Kek Strikes Again

She didn't even fucking show up! Try again, shillfag.

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If there's one thing that's MAD for these people it's bringing up pedo shit

Anonymous DDOSed them. The only reason they canceled was because she wouldn't have "maximum" internet and media coverage.

Which basically means this bitch is a plant. Not that we didn't know that already.

She made up some excuse about being afraid for her life.

They love bringing children into politics. Do it for the children. The children the children. They don't give a shit about kids.

No one is ever going to take rape accusations seriously again thanks to these women.

DNC check bounced

Their only goal was to grab headlines. That goal succeeded.

But it won't win the election.

It's called projection. The left is famous for it. Everything they do and are ashamed of, they blame on the right and accuse them of it.

Leftists are liars.

It must be 1936 in Germany.

>Be afraid for your life so decide not to show
>HAHAHA she's not real
Fuck off /pol........................jk how fucking desperate is Hillary at this point?

>She didn't even fucking show up! Try again, shillfag.
She knew that she'd be sued into a public shaming and poverty that would follow her for the rest of her life. Smart move.

Wise leaf is wise

the dirt on the Clinton's must be REALLY dirty if they can't even get a rape victim to speak up against a presidential nominee one week before election.

She was too old to get on the plane

This is horrible. That poor woman was so intimidated by Trump's violent goons that she can't even get her story out for fear of her safety. It's tragic but an all too common phenomenon for those suffering from sexual trauma are be unable to confront their aggressors.

There holding her off for the grand finalé.
A couple of days before the election Comey's going to come out, on cue and declare the Huma/Wiener emails as nothing.
Hillary's going to come out as this poor opressed woman fighting the sexist male system.
And this bitch will come forward as a que de gras.
This shit is all being orchestrated.
We need the Foundation investigation info.
We've only got a few days.

>The only reason they canceled was because she wouldn't have "maximum" internet and media coverage.

Which proves she's a fake. I mean, wouldn't an actual rape victim want their story to be heard everywhere?

>how fucking desperate is Hillary at this point?

Imagine having no ammo left and resorting to throwing your empty guns at your enemy

"Anyway" not everywhere

She was silenced by the dangerous rhetoric.

>rape victim

Incorrect - you meant to type "rape ACCUSER", since there needs to be proof of action against her to make her a victim.

Funny how all the "victims" seem to vanish as soon as we hear about them. Almost makes you think it's all fake and just a part of the kabuki theater of the democrat's process for achieving victory, amirite?

>que de gras
Coup de grâce

Terrible story, user.

If they don't come out with a DNA sample showing Trump jizzed in her 13 year old snatch or have any photographic evidence, then it's ogre.

The democrats aren't known for their patience, if they'd had anything, it'd be out by now. Know why the media didn't cover this? Because even THEY recognized how fake and gay this story was, and if Epstein gets brought up too much, the Clinton ties with Bill's 17 trips to his island come out again, and it buttrapes their campaign even further.

The democratic party is about to implode, just put on your shades and sit back, it's going to be just lovely.