How Do We Stop Capeshit?

How do end Marvel and DC's reign and diversify the comics market?

You just take a step back and realize there's other publishers and stop crying about it. Support Image, 2000ad, and Humanoids and all the the others if you want more of that kind of stuff.

There's literally over 18 other publishers. You cant stop other's from enjoying Superheroes but there's more than enough other comics if you dont like them. Stop being such a fucking faggot.

stop getting mad about people liking genres you don't like

By actually buying comics from other publishers.

by buying as many copies as possible of the war comic Marvel is releasing tomorrow

It's already diverse, OP. :^)

By buying the shit you like and not wanting to turn everything into a console war


Go back in time and stop "The Seduction of the Innocent" from being written.

>No Seduction of the Innocent means no outrage over comics
>No outrage over comics means the Comics Code Authority isn't established
>No Comics Code Authority means that all non-superhero comics aren't banned.
>Non-superhero comics that were published in the CCA era not being banbed means that they would still be published today.

Marvel and DC will reign until comics are dead and there is nothing you can do about it. Just support indie comic and you're doing all that you can

Is Seduction of the Innocent a solid read? I'm curious about it, but I want to know if it's decent aside from its historical significance

It's not just the superhero shit, but all the cutting edge comics, both art and writing wise, were non-cape and they got neutered by the CCA. After that, American comics were years behind the rest of the world, until the 80s when the British invasion pushed it outside the shithole it was in and it somewhat got in level again.

If you like poorly researched, poorly argued, somewhat racist fearmongering, I guess

I think that when superhero movies stop being as popular as they are now, Hollywood is gonna start looking at other comics as their IP farm and that would mean that either DC and Marvel lose a lot of their share in the comics market or they start diversifying their output.

But the superhero movie fad hasn't boosted comic sales, why would it lessen them?

>I don't like something, so I'll ruin it for everybody else
How american of you, bloody cunt.

You don't have to.

Just do not read it.

But I want to read about DC and Marvel, why would I want to diversify?

dumb betatron poster

Marvel is releasing a war comic?


Punisher: The Platoon

Neat. I will pick it up. I never got the chance to support the war stuff that came with the nu52.

Oh neat they are bringing back max for it.

hope you enjoy it, friend user