What went wrong Sup Forums?

What went wrong Sup Forums?

>camp lazlo

Camp Lazlo wan't terrible, but it wasn't that good either. I'd watch it when nothing else was on, but I never looked forward to it.

i thought fanboy and chum chum was on nickelodeon

This image is as old as internet dirt.

Here, I fixed it for you

I don't remember later era Johnny bravo being all that bad

I think we should have a meh category for the shows that were just ok. Clarence, magiswords, gym partners a monkey, lazlo, ben ten UA,

wtf lazlo is good you dummies

It was mediocre and forgettable, like The Loud House

Nothing went wrong, you just have rampant nostalgia

Camp Lazlo is the third worst thing on the right side.

That's when they Flanderized Johnny and changed the background and character designs.

I genuinely don't remember him being much different. The only major change I can recall was more emphasis on Carl and suzy, and less on guest stars. And of course the art shift.

>TTG always on the fail list
>Blaming the show for the schedule
I discarded your opinion right then and there.

>OS Ben 10

Teen Titans Go is OK, the 24/7 schedule is what kills it. 90s had this same exact problem with Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo when they overplayed the shit out of those shows to the point where they conditioned the viewer to fucking hate them, now people look back on those shows fondly now that they're off schedule.

I dunno about My Gym Partner's Monkey. Even if the last two seasons were good the first two were pretty fucking garbage.

It's still not a good show, but you're right the schedule is more what makes it as bad as people think it is.

Is it just me or are 90s kids the most autistic generation.

They hate anything produced post-1999, create these DeviantArt style charts, and are TMS tier while reaching the age of 30. I actually find it pathetic that these autists are also usually pedophiles, or SJW's that hate Trump. Your generation fucked the 2000s and 2010s up, might as well stop before the 2020s become rancid ass lmao.

Every single generation is the most autistic generation. 90s kids are just the ones most prevalent in your particular life span so far.

You do realize most of Sup Forums is 90 kids, right? Sigh.

Nah most "90's kids" associate shows that barely or didn't even air in the 90's with the 90's for some bizarre reason. Samurai Jack, Kim Possible, Spongebob, EEnE, and Courage, are all shows that either never or barely aired in the 90's, which are often brought up as being "90's cartoons", just as a few examples

They made Johnny more immature and stupid.

If you're not a "90's kid", then you're probably one of the current generation, which might very well be the single worst batch of human beings to have ever existed. I say this with absolute sincerity.

>Ben 10 (2016)

Because [decade] kid means born in that decade, not watched shows from that decade.

But robot jones was good

Then they still shouldn't fucking call shows that never aired in the 90's "90's cartoons" regardless, should they?

It's shorthand for "cartoons 90s kids generally enjoyed", because "90s kid cartoons" just sounds stupid as a title.

Are you talking into a mirror?

IMO anyone who claims to be proud that their generation/origin of birth/time of birth is the greatest needs to be slapped upside the head, or slap-clapped in the ears.


The 90s are over people. It's time to move on

Hey buddy, y'know who made the SJW meme and Reddit exist, Yea, the 90's kids.

Y'know what made Sup Forums a Tumblr shithole and what begged for these shitty reboots that plague the air, 90's kids did.

(you) fucked up, and now we're dealing with the shit made by both the boomers and your retarded asses.

I'm not proud of my generation, I just hate this one.

They got it in their head that kids wanted artsy and weird cartoons, so the stories suffured. Take Flapjack for example, it's just so boring because they stake the entertainment on the art and random nonsense.

>Got in their heads
No, the fans didn't pay or support them enough so they got booted. Next time don't be such a bum.

Pay what now?

Pay for merch.

You know what happened don't act stupid.

This is all Boston's fault. I am dead serious.
Not Stu
Not that Indian guy in charge of the schedule
and NOT Miller.

Anything wrong with CN now is and will always be Boston's fault.

Its the catalyst that started everything.

>Adventure Time and Chowder in the Fail section
>Fanboy and Chum-Chum, which wasn't even on Cartoon Network

Your poster is shit.

Cartoon Network merch was always garbage, I never buy merch anyway except for Rick and Morty shirts. I'm Pickle Rick! lol

That proves his point of 90s kids being autistic though

>Fanboy and ChumChum
> CN

>hating lazlo


finally, common ground we all can agree on.

With how much freedom AS gets with PR from Turner, we're just waiting for the next big Boston.

>Alien Force worse than reboot

As long as it doesn't destroy the English dub of Dragon Ball Super in the process I'm okay with this.

I dunno I found Alien Force to be good but Ultimate Alien was kind of a regression.