit off of mentally unfit people so desperate to have their delusions validated they'll throw cash at anybody who does so.

[Incoherent shrieking]

By this I mean it is expected by non cisgendered people that cisgendered people can only date other cis people. If you're trans you are excluded.

Sadly that's not the case unless The End comic is one of top 10

> train wreck?
Whoever is writing this is making a living of this, so i wouldn't call it a trainwreck

>could we stop with the useless gendering

"useless", you say? if efficiency is a true concern, could we stop with the wholesale redefinition of terms and turning culture on its head just in the attempt to make the 1% of the mentally-ill population feel a bit better?

it sucks

>being a snitch

>wanting mentally ill people to teach your kids

>being on Sup Forums
>having kids, ever

Not even 1%. More like 0.03%

God I wish Sup Forums did hacking. We lost our balls post election. We haven't done anything lately.

Patreon's userbase is mostly liberal. After all it's a "gimme free money" site, which fits their entitlement-based ideology. Ofcourse they're going to support crap for it's message instead of any artistic value.


that's not my experience but

I don't care because I've never even met a trans person


well, your guy sucks, so yeah

Literally what do you expect from people with a mental illness.

>liberal agenda
Do I need any more proof retards don't even know what liberalism is

Can't seem to find anything online about either creator being trans?

Top left and top right answers.
Is that was I supposed to do, spot the correct answers?

It's been redefined by leftists, along with a whole bunch of other words like phobia, nazi, racist, etc to mean things other than their actual definition.

>After all it's a "gimme free money" site, which fits their entitlement-based ideology
It's literally the free market in action, you hypocritical dickhead

Not around kids they don't.

Being a pussy faggot who cares.

this one made me chuckle.

As long as she doesn't spew this shit in the classroom (which is deeply unprofessional and could be grounds for sacking, though still not breaking any speech laws) then no, her views don't really make a difference.

True, the fact she can't express them with any nuance or subtlety indicates a lack of intelligence, so she shouldn't be teaching kids, but the views themselves aren't the reason.

This isn't wrong except for the wouldn't date one part and to some extent the biologically male one.

>I'm a straight man, so I have no problem with gay men but I would not date them

Yeah thats not how it works.


Eh, I have no problem with transness itself. Just this shitty fucking comic.

It's literally tantamount to rape. It's like telling a gay man if he doesn't fuck women he's a misogynist. Some of these people are literally trying to tell people they MUST have sex with a specific kind of person or they're prejudice and should be treated as pariah, and it's honestly disgusting. And let's not forget that even though the author decides it's a man who's saying it in that comic, it's just as likely if not far more likely to be lesbian women who don't want to have sex with someone who is effectively a man. Lesbians get shit on for this all the time in the gay community, now. For this specifically. Gay men, too.

As I recall, the Assigned Male artist has a few autobiographical comics on facebook about them picking up men at bars and taking them home before the guy basically turns them down because they didn't realize "she" was a woman. And they get so incredibly pissed off because, "BUT I HAVE A DICK. ITS LITERALLY THE SAME, WHY DOES IT MATTER THAT ITS A GIRL DICK?" Or some shit like that.

That's quite literally the case. Trans people used to be okay with LaBelle, figuring that she's one of theirs and as a result had to put up with her eccentric comics because solidarity. But when she started making comics about how genital preference is transphobic and that trans people are entitled to sex from cis people, that was a bridge too far. Trans people have to deal with plenty of toxic bullshit about being alleged rapists all the time, and LaBelle's comic undermining the idea that sexual consent can be withdrawn at any time for any reason has probably only made that stereotype even more pervasive. (Also, that same idea is used to justify an astonishing amount of trans-on-trans sexual assault)


>I've heard a lot of transexuals actually hate this comic,
A lot of transgender folk have really felt like the last ten years of transtrenders coming out of the wood work and some transgender people getting wooed by tumblr crap has set them back a fair bit.

They give people an impression that transgender people want to be unique, and not just a man or a woman, are incredibly demanding and needy, and are troublemakers, when most actual trans people just want to be the gender they want to be and not some special snowflake.

It really hurts them as a group, what all these people are doing to their image. It's like the flaming pride parade people vs regular people who are gay all over again.

I remember there was a huge (by internet standards) stink during those stupid pussy hat protests because so many of the women protesting were using biologically female iconography and language in their protests. I know that TERFs have been a thing for years, but apparently even implying that women have vaginas is transphobic now, or some shit.

All that's doing is driving people away from their cause because it's obvious that the people that deep in intersectional ID politics are completely fucking batshit.

I didn't say you can't do what you want with your money. Burn it for all I care. A fool and his money like the saying goes.

well I don't want to fuck the tard who made this shit

I mean, the mom has a point. Don't pay attention to him and he goes away. What did people do? Do nothing BUT pay attention to him.

There was also an issue about that protest at least partly being about the prospect of illegalizing abortions. I think that's what the uterus imagery was usually relating to there. Trans women have their own problems concerning reproduction rights and reproductive health but they don't have to do with abortions.

>the new feminism is sexuality

A quick search on "The End" turned up the artist's official Youtube channel, which has this as their profile picture. Seems pretty likely to be trans-something.

For Halloween.

I'm trans, and I think Assigned Male is garbage. Dismantling the gender binary will only hurt people with gender dysphoria in the long run.

It's complicated. I know a lot of trans people whose dating pool got reduced more or less to other trans people, because no one else wants them. It makes sense, since most trans people are MtF and most MtF people are not passable enough for straight men or lesbian women.

>Dismantling the gender binary
Is that what it's trying to do? I haven't seen it talk much about non-binary genders, just mostly trying to dismantle the concept of biological sex. Which seems even worse.

I don't get this. Is this one supposed to be autobiographical? I thought the character in the comic had a supportive dad. Unless this one miraculously is supposed to not be about trans-ness

>literally proving the adult's point



Is the author trying to imply XX and XY, actual real genes that decide the biological makeup of your body in regards to sexual dimorphism, is some kind of lie?

>I know a lot of trans people whose dating pool got reduced more or less to other trans people, because no one else wants them
Sucks to be them, but it ain't transphobic to not want to date a trans person.
Just like it ain't fucking homophobic for a straight person to not want to date someone of the same gender as them.

Yeah, this doesn't make sense even the context of the comic. Granted, I've only seen it here on this Vietnamese crochet forum, but the dad has always been supportive and now he's... throwing a tantrum like an infant?

Or is this "character personalities change wildly based on the need of the current strip" kind of thing?

Why do I get the feeling that the author isn't trying to talk about shit like Klinefelter syndrome or other extremely rare chromosomal disorders, and is instead trying to imply that XX and XY are some kind of transphobic lie?

You don't have to read comics with trans people but if you think you have a right to be upset over trans comics I kind of what to kill everyone in your family.

I have the right to be upset about whatever the fuck I like, faggot

Republicans, i.e. bullies, made him the nominee, because he said the first black president was an African Muslim.

Is that you Sophie?

Have you read your badwebcomics page yet?

Did you know you're a psychopath?

>I kind of what
Want did he mean by this?

>trans comics
Its not about it being Trans or not you dumb fuck, its about being so ludicrously insane with wanting to be special that it outright fabricate its own facts and create ludicrous strawmen to prove incredibly specific points that only work in unbelievably specific scenarios.

I've seen a number of comments from trans people hating this shit.

Also just because you're not trans doesnt mean you cant give an opinion.

I would kill your loved ones if I knew where they lived.


Oh I'm not defending the comic. I just want you dead because your retarded feelings are even more disgusting to me than the stupidity of the comic.

You'll never change the world in a positive way if you continue to be a smug cunt with your opinions.

It doesnt matter if you're objectively correct, if you're a completely insufferable smug prick about it, nobody will ever listen to you.

>Someone tried to use this argument on my boyfriend once

It wasn't long after I saw that image too. It's seriously fucking insane.

That's nice. Good to know which of us is willing to remain within the law

"My doctor told me snarkily that my lungs are in bad shape so now I smoke four packs a day."

>thinking people don't have the right to be upset about whatever the fuck they want