Arab refugee entitlement

>We bring in Iranian refugees after the Islamic revolution. They are grateful and don't assimilate but integrate to our society and 30-40 years later they are seen with a generally good view.

>We bring in Chilean and Argentinian refugees, fleeing dictatorship. They are grateful and don't assimilate but integrate to our society and 30-40 years later they are seen with a generally good view.

>We bring in Balkan refugees, fleeing war. They are grateful AND generally assimilate to our society and 20-25 years later they are seen with a generally good view.

>We bring in Arab refugees, fleeing war and terror. They don't assimilate, nor do they integrate and they feel entitled to things the last groups wouldn't even dream of demanding. For them, being safe is not enough, they must have ALL the handouts and ALL the luxuries Swedes have to save up years for and even then they act like scumbags.

What the fuck are the arab's problems? Why are they so much harder to integrate than the other groups we've taken in?

Other urls found in this thread:

>What the fuck are the arab's problems

Muh God

you will always come 2nd to Allah

They came to conquer your cuck shit country, not to assimilate in to it.

they are inbred sunnis

there is no saving them outside of total war to liberate them from our civilized plane of existence

You have to vote out the people that brought them into your country, period. war is already here, it's just a matter of time before it really pops off. you can blame the enormous welfare states of europe that attracted cowardly, greedy brown people that only want to spread pisslam

Because they're not actual refugees and solely here for gibsmedats

Iranians and Balkan people are way less fundamentalist than the shittier Muslims countries

When it comes to Somalis an ethnic cleansing is in order

Trojan horse

The Iranian and Balkan refugees (at least Bosnian ones) were muslims as well, but I guess they were a lot more moderate and didn't think of religion 24/7.

>don't assimilate but integrate
Wtf does that even mean? How can one integrate without assimilating?


What? Assimilation is basically how the Serbians "became Swedes". Integration is that they accept our culture, but they live by their own without trying to enforce their culture upon everybody else.

>but they live by their own
Most Iranian diaspora get higher education, as statistics show. They assimilate in the sense they don't try to change the status quo to suit their native culture.

Integration involves assimilation. In order to accept a culture, you have to live according to its implicit and explicit rules, and most Iranians do that. I feel this distinction between integration and assimilation does not make much sense, especially in the modernity.

If anything, Iranians have an inferiority complex and tend to renounce their identity. There was an article I read a long time ago that argued many Iranians lie about being Italian, so sometimes you can't even figure out if a light-skinned Iranian is actually Iranian. In general, I'd say Iranians don't like to stick out and typically avoid getting involved in politics, unlike Arabs who're trying to promote Sharia or neuter the West with politically correct Islamophobia dumb rallies.


Because everyone you brought in earlier were the most resourceful elite. You selected out the very best.

For someone to come from Argentina to Sweden several decades back was a momentous undertaking. Very few would be able to do it. As for Arabs, they are just walking on foot through Europe walking from food stockpile to food stockpile.

Also they are extremely inbred with high rates of genetic illnessess. All your "memes" about inbred rednecks apply to them far more.

Also Islam. Islam is a handbook of evil acts and how to be shit towards other people.

Islam used to be the best during 11th century, dont know what happened afterwards and why it turned to shit like it is nowdays.

It was inherently unstable. For the time, in the immediate area, it was actually extremely progressive.

Since it doesn't allow any change to any aspect of the faith and purports that Muhummad is the one true prophet and all Muslims until the end of time must emulate his divine example, and the entire rest of the world does, it was inevitable that the outside world would eventually leave Muslims behind.

Wrong way to formulate that question. Islam was "good" in the 11th century relative to other societies of the time and by 11th century standard. But it never was not complete fucking shit.

The Islamic Golden Age was mostly due to the contributions of Persians from Greater Khorasan area of Greater Iran.

Al-Khwarizmi, Avicenna, Omar Khayyam, Al-Firabi, etc. were all from Greater Khorasan (exception is some like Rhazes were from central Iran). The number of Iranian scientists far outnumber the Arabic scientists in the Golden Age, and Greater Khorasan still had a lot of Zoroastrian, Buddhist, and etc. influence.

Many people don't know this, but Tabaristan still had a lot of local Zoroastrian dynasties until the 16th century: Paduspanids and Buyanid as an example (you can google them). The Vikings had interactions with them.

Islamification was a slow process and in Iran it was originally more Neoplatonic with dashes of other influences. It was more liberal until that asshole Al-Ghazali ruined everything with his Orthodoxy and Quranist bullshit.

They were only "the best" relatively speaking.

Islam can't evolve or change substantially because they believe the Quran is the literal word of Muhammad. How can they justify diverging from it?

Ahmad: "Oh hey look, in the Quran it is written that we should chop limbs off thieves, but in reality Allah means that we should do no such thing at all and never chop limbs off thieves!"

Abdullah: "Allah is timeless, all-knowing, all-powerful, and He gave his word just once, never to return. Why would He deliberately give by his own hand a law that he did not intend to apply?"

Ahmad: "...."

They can't ever reform Islam.

Also the Hadith is full of crazy violent shit, but it's quite rationally supported. It's quite like how historians today work. They can't revise those after the fact either.

Hadith no: 626: The Prophet said, "No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the 'Isha' prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to c awl." The Prophet added, "Certainly I decided to order the Mu'adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses."

Also possible 900 years of a) inbreeding , b) genetic selection in favor of violent people. When the powerful and violent could have 4 wives, autistic beta faggots got 0.

Assimilate would mean they give up their culture entirely, integrate is they keep some persian rugs and a hookah around their house and open a kebab shop that winds up locally known for their lamb nachos, then send their kids to college. Their kids are "muslims" in the same sense that I'm a Catholic because I'm Irish. All they ever retain of their cultural background is they're flashy and love tacky gold decorations with zero negative space.

Both Islam and Christianity are equally retarded. Both Muhammad and Christ should be disemboweled in the name of the gods of ye old. Stop sucking the dicks of a bunch of Semitic pieces of shit. Arabs and Jews are the same thing. Samaritans in the Levant are the best proxy for Ancient Jews and they are indistinguishable from Arab pieces of shit.

I want to be burn every single monument in the name of Christ or Allah. I absolutely detest anything related to the Abrahamic myths, and I want both women in burkas and nuns slaughtered.

Stop being a piece of shit and choosing one Semitic poison over another.

Nah, you're not Irish. You're a stupid Jew cocksucker. Go read The Tain, you stupid faggot. I want to burn everything that relates to Semitic myths.

You're a stupid little bitch. You don't have the valor of Cu Chulainn, fucking faggot. And here you are patronizing me of what makes someone Western? Go suck Jewish dick.

>Both Islam and Christianity are equally retarded

The distinctive feature of Islam, Shariah law, makes it immensely more retarded than Christianity. It utterly and completely stultifies every society it comes into contact with, as it mixes the religious, the political, and the personal in a holistic integrated system that leaves no space for modification, creativity or growth. Any grow that may happen will necessarily have to be made as a deviation from the all encompassing system of Islam.

Since Christianity (properly) recognizes that salvation is something that can only come from within, it doesn't impose the same kind of totalitarianism.

Mind you, I wouldn't mind if every monument honoring either Christ or Allah were burned, but Islam is worse.

If I was a refugee I would just be thankful I am not dead and just want food, a place to sleep, and water to bathe in. Anything else these "refugees" want is purely trying to exploit white mans guilt which lends credit to the fact that most of these "refugees" are simply leeching migrants. Fuck them.

They think that they are invited guests. In Arab society a guest is to be pampered and honored. you invited in jew niggers what did you really expect?

>Both Islam and Christianity are equally retarded.

No, you didn't comprehend my post.


This means that when beta faggots want to "interpret" it to be more conducive towards people living together in peace, they can do so quite easily. Some Apostle has written that God told him XYZ? Apostles were only fallible and time-limited humans.


You are incapable of comprehending these differences or the difficulty it creates for someone who wants to "interpret" Islam.

The words on the page says that unruly wives should in the last instance be beaten with a stick. They can "interpret" that as being a baseball bat, a large stick, a small stick or a symbolic stick. But they can never assert that OH ALLAH WANTED ME TO NEVER BEAT MY WIFE WITH A STICK. Because the words are written on the page.

Let's say I hand a child a book containing graphic depictions of sex with dogs. But wait! It doesn't actually contain graphic depictions with sex with dogs, because we can just interpret any book to say exactly what we want! No book ever contains text that places limits on its interpretation! When the LITERAL TEXT ON THE PAGE WRITES OUT THE WORDS: "STICK YOUR DICK IN THE DOG", WE CAN JUST BE LIKE YOUR RETARD ASS AND INTERPRET IT AS "DOGS ARE AWESOME PETS!" NO LIMITS, WORDS ARE IMAGINARY!

Yeah, you probably didn't understand that. Enjoy your burger flipping.

What the fuck are you so salty about you fucking faggot?

I'm not a catholic. Learn to read, you're giving the US a bad name.

They're both equally retarded. Why don't you study all of the genocides wrought by the Catholics? Cathars, have you heard of them? Gnostic heresy?

It's all bullshit.

Like I've said, stop patronizing me. I have zero respect for anything related to Semitic crap.

I don't consider any European who follows Semitic bullshit to truly be European. You had Christianity imposed on you by force, and you're no better than Iranians who follow Islam. It was only through the Enlightenment era that you started leaving behind Christian dogma and making progress, and you'd most likely be killed for saying "salvation comes from within" prior to the Enlightenment era.

>What the fuck are the arab's problems?

Inbreeding and Islam has completely ruined their stock.

Look at past civilizations where inbreeding became endemic.

You seem uneducated as fuck

>Why don't you study all of the genocides wrought by the Catholics? Cathars, have you heard of them? Gnostic heresy?

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Flip harder, Tyrone. Your niglets need pocket money.

How so? I don't consider Europeans who follow Christianity to truly be "European"? Much like Iranians who follow Islam that was imposed on them.

I had a list of Germanic warriors that died from resisting Christianity's imposition. I lost it, but how am I being uneducated?

I honestly want to see both Muslims and Christians kill each other, what's wrong with that? They're both retarded. These aren't the Dharmic traditions, which actually have valuable wisdom in them, but it's just a bunch of crap descending from smelling Jews and kike Jesus and mudslime Muhammad.

You're not better than an Arab at an Islamophobia rally.

Stop being blinded by the present. Take all of history into account. Things will just keep flip-flopping, but my question was more about whether European identity accommodates Christianity or not, and I am saying it cannot because Christianity is by virtue Semitic and not Indo-European. Let me repeat for you, retard: Christianity is Semitic and not Indo-European AT ALL.

they were safe as soon as they deserted their country (and thus ceased to be refugees), they crossed many borders as opportunist migrants to get to your country, and you took them in, anyway.

>Why don't you study all of the genocides wrought by the Catholics?

(1) Christianity is not a theocracy and therefore is less retarded.

(2) The question is not "what did people that were Christian do" but rather "did what they do conform with the teachings of the scriptures"? I could very well say "Look at all those Canadians committing crimes. Surely Canadian law sucks.", but I would be conflating the law -- what people ought to do -- with the actual action -- what people are doing.

Religions may very well all be false but they are not equal in what they teach. Jesus did not teach holy war.

>and you'd most likely be killed for saying "salvation comes from within" prior to the Enlightenment era.


>an Arab at an Islamophobia rally.
>Take all of history into account.
>Let me repeat for you, retard: Christianity is Semitic and not Indo-European AT ALL.

>Shariah law,
it's "Shariah" not "Shariah law".
that's like saying "law law".


Arab culture is extremly tribal in nature.

Over here they live by tribes(hamoulas), keep fighting and killing eachother,honour killings,blood feuds etc.

The only things that binds them together amongst all this rivalry is Islam and the hatred for the west and the jews.

When arabs are living in a non-arab country they feel threatened by the western values. The traditional hegemony of tribal leaders(sheikhs) and religious leaders becomes unstable, and thus they resort to isolationism.

Same thing happens with ultra orthodox jews, but instead of tribes it's hassidic courts(hazerot).

I'm saying to take everything into account.

1) Christianity is not Indo-European, many of your ancestors died trying to ward it off
2) There was a long period in which the Church had a lot of power
3) Christianity is still based on Semitic myths, just like Islam

You Europeans are in denial and obscenely retarded. See, I am drunk, yet I am still able to debate you retards.

I am not going to take the criticisms of any European who values their "Christian heritage". I am making the point that your "Christian heritage" undermined your forebears past heritage. It displaced it, much like Islam displaced Zoroastrianism in Iran during the 16th century.


how did you not get that?

Christianity became an integral part of europe. Of our western world. Without Christianity we wouldn't be here right now and the west wouldn't be the best culture there is.

Fuck off. Judaism is just tribal. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all practically the same thing.

Why in the world did people buy into your myths? Jesus was just a stupid Jew. There was far more wisdom in Seneca's teachings and the Roman stoics and Greek epicureans.

I hate everything relating to your despicable Abrahamic BULLSHIT.

You can take that Kabbalah and Torah and shove them up your ass, kike.

They're conquerors. Their collective birth, the way they recall it, was with the conquest and subjugation of a large part of the world. People in distant lands pray in their language, even have names in their language, turn towards their birthplace and literally bow.

They have no sense of humility, they're in new lands fulfilling their destiny of conquest, finally coming close to subjugating the whole world. Why would such glorious conquerors expect anything but servitude from their new subjects?


You're fucking stupid. Christianity is most definitely indo-european

gah... sweden keeps taking in people from other countries. at the end swedish people are the minority

>I don't consider any European who follows Semitic bullshit to truly be European.
>I hate everything relating to your despicable Abrahamic BULLSHIT.
>You can take that Kabbalah and Torah and shove them up your ass, kike.

"Burger flipping" was overly optimistic. At this point I lean more towards troll or literally autistic neet in his 40s.

If someone cares about the question asked by OP, see:

No it has 100% semitic origins. Semitic means NOT IE

>Christianity became an integral part of europe. Of our western world
You're a naive idiot. Have you even read the pre-Christian myths? Let me tell you something, after Christianity came, you were no longer Europe. You became something else, much like Iran in the 16th century after Safavids minimized the power of Zoroastrians. You became bitches for the Jews, like Iranians became bitches for that retarded Muhammad warlord. You have Stockholm's syndrome, your ancestors died fighting off Christianity, yet now you're like, "heer derp Christianity is fine!" You're no different than Iranians that like Islam, retard.

Mannus would be disappointed. Do you even know of Mannus? Look it up.

>Without Christianity we wouldn't be here right now and the west wouldn't be the best culture there is.
You keep thinking that, dumbass. I think you guys were better off when Rome had figures like Seneca and Greek had that heightened intellectual boom. You're a bunch of Christian cucks now obsessed with ridiculous myths relating to The Fall and Abraham.

>Christianity is most definitely indo-european
You keep telling yourself that.

You Europeans are no different from the mudslimes you hate. You both suck the Jew's dick in the end. It's quite humorous to see such a paradox at play, really.

Niggers and Arabs are just generally human garbage and none of them should even be allowed to live in the [CURRENT YEAR]

Have you even read The Eddas, faggot? It is irreconcilable with your "Christian ethos" because Christianity is not Indo-European.

Stop being full of yourself. Even while I am drunk, I make more coherent sense than you, faggot.

Christianity DISPLACED your European heritage. Let me repeat that: DISPLACED.

It's no different than what happened to Iran in the 16th century (note, I said 16th and 6th for a reason I gave above).

Things change, deal with it. You're not the same as your pre-Christian ancestors. Maybe you can go back, I don't know.

>and 6th
and not 6th*


>One true prophet
No the last prophet

I work in a hospital where 1/10 of all doctors are Iranian, and several nursing staff are Iranian women

Most converted to Christianity and they are hardworking, selfless people that want to be productive.
Haven't met an Iranian here in North Carolina that wasn't respectful / educated

Why swedish politicans dont close the borders?

You're a gigantic fedora-tipping pseudo-intellectual, and you're shitting up an important thread with your autism and unwarranted self importance.

>Most converted to Christianity

If I were king of Iran, I would most certainly do scaphism on them too, alongside with the Muslims.

In the name of Ohrmazd, would I love to see a bloodbath of Christians and Muslims alike. Oh, the beauty, just like Sassanian ancestors.

To see their emaciated purple skin, to cut them up slowly and look at those lurid organs. Oh the joy, to revel in the blood of all heathens involved in semitic bullshit. In the name of Ohrmazd, I shall make a garden out of their feet, and I shall put blood in a bucket and sprinkle it on the hyacinths, to give them a red glitter.

All Iranians who're cucks to Semitic myths should die. Die die die die. There is no inner light in those fools with inferiority complexes.

In the name of Ohrmazd and Ardeshir, I shall chop them all up, and I will take a monument of Christ and decorate it with the organs... of those heathens.

Jesus... oh how much do I desire to rip you apart, to tear you limb to limb...

Islam ... Christianity... Judaism... all Jewish bullshit. I want the age of the dragons back. The fires of attar to the ward Ahriman's darkness, and of course, the sacrifices of the Nazerenes and Mudslime shits.... can help herald that... haha haha


Low intelligence, they're basically one step above niggers

>Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are the same

I agree with Islam and judaism, but christianity is radically different as it worahip a man as god and separates it into the trinity. It originally evolved as a judean cult(like the
Essens), and was heavily influenced by zoroastrianism and hellinistic paganism.

>Why in the world did people buy into your myths? Jesus was just a stupid Jew. There was far more wisdom in Seneca's teachings and the Roman stoics and Greek epicureans

Jesus was not stupid. You may not agree with his ways or believe in his divinity(as I and most jews do) but his word gave meaning and hope for a lot of people during this time of harsh roman rule.

The wisdom of greco-roman philosophies were never aimed at spreading themselves to the masses. They were inteded to educate the intellectual elites at the academies and to create philosopher-kings. A good example of a philosopher who knew how to spread his ideology and makes his point simple is Karl Marx.

Have you ever read the Kabbalah,Torah,Talmud or the essays of Maimonides,Yeudah Halevy or Rashi? Maybe it will change your mind aboyt the truth and light the jewish people have brought to this world.

I shall... burn your country up and build a fire temple in its place... and then I will burn every single Christian temple in Europe and help them bring back the age of the dragons and heathenry.

And I shall build fire temples in place of my mosques...


See, Cyrus the Great was a fool. he should have assisted the Babylonians in massacring your peoples. Oh, how much would I enjoy to caper among the fields of blood of the Jews.

MY sassanid Ancestors were far superior in their ruthlessness. They opposed all semitic bullshit. I want to bring back the ages of the dragons. So what if I become a bit like Azi Dahaka. Down with everything Semitic,

Christians, Jews, Muslims, you're all the same. With my divine glory of the kings that shinees through me, I shall chop you all up, building monuments of anahita, arash, sraosha, and so much more in place.

I shall help the europeans find the glory of their ancestors' true religions.... odin, cu chulainn, monuments of them shall be built and no christian shall be left alive.

monuments of dagda shall litter ireland and everything christian destroyed

only fire can cleanse this world, holy fire


>last prophet
Oh, come on.

This is the most autistic post I have seen in /pol in a very long time. Congratulations.

Whatever you're a retard. I'm drunk, and I don't like anything related to Semitic crap, that's it.

There were 2 waves of major influence in the west:

1) Indo-European from PIE from nomads of Southern Russian steppes

2) semitic bullshit

I don't like the 2nd one and believe it overrided the first. I recognize no Christian "Europe" sorry. It is a disgrace to the sacrifices of their ancestors. They died trying to ward off christian influence.

I mean, you can secularize pre-Christian paganism very easily, don't see the issue with it, just read plotinus.

They're called economic refugees user. They're uninterested in anything other than how much money they'll get from socialist governments. This is why they all wanted to go to Germany, England, & Sweden.

That picture never fail to trigger me. I always need to watch this to untrigger myself:

When 2 cultures collide the stronger culture takes over and integrates some from the previous one(thesis+antithesis=synthesus).

Let's admit it, archaic europeans(apart from the greeks and the romans which received influence from the levant) were mostly semi- nomadic barbarians who worshipped primitive pagan gods. When they collided with the superior semitic culture which developed in mesopotamia over thousands of years before they had no chance. I don't understand why you admire indo-europeans so much. They were basically the Turks and huns of their day.

>Have you ever read the Kabbalah,Torah,Talmud or the essays of Maimonides,Yeudah Halevy or Rashi? Maybe it will change your mind aboyt the truth and light the jewish people have brought to this world.

Fuck off, faggot. Jesus was a loser that never intended his teachings for the "goy". If anything, he most likely didn't even exist, check Richard Carrier. Regardless, the Christianity we know of is from St. Paul.

People should figure shit out themselves. Read Plotinus, the Indo-European myths of their forebears.

>The wisdom of greco-roman philosophies were never aimed at spreading themselves to the masses.

Well, they should spread now.

>A good example of a philosopher who knew how to spread his ideology and makes his point simple is Karl Marx.

Oy vey, I think Schopenhauer did a good job refuting the Hegelian dialectic bullshit that heavily influenced Karl Marx's bullshit.

What's wrong with you Jews?

Please take your Hegelian bullshit and shove it up your ass. Schopenhauer was a lot better and tends to lead to a reactionary attitude that I prefer. He fits well with Spengler and similar philosophers.

>I don't understand why you admire indo-europeans so much. They were basically the Turks and huns of their day.

It's either them or you Jews. I prefer them. I think they'll slowly wake up.

Perhaps another wave is necessary, but I don't want you Jews to be the center of it, thank you very much.


>We bring in
Thats the First Problem
Sweden is so far away from all those countries
It also should be clear by now that Allah >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything else

Holy shit, the edge is real. Im not even Christian, but this is hilarious. Excellent bait.