I voted Hillary in an important swing state and there's not a damn thing you can do about it

I voted Hillary in an important swing state and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.


lol black people are supporting trump after hitlery shit all over danney williams.

Maybe I work in the post office and I already did something about it ;^)

How do you keep up your feminine hygiene when you're out being nomadic and shit? Do you free bleed like a feminist or are tampons just scattered everywhere? I can see Rick fucking you, after all the world had ended, but are we supposed to believe he ate your smelly hairy brown horse pussy? I think not. Good evening.

I hope you get raped by niggers, illegals and muslims

There's plenty the deportation squad can do about it

You're right OP. I'm not going to do anything about it. Instead I'm glad you voted for Hillary since I know that once she's president and starts ww3 you and all the other Hillary supporters will be drafted and placed on the front lines to be gunned down by Ruskis and Chinks.

Good for you

I'm sure you'll be happy with your choice, especially when she's arrested for child trafficking

I saw one girl on Twitter saying she wouldn't be drafted in that scenario because she's "Agender."
Some people really have no idea. Sad!

You're supposed to fight zombies?

I can call you a dumb cunt.

That's ok, OP. Once Hillary sparks a right wing revolution, we'll be going door to door.


>Walking dead
Not understanding the zombie metaphor.

Nice bait, Take a picture of the ballot.

that would be illegal.


dead snow 2 i'm pretty sure

One of the Dead Snow films

No, Hillary deletes mail all the time and it's fine ;^)

I voted Clinton in Florida.

Yes there is insult you for being such a retarded ass cuck

Show sucks



Trick reply, OP. You didn't actually vote for her.

color me surprised