Is it possible for The Simpsons to be good again?

Is it possible for The Simpsons to be good again?

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29_01 was surprisingly good. It's all about writers and consistency.

They decide to censor everything except the little girl.

Shhhhh. OP's pic came from a different time.

Nope, it's old hat and too weighed down by its legacy.

its japan rules you can't sexualize babies.

>The Serfsons
Huh. A bit of a sucker for fantasy themes so I might actually watch this.

Yes. Blatant incest.

Yes, but it's very highly unlikely.


No. It can't even end with dignity at this point. Best we can hope for is a mercy killing but we all know they're going to milk this series forever.

is lisa a chubby?


They do still manage to pump out a few genuinely good episodes a season, usually showrun by Matt Selman instead of Al Jean.

It also came from some dirty European country that probably no longer exists by the looks of it.

She looks it to me

She has the Simpson Butt.

The Simpsons was good because it pushed the envelope with what you could show on TV while still being completely relateable and not edgy

Since then, many other shows have aped the Simpsons formula and pushed the envelope to extremes (like Family Guy). The Simpsons as it was cannot exist now, because it would be boring or old hat. Yet they can't push the envelope without becoming less relateable

It's the same problem South Park has had. They pushed the envelope hard, and when that schtick became used up they switched to being a topical politics of the week show. The characters are completely different from how they were 10 years ago, and the reruns have little to no rewatchability because the comedy is all topical

That cover was used in several countries though.

they've been semi-okay since 2010
but yeah this. it's impossible to be rebellious anymore because all forms of authority have been completely and permanently abandoned. All they could do now is poke fun at the left, but that's not really funny, at this point it's just sad and we're sick of thinking about it.

>more like the sneedsons

>because all forms of authority have been completely and permanently abandoned
I dunno, networks like HBO and Netflix are still trying to push the envelope by having blatant sex scenes in a show and not have it be labelled a porno. I also can't think of many cartoons besides Big Mouth that show a girl's drawn vagina in a close-up.

nah she's SWOLE

just realized a Batman vs Superman parody using Bartman and Clobber Girl in those respective roles could be pretty fun if done right

I remember this image vividly from being a kid, but I just found my old copy and the cover's different. Time to hook up the VCR.


Julie Kavner sounds worse each year.

exactly what I was thinking, also there is not anywhere near enough Clobber Girl fanart

We have seen Bart's penis before we ever got to see a single titty, something we still have not seen from the simpsons.

Go somewhere else

Only if they finally get a new showrunner and drain the swamp of all the old writers who have been shitting up the joint for the past 15 years. The show really needs fresh blood.


Sr. Pelo simpsons vid... gud

It will never be classic Simpsons again. The best if could really do is pull a South Park and switch up the formula to stay fresh. Say what you want about modern South Park, but the quality is disproportionately high for how long it's been on the air.

I don't want to say NO but Im really hesitant to say YES


Just find someone who's not a hack, which is probably impossible.

just put me in charge, i'll do it


m8 marge's tits were shown in a calendar

She canonically has a fat butt

but it's hard to tell who is chubby in simpsons, since most guys and little girls have the same round body

I sort of want to watch some nu-simpsons. Which season after 15 is the best?

Any show that's been on for 15 years or longer is too old to be "good". The legacy it'd have left would overshadow anything new it tries, and The Simpsons is a prime example of that. I'm not saying the early seasons shouldn't have been followed up by mediocrity, I'm saying they shouldn't have been followed up at all.

They will return to Idiot Homer, so NOPE.

In another 20 years, we'll probably get a fully nude Lisa.

You know it has to happen eventually. And heck, Big Mouth just got away with underage girl nudity.

>also there is not anywhere near enough Clobber Girl fanart
Nowhere near enough fanart that isn't dA bondge art, anyway.

Don't thread your own post

yup, might have to go request some in the drawthread

Nope, I'm more pessimistic.

We will never see fully nude Lisa. I'll take whatever scraps I can get.

Simpsons should have ended with Holidays of Future Passed.

They could arouse some interest by expanding on that

Yes, but they would need to entirely change how the show works completely so that its more correct parody and references, and less celebrity pandering. The Simpsons was good because it was counter culture when it came out, but eventually it simply took over culture itself, which caused it's plot to die. If your show makes fun of current culture, but then gets so popular that it becomes the culture, then what material is left for it to have? South Park did it right, start off being counter culture, and continue to be counter culture. Counter culture is counter culture because it goes against the current norms and angers people. If its not pissing people off for not patting them on the back and agreeing with their stances on topics, then its not counter culture. For instance, when the media wouldn't shut up about how serious checking privileges was, South Park made PC Principal. When the media wouldn't shut up about how horrible Trump is, South Park made a episode making fun of those people, displaying them as mindless drones that do nothing but read the presidents tweets and take no responsibility for being hurt by what they read.

The Simpsons needs to return to being counter culture, but it would be hard to do it without it being seen as copying South Park's style.

Same as mine.

Springfield is filled with overweight people.
She is thin in comparisson.

Why do they only have three toes?

Idiot Homer?

>naked Maggie
It was a different time

America in general, it is almost sad how little effort you need to put in to be "above average" in the looks department these days due obesity lowering the bar.

no, no, no, no, no, nope, and GOD FUCKING NO

It has been a cesspool of offensive feces for more than a decade.

I wonder who made this post.


I cant wait for the Simpsons to die.


Most likely not, but if we got rid of Al Jean things would probably improve to tolerable levels.

Seriously, as much hate as Mike Scully got, Al Jean is ten times worse.

I think they could have one saving grace for the finale.

If the finale was actually produced way back in the Golden Age, with explicit directions to air it as the finale regardless of how much had changed. It's an incredibly long shot but I think that's about the only way it could have an even remotely satisfying ending at this point. The writers from back then could have probably come up with something a whole lot better than the current ones.


>the only thing Mississippi is ahead of the curve in is obesity


it already has been okay since the movie


>They could arouse some interest by expanding on that
Interesting choice of words, considering there'll be a flash-forward episode this season that may involve Lisa's college phase.

Keep in mind Springfield was declared the fattest city in America back in Season 13.

They will make a spinoff with Prof. Frink and Ralph going on adventures.

Literally in the first episode.

they seem to be doing more and more flash forwards. Good too


you know what,that actually sounds kinda fun

He likes to run, and then the thing, with the...Ralph...

That monkey is really going to pay this time.

Those were yellow tights