370 prominent economists disavow Trump

Among these are 8 winners of the Nobel price in economy.

Is this Trump's biggest blow yet? Can he really make it after this?

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Nice spam
>370 votes
wow this is sure to tip the election

All prominent economists work for the Jews.

A lot of that is true and it's probably the best case against Trump I've seen. But Trump most likely believes a lot of that too. He is banking on the economic illiteracy of foreign leaders to get better terms of trade. Crooked's economics are a joke so at best it's a scoreless draw.

Unfortunately for her economics are way down the list of reasons to vote Trump.

This election is very simple really. GOOD vs. EVIL





Wolf of Wall street made economy an over saturated major. I work with the stock market every day and every day some jackass economist says the next crash is happening tomorrow.

Oh no, Paul Krugman doesn't like the economic "plan" that exists only to trick cuckservatives into voting Trump because it doesn't create enough debt.

What am I gonna doOoOo?!?!


Entire post disregarded

>Nobel price in economy.
Bob Dylan won a nobel prize. What's that worth? These economists don't seem to know wtf they're talking about. If they did the world wouldn't be so fucked up.

This may sway fucking morons on kikebook but we all know economists are fucking retarded. Did you even read their bulletpoints? It's like a fucking high school student's paper where a teacher forced them to pick apart Trump's ideas or they got an automatic F.

>every day some jackass economist says the next crash is happening tomorrow.
It's "showbiz" don't you know?


Trump fixes the window.
They break the window.

Most of these people take Trump at face value but don't apply the same to Clinton or Sanders. It is hard to take them seriously.

Good thing people nowadays prefer corruption over "le drumpf fucking racist".
If Trump doesn't win democracy is fucking done, a mere puppet in the hand of media and PC.
Please fucking kill me.

And now watch these autists say these people are credible or they're just Jews who have an agenda. Ffs

I am waiting for the first posting to actually comment on the arguments.

Reminder that Nobel Prize nowadays means nothing, they handed King Coon one as welfare.

How many of them are Jews?

So what? I can easily get 370 economists to say that raising taxes and importing third world vermin does not create economic growth.

>if the majority of people in the United States decide to elect a candidate that a foreigner dislikes democracy is done

It's almost like they never taught you what democracy was, Seamus. Back to your potatoes and papism.

And yet Trump has more money than all of them combined, including the Nobel prize winners. Opinions discarded.

obama has a peace prize and he drone striked children

the prize really doesnt mean shit anymore.


Literally the lowest of the low


If the average voter knew or gave a shit about economics, Bernie Sanders would have never gotten any attention nationally.

Both Trump and Clinton's economic policies would be disasters, but nobody gives a fuck because they're all retards who think issues the president has no control over are more important.

>a bunch of jews are opposed to the inevitable shoah they helped contribute to in the first place

Nothing new here, just the river of time completing it's circle.

Lol that flag is clearly italy you burger.

Into the trash they go.

Fuck globalism.

When will economists get a real job and help to actually predict and control these things they claim to know so much about though? They're fucking everywhere.
"What difference at this point does it make?"-hildebeast

Wouldn't think someone from Jamaica would be so angry whatever happened to Cool Runnings?

>Randomly calls guiseppi Seamus
>Bad at identifying emotions

Yup , autistic

Just for you because I am bored: (1/?)

>He degrades trust in vital public institutions that collect and disseminate information
about the economy, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by spreading disinformation
about the integrity of their work.
These public institutions have failed us, the information they spread is biased and everyone agrees its a lie. Our economy is a massive mess but they try and paint king coon as the savior of it all.
>He has misled voters in states like Ohio and Michigan by asserting that the renegotiation
of NAFTA or the imposition of tariffs on China would substantially increase employment
in manufacturing. In fact, manufacturing’s share of employment has been declining since
the 1970s and is mostly related to automation, not trade.
Manufacturing has declined due to chinese children assembling things for far less pay than your average american.
>He claims to champion former manufacturing workers, but has no plan to assist their
transition to well-compensated service sector positions. Instead, he has diverted the
policy discussion to options that ignore both the reality of technological progress and the
benefits of international trade.
Why should they transfer to welfare service sector positions? Most of them WANT manufacturing because its the only thing to fix our economy. We need LESS service jobs. This argument is also completely counter to the argument just above of this. Trump wants NAFTA and Chinese tarriffs so our manufacturing sector can compete on a level playing ground.
>He has misled the public by asserting that U.S. manufacturing has declined. The location
and product composition of manufacturing has changed, but the level of output has more
than doubled in the U.S. since the 1980s.
You know what else has multiplied since 1980? US population. Also another counter argument to themselves. Literally right above this they admit manufacturing has declined

Are these the same economic geniuses that saw the 2008 crash coming?



>370 prominent economists paid to disavow Trump

(((Economists))) who instituted (((central banking))) to prevent booms and busts but we have had them for over a century

The ones who tell us "inflation is good!"

Fuck these people

I can find you 370 more that will vote for him. I have a degree in and published papers in Economics and I can tell you there's not a shred of consensus in economics. 20% are neo-Austrian, 20% suck Keynes's dick and 60% will just agree with whoever in the room promises them the most money.


>He has falsely suggested that trade is zero-sum and that the “toughness” of negotiators primarily drives trade deficits.
Our negotiations have all been piss poor due to how desperate we are to make our economy survive despite its mess. Our trade partners like china use our desperation as leverage.
>He has misled the public with false statements about trade agreements eroding national income and wealth. Although the gains have not been equally distributed—and this is an important discussion in itself—both mean income and mean wealth have risen substantially in the U.S. since the 1980s.
Well of course they have due to inflation. But so have the prices of everything else. especially housing.
>He has lowered the seriousness of the national dialogue by suggesting that the elimination of the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Education would significantly reduce the fiscal deficit. A credible solution will require an increase in tax revenue and/or a reduction in spending on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or Defense.
EPA and Dept. of Education are just excuses to slap taxes and fines on things. No small company can establish itself due to how taxing they are. Only massive corporations can afford to pay up.
>He claims he will eliminate the fiscal deficit, but has proposed a plan that would decrease tax revenue by $2.6 to $5.9 trillion over the next decade according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation.
He has also mentioned bringing our military out of foreign countries who don't pay us enough for protection. Our military overseas is easily the most bloated drain on our deficit.

This is the best description of economists I have ever read.

Are they saying that, they, as economists, don't like... uncertainty. Holy fuck. News of the century.