Was this the last amazing thing Marvel did?

I go back and re-read everything from Annihilation to Annihilators pretty much every year. Is this the best Marvel has ever been? Yes, there are definitely weak parts (Wrath, some of the art), but overall it was a great time to give a shit about cosmic marvel. Also, is Nova the most well developed Marvel hero? Starts off as a Spider-Man knockoff, ends as a god level general who routinely saves the universe.

I like Conquest the best; despite having decent build up, War of Kings is a slog; Thanos Imperative is pretty cool, though.

In terms of line-wide events, yeah, it's hard to top.
In general comic terms, Vision, Fury MAX and Ewing's Infinity story were all pretty fucking amazing. And I really loved that first All-New Ghost Rider volume, felt very classic Marvel.

>Really? Carol Danvers? What an honor to have her carrying on my father's Legacy!

>She's so heroic... and inspirational... and fuckable...

Conquest was a Nova story that they shoehorned the rest of cosmic marvel into. War of Kings was just a leadup to Thanos imperative.

Conquest got us DnA GotG, don't forget.

So I haven't kept up with new Marvel. I know they brought Rich back, but did they ruin him? His story ended so perfectly, I've been afraid to check it out and see if they butchered him.

Bendis pretty much fucked the ending of Thanos Imperative with his retcon in GotG, making their sacrifice completely pointless.

The last Nova ongoing tried to work with that shit. The first few issues were comfy but the later issues explaining how he sacrificed Worldmind to escape the Cancerverse resulting in Worldmind becoming insane/corrupted sucked ass.

Thats even worse than what I expected.

is this the one the beyonder girl gets killed?

She essentially gets lobotomized by Thanos in his prequel miniseries that led up to Annihilation.

And war of kings brought Annihilators which is a god tier team.

I liked how they used made up alien curse words to get around having to avoid it in the dialogue. That was some das't fine world building.

Abnett likes himself some future swear words. In Sinister Dexter he had "funt" and "scuzzpuck", and in Grey Area he had officers use "grawlixes" as a form of self-censorship when on duty, automatically %&$ing out any swears.

I hate when they censor swears. Sometimes made up ones are ok. Das' t is...ok but it's a replacement for Damned. Does that really need to be censored?

I still can't believe they censored the new Jessica Jones. It ruins the whole idea of a book about her. So i dropped that pretty quick.

How do you guys feel about the impending Infinity War cash in event? Do you think it's gonna fuck over Cosmic Marvel? GOTG is ok now but I dread the future.

When did we start fearing what is to come more than looking forward to it?

>Marvel writes an event that is painfully average
>it's "amazing" just because it doesn't suck shit like every other marvel event

I'm holding out hope because Duggan has so far managed to take a couple of movie tie-in concepts and spin them well enough, and he's adamant in bringing back stuff like the Abstracts and the Raptor Fraternity.
Then again, I'm biased as fuck because I'm practically counting the days until my favorite Guardian finally comes back for good.

Painfully average is amazing these days. Comic fans are like battered housewives, a day that doesn't end with you getting smacked around is a good day, no matter how bad it actually was.

>finally comes back for good
if phyla survives duggan, i will be genuinely surprised. marvel has been adamant about making sure her and her bro don't exist.

It's good but it's overrated to hell and back, especially their GOTG.

>Ewing's Infinity story
you referring to his mighty avengers book?

Not an event but Warren Ellis's 2014 6 issue run on Moonknight was probably my favorite comic of the last ten years.

Good times.

Marvel's last amazing comic was Fury: My War Gone By

I will say one thing Duggan's run inarguably does better, even this early, is that it doesn't have any events constantly interrupting it.

It had its problem but I enjoyed it a lot, I also liked Conquest.

His made up words for Guardians 3000 were pretty weird like "I got nil data" "whatevermind!" "oh dei!" "this is total maxiflark" "It got garked" and my favorite is dinkwaft which I assume means idiot or fool since they use it as an insult and Vance used it to describe Peter and his Guardians.

Exploring and sewing the Marvel Universe was awesome. Art was awesome But the story was pretty dull, the way problems were solved were lame.

>Does that really need to be censored?
Not really but it gives them character and it's inoffensive if not overused. I mean James Gunn gets away with a lot of bad words in the first GotG movie and he has Rocket calling Groot a "D'ast idiot" in one scene.

I honestly feel D'ast and Flark (which I think PAD coined that one) should stay, I like those.

Besides I prefer creative cuss word replacements over "#(&@#^@#$^#^" because the latter lends itself to being abused and we sometimes get word balloons with nothing except $!#**#&%@ and other characters reacting surprised and it feels lazy.

What's an amazing event? Also OP didn't say it was amazing just the best Marvel has ever been.

He did say it was the last amazing thing Marvel did though.

Pretty sure the beef is against Genis more than Phyla, since there are people in Marvel that are still butthurt about PAD winning that Two-In-One.

Phyla was most likely just forgotten.

>Is this the best Marvel has ever been? Yes, there are definitely weak parts (Wrath, some of the art), but overall it was a great time to give a shit about cosmic marvel.

No he didn't, he just said it was the best Marvel has ever been and that he likes it.

Explain, I don't read a lot of comics, but PAD's Genius Cell is one of my favorite runs. What's the beef?

Hickmans whole run. His future foundation needs to come back. Franklin needs more stories

it's literally in the subject line dude

Does anyone have a link to the whole event? I've always wanted to read it but it's impossible for me to find