You just lost the election, Drumpfkins

You just lost the election, Drumpfkins.

Nice try.

Digits checked.

*High five*

Thanks friend.

Well fuck I guess Brexit failed too then.

sage all shill threads

"Niggers burn things." --- Everyone

I know it's hard for you to take in.

*Pats your head*

Greetings rabbi, what are you doing?


Thanks friend.


Most obvious false flag since 9/11.

better prove it or else

Fuck off

my litmus test SJW FB friend posted this

I was extremely tempted to type "do you know what a false flag is?"

Do you know what an election is? You've lost, give up. Don't even bother voting. You know what the outcome will be.

Surely this will reverse the low black turnout this election!


Thanks friend.


troll? or genuine shill?

Also the dumb nigger looks to barely know how to spell Vote Trump.

It's pretty obvious if you check...