How come Cartman isn't phased whenever someone insinuates he's gay for Kyle? Does he just not care...

How come Cartman isn't phased whenever someone insinuates he's gay for Kyle? Does he just not care? How would he react if someone called him and Butters lovers for instance?

>pic related after the host says "these two brave lovers found the cure for cancer"

Other urls found in this thread:

When you watch the entire show you realise cartman is bisexual and has a crush on kyle

As far as that scene goes, I feel like he's just obsessed with attention. Cartman is focusing more on the fact that everyone is stoked on him than the idea that someone thinks he's gay.

Regarding his sexuality, he could be bisexual or just sexually confused considering his young age and his background. Being raised by local turboslut and crackfiend Liane Cartman would expose him to enough sex from a really young age that it makes sense that his interests would be all over the place.

Then there's all the cross dressing, dissociative identity issues and psychopathic tendencies. It's sort of like Silence of the Lambs. Jame Gumb also thought he was trans, but he wasn't; he was just batshit fucking insane and filling the blanks with whatever he could get his hands on. Cartman might be sort of like that.

But when it comes right down to it he's a cartoon character in an absurd comedy series so he'll be whatever is funny at any given time, and so there's only so much logic we can apply to Eric Cartman or his mental state. Maybe he wants to fuck Kyle? Maybe he wants to kill Kyle? It depends on the episode and the joke more than anything.

He's into drawing gay porn of his friends

Because he isn't.
He only gets defensive when you call him out and its the truth, like calling him fat or his mother being a whore.

All South Park shippers should be purged from Sup Forums, simply cancer.

>How would he react if someone called him and Butters lovers for instance?
That did happen. It was in that episode where everyone took that trip to that old west place that took their roles to seriously, and Cartman and Butters were forced to hold hands on the trip like everyone else that had a partner for the trip. When Cartman sneaked out with Butters (Who wouldn't let go of his hand because Garrison said so) to a place called "Super Phun Thyme", a lady at the desk asked if they are "special little buddies" and he angrily told her no along with Butters.

So take that as you will.

>Maybe he wants to fuck Kyle? Maybe he wants to kill Kyle?
I think he wishes for both of these.

Cartman is all over the place. He likes girls, he likes boys, he likes being girls, he doesn't like Jews, Blacks, Hippies, Gays, Gingers, etc. but he's also identified with practically all of those things at some point or another. He's egotistical and self obsessed but also confused about his own identity and often doubts himself. He hates Kyle but he's also super obsessed with him. He's a bit fat ball of contradictions. The only constant is that he's a spoiled brat that wants people to give him positive attention and let him have whatever he wants. That aspect has carried through his entire run.

So if you're just asking whether he wants to marry Kyle, probably not. But he definitely wants something from Kyle.

He wants to fuck, marry, and kill Kyle.

I don't think it was out of character for Cartman to want to pay back Romper Stomper. He's not heartless. Take a look at Tsst! for example. Definitely not among my favorite episodes, but still one of the most obvious signs that Cartman isn't even close to pure evil.

Because it also upsets Kyle, and that make it all worth it. Everything he does and has ever done is solely because he wants to piss off Kyle.

>Everything he does and has ever done is solely because he wants to piss off Kyle.
Eh, I feel like that's not necessarily true. He seeks to piss off Kyle very often, but that's not his only motivation ever.

Also, Cartman is the cutest.


reminds of when kyle thought stan wrote that bebe's ass note to him and didn't care, then when stan told him it wasn't him who wrote it he was like "oh" and they forgot about it

Why would Kyle be surprised about Stan checking out Bebe's ass?


Cartman's father was a ginger, it could be considered self hating now.


He doesn't react here.

wtf. it was bebe's note about kyle's ass, watch season 2, dude.
doesn't the end of the episode confirm he was just manipulating her the whole time? it was all lies on his part, he only gave in because he couldn't stand up to the dog whisperer, so he doubled down on his fake good behavior to accelerate his eventual departure so he could whip his mother back to normal

I love that they show cartman's hair so much. he's so cute hatless.

Regardless on how you interpret his sexuality, it's at least partly due to how much he knows it bothers Kyle.

The difference is Cartman thinks Butters is a little homo so it hits too close to home. Whereas with Kyle he's just happy knowing Kyle's offended.

>doesn't the end of the episode confirm he was just manipulating her the whole time?
You might want to rewatch the episode. That's not how it went. Not even close.

>it was bebe's note about kyle's ass
In that case it was worded very strangely.

He could just be happy that things went back to normal and he could manipulate her again. I guess you could read the moments of that episode as pure manipulation, but I think he was at least a little genuine sometimes.
>"Greatest mom in the world" song
>Couldn't kill her (I don't think this was due to the brainwashing, but he convinced himself that it was)
>Huddled up next to her when cesar was in the room
It sounds like a stretch as I type it out but I think Cartman's mom is one of the few people he actually cares for-- as long as she stays in check.

The fact that he was still behaving after Ceasar left and she encouraged him to go back to the way he was is the most telling part. That and his internal struggle with killing her, telling himself it was wrong and that the world doesn't revolve around him. It was strongly implied that his behavior is at least in part due to Liane being a terrible parent and not being able to set any boundaries for her son, since she wants a friend.

The one line that makes me doubtful is his thought, "maybe the world doesn't revolve around me." It seems very un-Cartmanlike and is word for word what Cesar said earlier, so it suggests that Cesar's manipulation got into his head.
Or maybe not. Maybe he genuinely had a selfless thought.
Important for this thread. It doesn't even count all the moments in the newer seasons.

his smile + the editing + the BGM clearly imply sinister intentions, and everyone who's watched south park post-season 5 understand this about cartman immediately.

Contents of his notebook:
>Clyde and butters, looks like on a playground or something
>Butters with Kyle's mom,yuge titties emphasized
>Kyle with Kyle with little hearts
I don't understand

Check out new thread

>reading that nazi/jew violin fanfic that everyone kept talking about in these threads
>laughing my ass off the entire time

I suppose that's one way of looking at it. The episode seems to directly imply otherwise, but that's before factoring in those clues you noticed.

>It seems very un-Cartmanlike
Given what was going on in the episode, I believe that was the whole point. The idea that there's no such thing as a bad dog, that Cartman's behavior relies a lot on his mother encouraging it, and that even Eric Cartman can be reformed with the right approach. Or "brainwashed" into behaving. Same difference here.

What I find most telling is that Liane is the one that chose to bring him back. Eric did nothing to fool her into it. She was unhappy so she willingly tempted him, out of loneliness. The best you could say here is that Cartman knew his mother would lose heart because he knows how lonely and fragile Liane is, and knows that she needs a friend and that Cesar wouldn't give her that. But even THAT interpretation requires him to think about how Liane feels.

So the more likely explanation is that Eric just lost to Cesar, but Liane caved because Cesar wouldn't replace Eric, so she undid the progress. The smile at the end doesn't suggest to me that he planned everything all along but rather that he's returning to his old ways because of Liane. Otherwise the whole scene with the knife makes little sense.

Fuck off ric


Cartman is super gay for Kyle.
Flash fact.

Kyle is super confused about Cartman.

Did they really interpret that as her asking if they're gay? Because it seems like she's only asking if they're friends.

You guys are arguing over the sexuality of an elementary school sociopath from fictional cartoon. Think about that for a moment.

"Special buddies". No need to overanalyze, it is clear what the joke is intended for.

how so? genuinely asking for examples/elaboration

It's pretty obvious Cartman is tsundere for Kyle. One could even argue his constant bullying of Kyle is a more twisted example of the old "boy pulling the pigtails of the girl he likes" trope.

And Cartman complained that everyone was going to think they were gay if Butters kept holding his hand beforehand.

Nah, the show even had an episode that emphasized that Cartman cares for (or needs) Kyle more than Butters. Kyle is simply more important to him. He even says "I love you" to him in the Tourette's episode where he was forced to blurt out embarrassing personal things, which could be a clue towards his real feelings.

>that part where Cartman pulls out a photo of Kyle and traces his finger over his lips

I like the implication that Cartman just carries around pictures of Kyle.

and you're on african message board for chinese cartoons trying to feel superior
fuck off

Put Butters balls in his mouth then tried to get Butters to suck his dick

Is always talking about his asshole

Wanted Kyle to suck his balls so bad that his imagination made it real (The imagination episode)

Used to crossdress as Brittney Spears and dance around with Justin Timberlake.

Gave Kyle aids

Made up a character called "Cupid me" that was completely in his head and at one point wanted to date him.So he for a favor and then fantasized that "Cupid me" rimmed and fucked his ass but in reality was just jack off on the toilet repeating "Thats it cupid me, thats it!"

>.So he did for a favor*

>Kyle with Kyle

Is this Cartman's ultimate fantasy?

And he touched penises with his cousin and had a crush on Patty Nelson. How would you have reacted if Cartman had confessed to wanting to kiss Kyle instead of Patty when he couldn't lie or keep his thoughts to himself?


>How would you have reacted if Cartman had confessed to wanting to kiss Kyle

I'd get a boner.

I would get a boner in my heart

The crackest of ships.

Easy one, you can see this throughout many episodes. Kyle's perception of Cartman is never fixed. Even though Kyle usually expects Cartman to be the bad guy, when there is a chance he's not, Kyle gets interested (Cartoon Wars, for example). Besides that, he always gives chances for Cartman to choose to do the right thing. That means his hope in Cartman is never lost. That's why in season 20 he felt so bad for thinking Cartman was the troll.
Same happens when he has to side with him (like in Black Friday Trilogy, Crack Baby Athletic Association). He likes his company, but knows he isn't supposed to like it.
There are times when he finds himself caring about him, even though he shouldn't (Jewpacabra, the times when Cartman had to fight somebody, 1%).
He thinks of Cartman as his friend, but also his enemy. Of course there's bound to be some level of confusion.
This is more of a headcanon, but when Kyle said that he's confused about everything being so divided in S20, I think he was also confused about Cartman.

>Cartman hates Kyle, yet is also downright obsessed with him to the point where it seems like a bizarre crush
>Kyle hates Cartman, yet still gives him the benefit of the doubt and never truly drops him as a friend despite years and years of being let down by him

Their relationship is fascinating desu.

Not really. He targeted Butters so it makes some sense. Now watch this.

It would kind of kill the joke if they acknowledged the fact that people thought they were gay, past their initial angry reactions.

I can't explain why though.

It's better if Kyle genuinely likes girls but can't ever keep a girlfriend, so he's stuck spending all his energy fussing over Cartman or Stan.

Cartman is literally John Wayne Gacy
he'd 100% be a serial killer/rapist if he was an adult in the real world, like just look at John Wayne Gacy's interviews and his insane denial while simultaneously capitalizing and manipulating, it's like uncanny Cartman. Look at how he used charisma to gain social power, the similarities are too weird







Yes. What a fag

A man of taste.

This one time I replied to this pic
>Kyle smelled the longest
and got satanic quads

Good thing it's still archived

Satan approves

Kyle deserves better than Cartman or Stan. He should get with Red.

kyle is a piece of shit he deserves the fat ass

It's pretty cute actually. I'm a kyman shipper but I also think he should get a girlfriend. Though I thought maybe he could steal Heidi to form a nice love triangle and furthermore connect himself with Cartman.

Heidi would never be with Kyle, he's not abusive enough

I genuinely don't think she gets off on abuse, and by the end of the season will break up with Eric or die

pls no

the cartman she fell for is not the cartman she's dating now. something's going to happen


>Kyle deserves better than Cartman

stan should go through some kind of cringey tween phase to make up for the fact that we will never get Chris-chan cartman

Wait, Stan is a Furry?

He's ok with it specifically because Kyle isn't and he knows it's pissing him off. If Kyle was fine with it, he'd be pissed.

Same goes for Kyle. If Cartman was mad about it, Kyle would probably give a "oh quit being such an intolerant asshole fatass" speech.

probably not but a lot of kids go through a wolfaboo phase, or at least they used to
i mean fuck it wasn't just me right

>that fucking time Jordan Peterson analyzed this episode
If Liane would just get married, half of Eric's problems wouldn't exist.

No sane man would marry a slut with a sociopath son

It could be a pretty fun plot. good chance to have a "innocent" plot go awry again alá Nambla and give Stan some more fun kid behaviour again, like barking and growling at the familily dinner table and/or demand that he gets his food in a bowl and eat without utensils. for extra fun have him "outalpha" Randy making him scared of him and effectively becoming the man of the house.

I'd consider it if she wasn't also a crackhead.

Would Cartman even let her get married?

I've started to believe that he's either a gay or a tranny who is a bit confused and messed up because weird background with slut mom.
He has a giant homo crush on Kyle but he doesn't know how to deal with those emotions or how to express them properly.

"Fazed", kid, instead of "phased".

That Cupid Me that what a "Tulpa" is used for? There's a pic of the /trash/ mascot possum chick saying something like "Now that you're here, I don't need my tulpa when I'm in heat!"

A tulpa is basically just imaginaryfriending REALLY hard and basically driving yourself insane deliberately, not all tulpas are waifus and for sexual.

Alternatively: Having enough will to meme magick up a actual spirit.

Are tulpas real? I thought it was just a dumb meme.

Define "real".

If you mean that there are people actually "have" them, yes.

If you mean the tulpas themselves actually exist, then no, "making one" is basically deliberately fucking up your own cognition so you subconsciously keep the delusion going, that's also why tulpas can go "out of control" its all subconscious or repressed thoughts.

Jesus...that sounds like a mentally broken- no, SHATTERED person...

Yeah, if you're willing to delude yourself into hallucination by "tulpamancing" for hours a day you may as well just practice actual social skills

Will Cartman say to heidi that he's gay and Kyle's his new boyfriend to get her off his back?

God I wish

then Kyle gets really angry and starts to fight him, but then realizes his feelings are genuine, stops fighting and runs off.