He think Man of Bat v Sun God better den Captain Pangaea: Tribal Battle

>He think Man of Bat v Sun God better den Captain Pangaea: Tribal Battle

>Marble over BC

Ugh, Prophet Strange very average

>He talk of ritual dance on board for cave drawings

>tfw forever gatherer

>The gather walk
>The hunter stride

Why Slott make drawings of Man of Spider. What god do I sacrifice young to to make him go?

berry picker as fuck

Ung enjoy Prophet Strange more each time me see it acted out around fire

Sacrifice to gods Ditko un Lee, ung will summon Brubaker, Claremont, ung JMS

Marble and BC Neanderthal scum. Cave Drawing the best tribe.

>1000 BC
>not doing starting sticks
>berrypicker as fuck
>me face
>tell bone shaman that I have a ceremonial bone for her to ceremony
>berries burst out of loincloth

Marble drawings look like poo now and are drawn by milk drinkers

But me am excited for return of "man with claws"

>1000 BC
Are you living in Africa or something?

stop reading stupid cave paints and go get a job.
your cousin got rich inventing wheel, while you keep reading cave painting comics.
i bet 100 thousand years from now, no one will care about your stupid cave paintings about cave man who fought saber tooth

>Infinity rock
>Not infinity bone
Me no read.

>cave man who fought saber tooth
Man with Claws?

I don't see nothing wrong with neanderthals being the legacy heroes, the old heroes have been there for too many moons already, it is time to try something new.

heh, this man talk funny

Me think Slit Eyes tribes make better cave drawings.

>Captain Pangaea
>not Captain Cro-Magnon
Get it right scrub.

Me think you gatherer. Me sleep with you woman as alpha male.


Me view new paint, me not sad more!

But then look away from paint, sad again.

>1000 bc
>Asking shamans for help instead of sacrificing goats to the mighty gods
>Reading archaic cave drawings instead of superior stone tablets
>Prefering Marble or BC over ειkόνα

I want to feel bad for you but you really have no one to blame but yourself

western civilization is just a trend, it will be over soon, mark my words

>boys were their gods
You No Hair tribe stupid like Australopithecus!

Me am play gods!

Wish men would stop unreachable ideals like this. Thin women need clubbed heads too!


Gods no answer


Who is ugh who draw me and Gruk on cave painting doing mating ritual.

me gonna repaint about it on rockbook

Bewildering new cave painting about Man-Of-Bats: what 'metals'?

This more bizarre, abstract notion from Son of Morris?

/cave/ is like rock fall tumbling down mountain
is sad state

It has fallen on my sponge

you shut up now

been going down hill since moot was eaten by thunderbirds

But moot still alive. Moot not eaten by thunderbirds.

moot no been by cave paintings many moons.
thunderbirds ate moot

it is known.

Caveboys dressed in lady's loincloth is very Homo Erectus

Why it is that all cave paintings come from 1 cave where everyone have same idea. This be creatively bankrupt and is ruining good cave paintings.

marble gave cavnon many berries to write this on cave wall.

We need more gatherer heroes.

Why Painting Cavework re-draw the Powerrock Girls? First paintings were good

hello ung here want to start look at man of spider cave drawings but not know where to start so many different caves and many different stories one where man of spider is possesed by spirit of octopus shaman and other where man of spider is dark skin, then one man of spider kill lifemate with demon sees because of spider demon powers? me confused about man of spider stories especially when one or two cave have drawings of all different man of spider meeting it is big mess unlike demon goat man cave drawings i like to read.

big arm kill evil ghosts and demons and shamans very clever cave very straightforward

Why marble am have so much berries? How BC am ever gonna compete? It power is of great mouse and angry duck totem?

first paintings made long ago many mating seasons have passed and mancubs like different cave painting style

me no like either but exposure to youth may make path to older caves for new mancubs

am excite for boy from hell in cave drawing from the realm of nether.
shrinkie growie man be lookin much fun too

It am will of chieftains
Sad, but what can lowly watcher of cave painting do?

Good taste rock brother

Not watch magic moving cave paintings. It evil.
Read leafs instead. Am make you smart instead. Look at me. Me now am smart like homo.

SHAMAN's cave art is very appealing. He only paints 12 winter olds who are women in their prime.

I like woman dressed in man loincloth, me strange?

>read leaf
>probably from leaf land
go home leaf settler! this here is hunter gatherer territory. we wipe our behinds with ur leafs!




what if slateman am shaman cause he never mate? hurr hurr

under rated writing on cave wall


brutally underrated post


Bro pick up agriculture, bitches love it

Nimgak look gooood

>Ooga booga: renegade chinaman

Do even pick up? Look skinfat to me.


>reading rock drawing of Steven Starsky
>literally just female ungabungas doing of homo erectus tribal dance to being giant female ungabunga
Who neanderthal of making this?

next you gonna tell we need to get out of the cave.
see that's why I told you not to hang around that Plato guy, he bananas.

talk about western cave paintings.
post reaction painting of closed eye paintings

your thoughts go with the bone pile at back of cave

Me no have seen Spongegar painting in long time. Enjoyed old Spongegar story, but new Spongegar make head hurt a lot.


Only cavemen who want to fug small berrypickers like. Also cavepaintings of SHAMAN look too shiny, it very bad.

not me fault closed eyes of better draw than western cavemen because they of draw better giant cat than us.

by gerald, they even of use bug puke leaf while we are still draw on rock like bunch of berry pickers.

I blame the Gold Tribe.

cave wall only way to enjoy paintings
no one take bug puke leaf paintings anymore.

But closed eyes tribe no have colors on leaves. Am only darkness and not darkness.

>Are you living in Africa or something?

No. The land of flying mountains and men of coal is scary place, or so my uncle say. Uncle eat many mushrooms.

>watching Marble cavepaintings
>after hooknosed tribe Mouse cavepainter took over

BC is still best cavepaintings

BC gathers taste of seawater over Marble being stronger tribe under mouse totem.
and wish siblings of warner were as strong as mouse totem.

But mouse cavepainter have good stories of pretty chieftain daughters.

chieftain daughters look like chieftain sons! cheiftain daughters only interested in other daughters!

Prince Yako and Wako and Princess Dot will certain save BC.

You always blame Gold Tribe. Me think you should head back to pol cave.

no, not the cave painting ones, the totem that produces the dances infront of firelight.

Me am like stories of chieftain daughters mating with daughters. Me am become homo erectus when watch.

Caveboy dressed in lady loincloth very gross. Me think you like make grunt with cavemen.

it not make grunt with caveman to like caveboy in ladycloth cavenon

There nothing wrong with that, Ungh. We all am homo.

Me am watch you whine over chieftain daughters not make grunt with you and laugh. Me am in great relationship with dark skinned daughter of chieftain of snow people. She hunt mammoth better than any of you berrypickers and create fire, water and rock with bare hands. Get on me level.

Me think you Erectus eater. Please go.

me like this

But it still caveboy, cavenon. It not cavewoman, it caveman dressed as cavewoman. It still caveman, so you want make grunt with cavewoman.
Me am not homo, homo. Me am alpha male. Me am make grunt with chieftain's daughters every night.

>so you want make grunt with cavewoman.
exactly now we on same cavepainting cavenon.

Prophet Strange pretty good but Marble ruin it with dumb jokes and rock-culture references.

Wait no, you no want make grunt with cavewoman, you want make grunt with cave man. You am put Homo in Homo Sapiens.

You am homo, homo. You am homo sapiens. Or you am homo neanderthal?

>cave drawers is not getting bow drawing right
this is what happen when drawer is weak berry picker and not hunter

if liking ladycloth on cavemen make you homo sapien then me no want to be neaderthal