Is having a piece of the Antarctica profitable?

Is having a piece of the Antarctica profitable?
If so, how could El Salvador get some?

Other urls found in this thread:“Estamos-buscando-en-Ilopango-un-avión-hundido-cargado-de-whisky”.htm?st-full_text=0

Antarctica is Off Limits.

Get fucked El Salvador; Antarctica is full.

The Maps show it covered in snow, we all know that is Bullshit.

Wikileaks showed us.

El Salvador should spend their valuable time trying to figure out how to use soap when bathing.

it probably has oil underneath so ye.
you need to ask uncle sam for permission

It's unlikely oil and gas exist in antarctica since both are made of decomposed dinosaurs and antarctica, as far as I know, has never been inhabited by more than a few mold species and migrant animals.
If some kind of rare mineral ges discovered in disputed territory, expect the first antarctican war.

T. mexican """american"""

The earth is flat.

just melt all the ice with global warming duh

>the Antarctica

Tell me more. I thought it was covered in ice

And the purpose of this, would be?

Leave Antarctica alone. The thing lives there.

Fuck off, we're full.

your mom lives there

All unclaimed land is property of the USA, fuck off spic.


Let's say some little country in Central America whose name starts with E wished to get a piece of land down there for """research""".
What should this little country do?

My bad, I just read that antarctica was a thriving continent before its displacement far South.
There's probably oil. Lol I want antarctican wars now.

the middle is actual dry land. probably lots of oil beneath antarctica in addition to nazis and ayys

Sending all gangmembers down there
Antartida would be to us, what Australia was to Brittain 200 years ago

Exploitation of any resource is banned until 2048, too. Good luck with international sanctions if you start drilling on the continent.

Or get a Duterte to kill them all .

Human rights for gang members is retarded .
t. Salvadorean American

>There's probably oil

Salvi Colonization of Antarctica:
>Offer to share exploration and drilling costs with the biggest american oil company
>send salvi troops for """protection"""
>Send gangmember convicts as slave-labor

You are too late El Salvador.
This is our clay now.

he said he saw maps with Antarctica iceless . I want to see those maps

Killing them here is the best option, m8

>Human rights for gang members is retarded .
it all started with clinton and his "be humanitarian with gangmembers or get ready for sanctions lulz"


This is a troll, right?

Already corrected myself

Send Salvadoran qts and we'll consider it.

Theres one American Antarctic base not too far from one of the first explorations there next to a shed. It's just a research base that sometimes get tourists visiting off ships around november when the ice melts enough. The whole continent is considered a desert. All you get there is 3 radio stations and whatever US army TV stations u cant for entertainment. I researched a lot into it cause I'd love to get the fuck away from everyone and looked into a few other remote Islands.

You guys sank the biggest ship in your navy because fuel was too expensive. And it wasn't even a very big ship!

>El General Manuel José Arce, a sus 65 años de edad, tenía toda la apariencia para ser el símbolo de la Fuerza Naval de El Salvador: más largo que media cancha de fútbol, con una altura que alcanzaba la de un edificio de unos cinco pisos y con unos motores con poder para propulsarlo a más de 20 kilómetros por hora... y vinieron las fuerzas armadas salvadoreñas y decidieron hundirlo frente a las costas de Sonsonate, donde reposa sobre el lecho marino...

>El buque, que llevaba el nombre del que la Fuerza Armada llama el fundador del ejército salvadoreño, había sido adquirido del Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos, que lo había dado de baja en 2002, después de 60 años de haber sido botado con el nombre de Madrona. Con ese nombre trabajó durante seis décadas como barco de colocación de boyas y como rompehielos, y tras una costosa actualización en los años 80s, finalmente pasó a retiro hace 10 años. Cinco años más tarde, ya transferido a la Fuerza Naval salvadoreña, zarpó del Puerto de Acajutla en su último viaje.

>El buzo Sameer Mohamed Masri dice haber sido quien lo ubicó después del hundimiento, porque la nave se volvió esquiva para los buceadores, debido a que terminó en el fondo del mar en un punto inesperado posiblemente porque en su hundimiento fue arrastrado algunos metros por las corrientes. Según Masri, el hecho de consumir unos 6 mil galones de diésel al mes solo para mantener encendidos sus motores lo hacía incosteable para la Naval salvadoreña y eso definió su final en 2007.

>Dice Masri... "Nadie sabe que El Salvador tuvo un barco del tamaño de una cancha de fútbol",“Estamos-buscando-en-Ilopango-un-avión-hundido-cargado-de-whisky”.htm?st-full_text=0

Oi cunt srsly stay the fuck away from our esky

Britain will give you Argentina's bit

You could set up a hot chocolate stand there and sell to the Nazi's at the secret base. You would make a mint.