What? He got long hair.

>Not a TMNT villain reject
They fixed him, it looks like

he looks like a post apocalyptic Frank Zappa

He looks like a crack addict or a crazy hobbo

By making him look more like a TMNT villain reject?

Define "more"

Jesus christ, what a shitshow

an exaggeratedly hideous design because for whatever the reason that was cool in the 80s

>whatever the reason that was cool in the 80s
Whatever the reason it was cool in the 80s, they did it to Kraven in 2009

They combined his sons' traits and the Ultimate version on him. Alyosha's design, Vladimir's robot arm, and Ultimate's reality show motif.

His face is all fucked up, though. Looks more cartoony compared to the other characters.

Hey man, last time I saw him he was in Squirrel Girl so this is easily an improvement.

He looks like a young Cheech Marin.
That stops my brain from registering him as a serious threat.

Wait, back the fuck up. Cheech Marin was young at some point?

Looks like a GI Joe character...

from the thumbnail his face tattoo looked like glasses and with his hair he kinda looks like Weird Al.

I'm not someone who hates change in new interpretations, but a lot of the changes this show is doing just feel like they did it for the heck of it. Like, in the Raimi films I could get behind Spidey having organic webs because I remembered it feeling like a copout in the show whenever he'd run out in the middle of a fight, and it didn't make sense that somebody strapped for cash would both be able to make something like that and not sell it. Spectacular made Kraven intimidating and his relationship with his wife was cute and made him more sympathetic. Even in the USM cartoon, the changes they made to Octavius (at first) were really cool and made him from one of Spidey's goofier foes into someone really menacing.

Here, I can get some of it: Him being a reality TV star was his gimmick in the USM comics. But the overall design was just, "We need to be different from previous interpretations" and not caring for how seriously we could take it.

I haven't seen the episode yet, I hope at least he's a serious threat like he was in Ultimate.

He looks like Lobo. Why?

That was the other thing that came to mind.

I didn't mind teen Doc Ock so much. He still keeps the arrogance and paranoia associated with him, and there's potential to him being Peter's sort-of peer.

Everyone else being genius teens is retarded, though.

That wasn't bad

He looks like a beatnik

As much as I liked Spectacular, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figure villain Kraven the Lion Mutant, was a case of Greg Weisman going full retard.


>its ok when Spectacular does it

The same thing they did to The Jackal, The Scorpion and the others. Because nothing says ego better than redesigning something successful to put your stamp on it.

>how dare someone like something that I don't?!
Oh gee, it's like, I don't know, an opinion or something, man.

There's nothing wrong with redesigns. It keeps the characters fresh and can sometimes influence future interpretations. One of the many reasons Avengers Assemble and Guardians of the Galaxy are so boring is because they just copypaste MCU and modern comic designs.

Also, the ones you mentioned were already comic book designs.

This. Even Emo-Octopus in USM was kind of fun in his constantly changing appearances.

I have no idea why Weisman thought that was a good idea.

Apparently it wasn't something just done randomly and it had a larger purpose in the story.

They planned on doing a story arc where Kraven fought Lizard and Spidey in the Florida Everglades, so it might've been to keep up with them. Not to mention other animal mutates like Man-Wolf and Jackal (who caused Kraven's mutation). Hell, Kraven turning himself into a monster and still failing in his goals could be a good motivation into killing himself later on.

Plus, you had the gene cleanser which was introduced in like the second episode. So not like spidey couldn't undo the change eventually.

Kraven as a man hunting Lizard >>>>> Lion Kraven hunting Lizard

he looks like Danny Trejo on a good day.

Realistically, he'd get his shit kicked in.

I don't hate the idea of Kraven becoming desperate enough to mutate himself, but it was done way, WAY too soon. They could've had him enhance himself to give himself animalistic traits (strength, speed, smell, etc.) and keep him human, only for the side effects to take place over time and turn him into a monster. I realize it wouldn't occur in a two-season span, but it would've been better on the long-term.

Hey, even the greats have one mistake.

>what doth (((LIFE)))