Why would Batman keep this in the Batcave? it's actually more insulting than honorary

why would Batman keep this in the Batcave? it's actually more insulting than honorary

For extra angst.

A reminder of his failures and what it costs

It’s not supposed to be an honor. It’s supposed to be a reminder that he can’t make the same mistakes he did in the past.

He could've at least washed it off.

it's a reminder of how he fucked up

if anything, batman is a fan of letting his demons haunt him, instead of moving on and using his umpteen billion dollars to fix gotham

This. The movie makes it pretty clear he doesn't have the firmest grasp on sanity.

Batman's never sane. Why else does he dress up like a bat?

You're talking about the same man who has a giant penny and a Tyrannosaurus Rex on display

Main reason, Zack Snyder thought it would be a neat easter egg in his garbage movie.

only snyder's Batman would display the suit robin wore while being brutally murdered for nobody but himself to see.

I thought Batman loved Robin. I thought Clark would save Jimmy.

To remind him what happens when he fucks up, then again it's pretty useless considering he killed a dozen people in BvS, but whoops

if i had the space, i would have a giant penny and t-rex

find me a single person who wouldn't

To scare people, that's it, he tried it without a costume and almost died because the people weren't scared enough by him.

Batman might have some kind of mental disorder, but the man's not insane, I'm sick of people thinking it, he does what he does because he is sane

I would have a giant robot.

why doesn't he display the corpses of his dead parents, then? they're in the backyard.

But he does use his billions of dollars to fix Gotham. He just also goes as Batman to take care of things that Bruce Wayne can't.

there should be an elseworlds where he does that just that


"jesus christ!"

Fucking Ultimate KEK.

Where? He could literally buy all the corrupt judges and officials and pay them to do their job. He could sic the on the Gotham mafia and solve the worst aspects of crime by just bribing everyone. But nooo, he expend billions on gizmos and prefer to have nightly merry rides with pre pubescent boys on Speedos.

>why doesn't he just buy all the criminals?
Yeah, that's what I want from my comic book user. Mr. Wayne and his adventures in rewarding criminals with money.

then you don't want things actually being accomplished

just pageantry and boys in tights

The difference is he literally couldn't do anything about it and he probably was too innocent to know any better about Gotham before that night.

You can't just pour money into politics to fix the system user. Giving money over to a slimy shit and then hoping he'll do the right thing is asinine.
Why don't you make a comic about a bleeding heart philanthropist sissy that just throws money at all his problems in life. I'm sure people would love to read about him.

>pageantry and boys in tights
don't kink shame me user.

He displays them in the backyard.

Simple, he wouldn't.

Batman wasn't in this film, it was some Miller based wanker with a hate boner for supes.

Considering how many times writers have in one form or another tried to pit batman and superman against each other, you'd think by now they'd have created a version where one of the two doesn't have their entire character erased, but you'd be wrong.