Kill Six Billion Demons - /ksbd/

Couldn't see this coming edition

Behold The Mirror of Laments,

Though it may be broken, its shards will pierce your heart.

No weapon is mightier.

Even the greatest sword can be bent against it owner.

– Song of Southern Winter

Even the hottest rage can be quenched by cold remorse

Didn't think Nyave would be relevant in this way. I like it, she has potential in this weird world. I would be lying however if I said I didn't want some murder. I kind of have gotten used to how much brutality happens in this comic.

Damn, I wanted 82 White Chain is Done With Your Shit to take the wheel to the degenerate.

Random thought, it must really suck to be a citizen in k6bd. You either live in throne, the worst city in existence,or you live under one of the seven, each of whom seems terrible. And then you have random kung fu warriors, demons, and angels starting shit everywhere.

What's in the bags?

Nyave's respect for White Chain I assume.


> (OP)
>What's in the bags?

Nyave was trying to get White Chain to Chill The Fuck Out and maybe try something in his/her/its color palette, and White Chain blew her off.

Nyave is DONE, and White Chain is feeling bad about being a nuclear dick.

Er...not that she/him/they have one of those, or any other mortal anatomy....

I'm betting we'll be cutting back to the heist party on the next page.

Or you live in total ignorance, free from the politics of the 7 until your universe is cracked open like a ripe fruit and the plague of ever hungry locusts descends upon your world.

I don't see why not, that seems to be the more exciting story right now and this one's done.

why are all these fucking idiots cowering
did they just forget that prior to this, the one getting the SHIT beaten out of them was doing a shakedown and breaking the law
this wasn't an unprompted ass-beating, it was two competent angels fighting and one of them fairly getting blown the fuck out and paying for being a douchebag
is "talk shit get hit" not a common rule in Throne or what

the issue is that angels fucking explode. it was about to go allah ackbar in that restaurant.

That and this is Throne, good chance some of them are criminals and the fact that there's a pissed off angel that still follows and enforces the law right there to boot is pretty scary.

Let's also not forget that all their attacks before this point were emitting giant shockwaves

literal being of cosmic justice just put their burning arm through another angel in a public space kung fu brawl. it went from punching and name calling to 'fucking die' real suddenly. these poor sods have literally no ability to stand against anything like white chain. it's worrying when you see people throw down in actual real life, and their limbs don't combust from inexhaustible cosmic fury.

> what's in the bags?

Remember how way back Abaddon said there'd be yuri but not in the way we'd expect (ie Allison/Cio)?


This. White Chain pulling out "empty palm purges the impure" was the equivalent of pulling out a knife in what was a non-lethal (for angels) fistfight.

>forbidden to buy and sell
>somehow means forbidden to accept gifts even though their bodies are technically gifts

But White Chain hasn't sex organs! I think!

Two megaton nuclear infernos encased in rock sculpted into human form just beat the shit out of each other in a cafe; when said rock bodies are compromised they explode into a massive ball of hellfire incinerating everything in their immediate and not so immediate surroundings.

This is like watching some cartoon character with a mallet casually thumping on the tip of a missile.

Yet another reason why we wouldn't expect it!

I thought the shells being compromised only causes the angel to return to the void, like when delicious stuck a needle in white chain, or when Michael had her banished.

Juggernaut only exploded because Meti cut his incorporeal form before it retreated to the wheel or the void.

Yeah, this seems like the primary cause. I DON'T think that an angel being 'killed' causes the explosion, though, just the angel having their shell getting violently thrashed (which White Chain was in the midst of doing) and compromised.

>lesbians where one party isn't a girl

Yeah but White Chain just pulled out that bunch of bullshit to be a dick. Obviously WC has taken gifts before or how else would she have acquired all that crap she had back in that apartment at the very beginning.

You don't need puss puss to be a girl, user.

>Obviously WC has taken gifts before or how else would she have acquired all that crap she had back in that apartment at the very beginning.
Eminent domain.

I dont recall specifically but aren't they discouraged in even having possessions?

it could be the order of the root accepted gifts as an organisation instead of individual angels. Then the order would supply white chain with things.

This was way too jarring narratively. It was so dumb that there was just snother angel discussing crimes RIGHT THERE just for that set up.


Well, to be fair, doing a scheduled shakedown isn't the same thing as "discussing crimes".

I mean I'm surprised we didn't run into some shady shit sooner, Throne is said to be a dirty, rotten corpse of a city.

>there's an angel item donation center where people donate things any angel can take and use
>White Chain visits every day to find coffee and all the stuff we see in the apartment

But White Chain desperately wants to be a woman. Her true form may not have genitals but she definitely identifies as feminine.

I dunno, looks like a pretty standard slum life to me. And all the extra violence wouldn't probably bother you all that much since you're either a demon or grown up around them. As dangerous as say south american cartels are, if you're poor and stay away from drug- or gun dealing business, you're really not going to be bothered by gangs that much. At worst you might get killed as collateral damage in a gang fight.

I think it's more like White Chain is going through a crisis right now. Although she strongly believes in the old ideals and upholding the Law, prior to Allison's arrival she was living almost like a mortal. While she couldn't bring herself to act human or become a Petal Knight she still embraced certain aspects of being human, such as having possessions.

But then she found out Metatron was still alive, that her master no longer shared her ideals. She watched a fellow feminine angel get killed simply because Metatron and Juggernaut wanted to remind her of what happens to deviants. And like she said to the other angels in the void, while she believes Michael's plan to be evil, she's still choosing to go along with it because she thinks alternative is worse, and she still wants to protect Allison from the Thorns. She's questioning her own morals and identity right now, which is why she's been spending her nights starting at her own face and contemplating the void, and why she lashes out at Nyave's attempts to become her friend. And now this Petal Knight just happened to show up at a really bad time. White Chain wishes she was free from the Law to be whoever she wants to be, but strongly believes in its necessity, and so when a fellow "deviant" shows up and threatens humans it's enough to make her go full-on Juggernaut on their ass.

Why would it be? There's crime everywhere in that shithole.