I went to the doctor and had to fill out a sheet for insurance shit

I went to the doctor and had to fill out a sheet for insurance shit

When it got to "gender" it didn't offer an "other" field so I asked where I could fill out a more appropriate form that includes a field to write "genderfluid" in the field.

The receptionist laughed when I asked this so I asked for her supervisor and all they said was "Fill it out by what you were assigned at birth"

I'm getting sick of this shit and want to have some respect instead of being a laughing stock.

Where are some places in the US where I wont be laughed at for who I am?



Take your faggotry to San Francisco, fag.

South side of Chicago.

>allow genderfluid people to change their gender whenever they require it
>$15 admin charge each time
>policies are not valid if the correct daily gender is not filled out

I can explain.
You see, these people are medical professionals. They don't operate in your fantasy world of sexual Dungeons and Dragons. There are two sexes, which is all they care about medically. It is so they can properly provide health care to you, since males and females have differing physiologies. Airy fairy terms like "intersex" or"genderfuid" don't really exist inb medical terms.
Just fill the form out properly so they can do their job. Go be a freak online like everyone else.


I'm looking for real answers, not jokes.

now these are just rude

could you share a little more?

Your local cemetery, 6 feet under.

male female and it are the only genders


Cemeteries, mortuaries and morgues will cater to your degenerate final request to be listed as whatever you want.

Other than that fuck of and die.

What does it even mean anyway? It's difficult to get a straight (haha) answer.

Does it mean that you are woman one day and a dude the other? Depending on your mood? Depending on which will bring you free money maybe?

I want you to be laughed at everywhere you ever go that you spout that drivel.

That being said, be careful when filling out medical stuff, while society might pander your... special needs, medicine and science don't give a shit and want to know what your chromosomes looks like.

why are you all so fucking pissy about it? does my being really hurt you that much?

i just want a serious answer

Get serious help

or bait somewhere else...

commie trash

It's not "you being", it's you being *an entitled faggot*. Nobody owes you any catering whatsoever.

Serious answer?

OK then. Kill yourself, stream it live for us.

There, happy now?

was the baddest part of town, and if you go down there you better just beware of a man name of Leroy Brown.

Unlike a lot on Sup Forums, I can tolerate the existence of trannies as people born with a fucked up brain, but this is just retarded and you should gas yourself.

This. In a medical setting, they do not care what you FEEL like.

As always, OP is a massive fucking faggot.

Your ovaries don't care if you feel like a boy today when they develop cancer. Just tell your doctor what your gender is, cunt.

>now these are just rude
Fucking b8 at best


Obvious bait, but doctors tend to know how biology works.

That guy is bad

I always assumed that picture was just a joke about all the sjw nonsense. I had no fucking idea these snowflakes took this insanity so seriously. I legitimately can't tell the difference between satire and what liberals take seriously at this point.

I love how OP just ignores the answer it(can you tell us your pronouns please so we can refer to you correctly) wants ( ), this is fucking b8 at its finest right here.

Your doctor doesn't care if you identify as a Boeing AH-64 Apache Helicopter or an Apache HTTP Server, he cares if you're going to get prostate or ovarian cancer.

OP is a faggot.

You can't tell me I can't have this or that cancer, you are over-privileged, sexist, xenophobe and racist.

>I'm getting sick of this shit and want to have some respect instead of being a laughing stock.

Then stop pretending you're some made up bullshit and you're not just a straight acting faggot.

>I'm getting sick of this shit and want to have some respect instead of being a laughing stock.

move to Thailand

you'll fit right in

I don't understand why Sup Forums thinks feelings matter any less than reality.

Can any of you fine gentlemen care to explain?

based Romanian

although this whole thread is bait

>I'm getting sick of this shit and want to have some respect instead of being a laughing stock.
a little late for that dontcha think tranny ?

>Where are some places in the US where I wont be laughed at for who I am?

in your own house.