This is all happening too smoothly. Comey could have knocked hillary out in july. Why now?

This is all happening too smoothly. Comey could have knocked hillary out in july. Why now?

Because obama maybe can suspend the election.

We were right a year ago.

Martial law incoming

Other urls found in this thread:

>101 ways to start a civil war
Lets start
1. Suspend election

who, honestly, would have the balls to take arms and march on DC?

I can't even begin to imagine the repercussions if he tried this.

You have my sword.

No. Trump will win and everything will be fine.

We called this a year ago here! Now the time has come and its all falling into place.


A true conservative.

without hesitation. Read the beginning of the Declaration to understand


Well I have the perfect theme for if the election gets suspended.

Didn't the NYPD force them to do it?

Who the fuck knows what's going on

>that file name

Styx said it very well
If comey had recommended prosecution there would have been chaos nation-wide. Lefties and rabid hillary supporters would have taken to the streets in droves. He needed to do this to appear as though new evidence had come to light down the line and he also did it to warn the US people not to vote for this cunt because she will be brought down this time.

Lol too funny
Ty user

But king nigger is starting his enginez9.
Expect something from him soon stating an unfair election

Can you find it for me please? I'm striking out and I'd like to read it.

he could pardon her which is why they'll wait until she's president to impeach

>When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

trump probably has dirt on comey


Thanks user.

>put yourself in death's doorway on principal, and have a chance to actually attain the change you want to see.
>Continue painful existence of watching the world burn slowly instead of quickly.

Honestly, I don't yet know what I would do. It depends. I'm not going to join in on just any revolution.

I mean, what if the commies revolt first... fuck that.

We won't strike the first blow, or the second or the third. You'll know, there will be no doubt.