That episode where SpongeBob acts stupid

>That episode where SpongeBob acts stupid
>Your mom and I are coming tomorrow for Starfish day
>Your mom and I
Was he a cuck?

Isn't that how grammar works, person and I not I and person

how would you have phrased it?

Hey son, my wife and I are coming tomorrow for Starfish day

>I are coming

That's weird though.

Why would your father refer to your mother as his wife to you?

What fucking father refers to mom as his wife to his children? It's 'your mom' unless you have one of those weird first name relationships with your dad. Lay off the Sup Forums, you're losing your grip on what is real and what is memes

Found the abandoned bastard kid.

Why would you address her to your kid as "my wife" as opposed to "your mom?" "Mom and dad" are usually what come to mind first, not "my dad's wife," or "my mom's husband."

>being unable to understand basic parent talk
Is this proof cuckposters had troubled childhoods?

>If you don't emphasize the fact that you and your wife are an item in literally every fucking sentence you're a cuck
The insecurity on this board is real.

Spotted the social autist that will never have kids, let alone a significant other.

I'd like to point that I hated this episode because Patrick was such a dumb cunt towards a friend doing HIM a favor.

I fit that description and I still think OP is retarded for asking this question.


>my wife and I

Literally no father in human history talked to their sons like this


Can this meme die, I swear it's made user even more insecure than he already was

This is some quality bait. You actually made me think you really felt this way

When do you know when you have gone too far though? Is thier a tell or is it like being fat 5lbs today 2 more tomorrow then suddenly land whale.

>my wife instead of your mom
no parent talks like that to their kid
MAYBE if this is actually the dad's new wife i.e. the son's step mom after the biological parents had been divorced for a long time.

You might as well just say "Hey Son, my wife and her husband are coming tomorrow for Starfish day."

>Your mom and I
Every parent phrases it like this you fucking australopithecal retard.

>my dad says this all thew time
you calling him a cuck
he's literally anything but a cuck
>white people phrasing
makes more sense if it's foreign

OP has some reddit tier logic

>me is coming

>Myself am coming


haven't you heard of oedipus? Gotta keep that little shit from getting any ideas

Hey son, Martha and I are coming over for Starfish day

Hey son, Janet and I are coming tomorrow for Starfish Day



Who the fuck refers to their birthmother as their dad's wife?

>Cuckposters have no idea how families interact with one another

Do you not have parent's OP? Which laboratory did they grow you in?

He was suppose the government's answere to refugee problem. He was the ultra cuck. So powerful that other men two close to him became cucks themselfs. Sadly he was a reject. Now he haunts Sup Forums whating for Chad or bull to pity him or female who needs bitch boyfriend so she can fuck other men and still have powere over someone else.