Good Morning, Sup Forums. What is your opinion on this movie?

Good Morning, Sup Forums. What is your opinion on this movie?

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Somewhat underrated, but not one of Disney's absolute best.

Why Should I Worry and this are two of the best songs in the entire pantheon though.

I want to give Rita muh sausage.

>Little girl gets kidnapped
>Two dogs get electrocuted to death
>Villain dies in a fiery, explosive crash
It was pretty brutal.

With what happened in Vegas, kinda dampers the good feels of this song.

The poodle and chihuahua are great

>With what happened in Vegas, kinda dampers the good feels of this song.
Why should you, in particular, worry? Why should you care?

This is actually my favorite 2D Disney movie to be completely honest. I understand why some don't like it, and it isn't one of their most ambitious films, but it's cute and humble, and has a lot of heart. I love the setting, the characters, and the 80s-ness of it all. Some say the soundtrack isn't memorable, but I really think the only not-catchy song in the whole thing is Good Company.
I just wish that the bond between Oliver and the gang was solidified more before he ends up in Jenny's care. They really weren't together for that long. Also, Georgette needed more of a redemption/motivation to have a change of heart. She doesn't ever really feel bad about getting rid of Oliver, or have any reason for doing so, but she still wants to help all of the sudden in the climax. It didn't ever seem like she cared about Jenny that much, why would she be jealous of Oliver?
Anyway, I still love this movie a lot. Oliver is fucking cute.

I want to fuck the redhead driver in this song.

Haven't seen it in years but enjoyed it as a kid. I love the why should I worry song. Also the opening for the movie makes me cry every time

Very underrated, used to be in my all-time favourites. Still in my top 10 but I kinda forgot it existed until this post brought back the memories. So thanks OP.

OP Here
Yeah, sorry about my original post. It is obviously not a good morning. The Vegas incident happened while I was asleep and I had to go into work early. Catching up on it right now.
Are you me?

>dirty hobo borrows money from sykes
>dirty hobo can't pay back money
>sykes is rightfully upset
>sykes is treated like he's in the wrong

>Sykes lends money to a dirty hobo in the first place
I hope he didn't expect to get it back. But then again, this is a man who chased this hobo onto train tracks and got killed because he was distracted by a tiny ginger kitten.

Why Should I Worry is a highly underrated Disney song.

>Also the opening for the movie makes me cry every time
Fucking same. Probably my top heart-breaking Disney moment. The fact that he's so visibly shaken and terrified by the end pushes me over the edge.

You ever heard of a loan shark, m8? They loan out to people they know that can't pay back to extort them.

Georgette needs more porn.


How can toy breeds EVEN COMPETE?

>She also fucked Ratigan.
How though?

>she fucked Ratigan


Holy fuck. You're right. I see it.

>How though?
Ratigan's pretty resourceful, maybe hands-free hypnotic tactics, maybe kidnapping an engineer to whip up some kind of giant mechanical dog dick. Nevertheless, he made it happen and it was good enough that Georgette keeps his photo on the mantelpiece.

How long until Tito and the rest of the gang end up on that mantelpiece?
Yes, including Oliver and Rita.

>including Rita

>some kind of giant mechanical dog dick

Well played user....well played.

This is the kind of content only Disney magic can bring.


This thread has been blessed

This is the least horrifying thing I've seen all day.

Thank you Sup Forums.

Because I could.

Loved that movie when I was a kid
Still feel like it's very underrated

Billy Joel is a great Voice Actor. Wish he had more songs in the movie.

>left in the box alone
>it rains out
>dogs try to kill him
>the next day Dodger uses him to steal food and runs off with all the sausages
Oliver gets shit on so badly at the start

>follows Dodger back to Fagin's barge
>feels threatened by the gang, they all eat the hotdogs without him
>Sykes and his scary fucking dogs come over and scare Oliver again
>Oliver scratches them to save his life
>"woah good job kid, now you're a part of the gang"
>next day Jenny finds him, shows him more love than anyone ever did before, and is totally free from harm
>Dodger and co "rescue" him
>"what do you mean you wanna live there instead, kid?"
I love Dodger but he was a bit of a cock. He bullied a kid and didn't even give him a hot dog, and expects to be thanked?

Dodger was a career criminal who assumed his way of life was the most normal and enjoyable way to live.
He thought that he could teach Oliver to git good and that would be for the best.


Confucius say, "Man who takes a dog to bed has a bitch for a mistress"

I guess that makes sense. He's still the coolest damn Disney dog ever. Really I like the whole group. Einstein's the only real forgettable one.

What the hell is the rap song at 0:30? This has been bothering me for years, was it just something they made only for this part? Should've been on the OST release.

Posting the superior guilty-pleasure-tier Disney film.

duchess' face is what makes this image.

sultry females acting goofy on purpose gets me goin'.

Im more of a Georgette fag myself

I like Aristocats too, but Oliver & Co is juuust above it. I think if I didn't like cats I'd probably dislike Aristocats, that's really it's biggest selling point.
Oliver is cuter than those three kittens combined anyway, fight me.
Come to think of it, I think Duchess is cuter than them all, too.

Besides "Everybody Wants to Be A Cat," Duchess is the only reason to watch the film, but what a reason it is.

Can we just talk about how underrated Sykes is?

>Crime lord/business owner that loans money to the homeless and demands for them to pay him back, despite the fact they're freaking homeless. He does this because it amuses him.
>Threatens to KILL said Bum for the reasons stated above
>Kidnaps and abuses children and animals for the sake of money
>Sicked wild guard dogs on the characters

She's literally just a cat with a slightly human face.

Despite how insanely inaccurate to the novel Oliver Twist. Sykes seems he's the most accurate representation. He's just as psychotic.

right. and?


The part where he's on the phone casually instructing (presumably) one of his goons about how to kill some guy was pretty badass.
I also remember the part where he rolls up his car window on Fagin's neck scaring the shit out of me as a kid.
His car was also pretty bitchin'.
I don't think they were every trying to be accurate to Oliver Twist. It always bothered me when people think this makes the movie bad, but no offense to you. I'd say that if you want Oliver Twist, watch the other two Oliver Twist movies, but I get the complaint. It just never bothered me, it's a loose adaption.

Wonder why he never did any other voice acting. He was really good at it. I dunno, maybe it was to stressful, especially at a company like Disney.